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English 6 letter words - Containing letters rbgh - page 1

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  1. (metallurgy) Of a metal object or surface: lacking any protective coating or surface treatment for the prevention of corrosion.
  2. (music) Of a rhythm or tempo: lively, upbeat.
  3. Clearly apparent; conspicuous.
  4. Emitting much light; visually dazzling; luminous, lucent, radiant.
  5. Glorious; illustrious.
  6. Having a clear, quick intellect; intelligent.
  7. In good spirits; happy, optimistic.
  8. Manifest to the mind as light is to the eyes; clear, evident, plain.
  9. Of a colour: not muted or pale; bold, brilliant, vivid.
  10. Of a musical instrument, sound, or a voice: clearly audible; clear, resounding, and often high-pitched.
  11. Of a period of history or time: happy, prosperous, successful.
  12. Of a person: lively, vivacious.
  13. Of a place: not dark; well-lit.
  14. Of a room or other place: having acoustic qualities that tend to cause much echoing or reverberation of sound, particularly at high frequencies.
  15. Of a scent or taste: not bland or mild; bold, sharp, strong.
  16. Of a substance: clear, transparent; also, pure, unadulterated; (specifically) of wine: free of suspended particles; not cloudy; fine.
  17. Of an object, surface, etc.: having vivid colour(s); colourful.
  18. Of an object, surface, etc.: reflecting much light; having a high lustre; gleaming, shiny.
  19. Of an opportunity or outlook: having a reasonable chance of success; favourable, good.
  20. Of climate or weather: not cloudy or gloomy; fair; also, of a period of time, the sky, etc.: characterized by much sunshine and good weather.
  21. Of conversation, writing, etc.: imaginative or sparkling with wit; clever, witty.
  22. Of light: brilliant, intense.
  23. Of the eyes: able to see clearly; of eyesight: keen, sharp.
  24. Of the face or eyes, or a smile: showing happiness or hopefulness; cheerful, lively.


  1. (archaic) Referring to sight, sound, understanding, etc.: clearly, distinctly; brightly.
  2. (often literary) In a bright manner; brightly, glowingly, luminously, lustrously.
  3. Referring to colour: with bold or vivid colours; brightly, boldly, vividly.


  1. (chiefly in the plural) Something (especially a product intended for sale) that has vivid colours or a lustrous appearance.
  2. (figuratively) Glory, splendour.
  3. (painting) An artist's brush used in acrylic and oil painting with a long ferrule and a flat, somewhat tapering bristle head.
  4. A person with a naturalistic worldview with no mystical or supernatural elements.
  5. Brightness, glow.


  1. (intransitive, also figuratively) Often followed by up: to become bright (in various senses); to brighten.
  2. (transitive) Often followed by up: to cast light on (someone or something); to brighten, to illuminate.
  3. (transitive, figuratively) Often followed by up: to cause (someone or something) to be bright (in various senses); to brighten; specifically, to make (someone or something) energetic, or happy and optimistic.






  1. plural of burgh




  1. A Zoroastrian; a Parsi.