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English 4 letter words - Containing letters kbn - page 1

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  1. (archaic, printing) A kind of table used by printers.
  2. (aviation) The incline of an aircraft, especially during a turn.
  3. (computing) A contiguous block of memory that is of fixed, hardware-dependent size, but often larger than a page and partitioning the memory such that two distinct banks do not overlap.
  4. (countable) A branch office of such an institution.
  5. (countable) A device used to store coins or currency.
  6. (countable) A fund from deposits or contributions, to be used in transacting business; a joint stock or capital.
  7. (countable) An institution where one can place and borrow money and take care of financial affairs.
  8. (countable) An underwriter or controller of a card game.
  9. (countable) In certain games, such as dominos, a fund of pieces from which the players are allowed to draw.
  10. (countable, chiefly in combination) A safe and guaranteed place of storage for and retrieval of important items or goods.
  11. (gambling, countable) The sum of money etc. which the dealer or banker has as a fund from which to draw stakes and pay losses.
  12. (geography) A slope of earth, sand, etc.; an embankment.
  13. (hydrology) An edge of river, lake, or other watercourse.
  14. (mining) A deposit of ore or coal, worked by excavations above water level.
  15. (mining) The face of the coal at which miners are working.
  16. (mining) The ground at the top of a shaft.
  17. (music) A bench, or row of keys belonging to a keyboard, as in an organ.
  18. (nautical, hydrology) An elevation, or rising ground, under the sea; a shallow area of shifting sand, gravel, mud, and so forth (for example, a sandbank or mudbank).
  19. (pinball) A set of multiple adjacent drop targets.
  20. (rail transport) An incline, a hill.
  21. (slang, uncountable) Money; profit.
  22. A bench or seat for judges in court.
  23. A bench, as for rowers in a galley; also, a tier of oars.
  24. A mass noun for a quantity of clouds.
  25. A row of keys on a musical keyboard or the equivalent on a typewriter keyboard.
  26. A row or panel of items stored or grouped together.
  27. The regular term of a court of law, or the full court sitting to hear arguments upon questions of law, as distinguished from a sitting at nisi prius, or a court held for jury trials. See banc


  1. (intransitive) To deal with a bank or financial institution, or for an institution to provide financial services to a client.
  2. (intransitive, aviation) To roll or incline laterally in order to turn.
  3. (rail transport, UK) To provide additional power for a train ascending a bank (incline) by attaching another locomotive.
  4. (transitive) To cause (an aircraft) to bank.
  5. (transitive) To cover the embers of a fire with ashes in order to retain heat.
  6. (transitive) To form into a bank or heap, to bank up.
  7. (transitive) To put into a bank.
  8. (transitive) To raise a mound or dike about; to enclose, defend, or fortify with a bank; to embank.
  9. (transitive, obsolete) To pass by the banks of.
  10. (transitive, order and arrangement) To arrange or order in a row.
  11. (transitive, slang) To conceal in the rectum for use in prison.




  1. (UK, Northern England, Scotland, dialect) A bench.




  1. (countable) An animal call resembling "bonk", for example, the call of the pobblebonk.
  2. (informal, countable) A bump on the head.
  3. (informal, countable) Any minor collision or blow.
  4. (informal, countable, chiefly UK) An act of sexual intercourse.
  5. (informal, uncountable) A condition of sudden, severe fatigue in an endurance sports event caused by glycogen depletion.


  1. (informal) To strike or collide with something.
  2. (informal, chiefly UK) To have sexual intercourse.
  3. (informal, sports) To experience sudden and severe fatigue in an endurance sports event due to glycogen depletion.
  4. (skateboarding, snowboarding) To hit something with the front of the board, especially in midair.




  1. (slang) Defective, broken, not functioning properly.


  1. (US) A wooden case or box, which serves for a seat in the daytime and for a bed at night.
  2. (US, dialect) A piece of wood placed on a lumberman's sled to sustain the end of heavy timbers.
  3. (military) A cot.
  4. (nautical) A built-in bed on board ship, often erected in tiers one above the other.
  5. (slang) A specimen of a recreational drug with insufficient active ingredient.
  6. (slang) Bunkum; senseless talk, nonsense.
  7. One of a series of berths or beds placed in tiers.


  1. (Britain) To fail to attend school or work without permission; to play truant (usually as in 'to bunk off').
  2. (dated) To expel from a school.
  3. (slang) To depart; scram.
  4. To occupy a bunk.
  5. To provide a bunk.




  1. (colloquial) To nab or steal.
  2. (obsolete) To seize with the teeth; to gnaw.




  1. (by extension, derogatory) A contemptible person; dick.
  2. (cooking) A dollop, an amount just larger than a spoonful (usually referring to butter).
  3. (geography) A prominent rounded hill.
  4. (slang, US) A freshman at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina.
  5. (vulgar, slang) The clitoris.
  6. A ball-shaped part of a handle, lever, etc., designed to be grabbed by the hand.
  7. A bulb of the garlic plant consisting of multiple cloves.
  8. A chunky branch-like piece, especially of a ginger rhizome.
  9. A prominent, rounded bump along a mountain ridge.
  10. A rounded control switch that can be turned on its axis, designed to be operated by the fingers.
  11. A rounded ornament on the hilt of an edged weapon; a pommel.
  12. A rounded protuberance, especially one arising from a flat surface; a fleshy lump or caruncle.
  13. The head of the penis; the glans.


  1. (Britain, slang, vulgar, of a man) To have sex with.




  1. A knob; a small lump.
  2. The waste or refuse of silk cocoons.




  1. Either of two thorny shrublike trees, of the genus Ziziphus, from North Africa and the Middle East; Ziziphus spina-christi is supposed to be the plant from which Christ's crown of thorns was made.
  2. The edible berry of Ziziphus lotus.
