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  1. (comparable, phonetics) Pronounced with the highest part of the body of the tongue toward the back of the mouth, near the soft palate (most often describing a vowel).
  2. (predicative) Returned or restored to a previous place or condition.
  3. At or near the rear.
  4. In arrears; overdue.
  5. Moving or operating backward.
  6. Not current.
  7. Situated away from the main or most frequented areas.


  1. (not comparable) In a reciprocal manner; in return.
  2. (not comparable) To or in a previous condition or place.
  3. (postpositive) Earlier, ago.
  4. Away from someone or something; at a distance.
  5. Away from the front or from an edge.
  6. In a direction opposite to that in which someone or something is facing or normally pointing.
  7. In a direction opposite to the usual or desired direction of movement or progress, physically or figuratively.
  8. In a manner that impedes.
  9. So as shrink, recede or move aside, or cause to do so.
  10. So as to reverse direction and return.
  11. To a later point in time. See also put back.
  12. Towards, into or in the past.


  1. (figurative) The part of a piece of clothing which covers the back.
  2. (figuratively) Upper part of a natural object which is considered to resemble an animal's back.
  3. (mining) The roof of a horizontal underground passage.
  4. (nautical) The keel and keelson of a ship.
  5. (obsolete) That part of the body that bears clothing. (Now used only in the phrase clothes on one's back.)
  6. (printing) The inside margin of a page.
  7. (slang, uncountable) Effort, usually physical.
  8. (slang, uncountable) Large and attractive buttocks.
  9. (sports) In some team sports, a position behind most players on the team.
  10. (swimming) Clipping of backstroke.
  11. A ferryboat.
  12. A large shallow vat; a cistern, tub, or trough, used by brewers, distillers, dyers, picklers, gluemakers, and others, for mixing or cooling wort, holding water, hot glue, etc.
  13. A non-alcoholic drink (often water or a soft drink), to go with hard liquor or a cocktail.
  14. A support or resource in reserve.
  15. Among leather dealers, one of the thickest and stoutest tanned hides.
  16. Area behind, such as the backyard of a house.
  17. That which is farthest away from the front.
  18. The backrest, the part of a piece of furniture which receives the human back.
  19. The edge of a book which is bound.
  20. The part of something that goes last.
  21. The rear of the body, especially the part between the neck and the end of the spine and opposite the chest and belly.
  22. The reverse side; the side that is not normally seen.
  23. The side of a blade opposite the side used for cutting.
  24. The side of any object which is opposite the front or useful side.
  25. The spine and associated tissues.


  1. Before now; ago.


  1. (MLE, transitive) To draw from behind the back [+accusative = a knife etc.] (as also back out).
  2. (Nigeria, transitive) To carry an infant on one's back.
  3. (UK, of a hunting dog) To stand still behind another dog which has pointed.
  4. (intransitive) To go in the reverse direction.
  5. (law, of a justice of the peace) To sign or endorse (a warrant, issued in another county, to apprehend an offender).
  6. (nautical, of a square sail) To brace the yards so that the wind presses on the front of the sail, to slow the ship.
  7. (nautical, of an anchor) To lay out a second, smaller anchor to provide additional holding power.
  8. (nautical, of the wind) To change direction contrary to the normal pattern; that is, to shift anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere, or clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
  9. (transitive) To push or force backwards.
  10. (transitive) To support.
  11. (transitive, obsolete) To get upon the back of; to mount.
  12. (transitive, obsolete) To place or seat upon the back.
  13. To adjoin behind; to be at the back of.
  14. To make a back for; to furnish with a back.
  15. To row backward with (oars).
  16. To write upon the back of, possibly as an endorsement.




  1. (anime and manga, fandom slang) Stupid; silly.


  1. (voodoo) An evil spirit in Haitian belief, often in the form of an animal.




  1. (Barbados, sometimes US and UK) A small, flat (or ball-shaped) cake of dough eaten in Barbados and sometimes elsewhere, similar in appearance and ingredients to a pancake but fried (or in some places sometimes roasted).
  2. (US) A social event at which food (such as seafood) is baked, or at which baked food is served.
  3. (especially UK, Australia, New Zealand) Any of various baked dishes resembling casserole.
  4. Any food item that is baked.
  5. The act of cooking food by baking.


  1. (computer graphics, transitive) To fix (lighting, reflections, etc.) as part of the texture of an object to improve rendering performance.
  2. (figurative, with "in" or "into") To incorporate into something greater.
  3. (intransitive) To be warmed to drying and hardening.
  4. (intransitive, figuratively) To be hot.
  5. (intransitive, slang) To smoke marijuana.
  6. (intransitive, with baked thing as subject) To be cooked in an oven.
  7. (transitive or intransitive or ditransitive, with person as subject) To cook (something) in an oven (for someone).
  8. (transitive) To dry by heat.
  9. (transitive, figuratively) To cause to be hot.
  10. (transitive, obsolete) To harden by cold.





  1. (agriculture) An uncultivated ridge formed in the open field system, caused by the action of ploughing.
  2. (archaeology) The wall of earth at the edge of an excavation.
  3. (badminton) A motion used to deceive the opponent during a serve.
  4. (baseball) An illegal motion by the pitcher, intended to deceive a runner.
  5. (billiards) The area of the table lying behind the line from which the cue ball is initially shot, and from which a ball in hand must be played.
  6. (fishing) The rope by which fishing nets are fastened together.
  7. (obsolete) An omission.
  8. (snooker) The area of the table lying behind the baulk line.
  9. A hindrance or disappointment; a check.
  10. A sudden and obstinate stop.
  11. Beam, crossbeam; squared timber; a tie beam of a house, stretching from wall to wall, especially when laid so as to form a loft, "the balks".


  1. (archaic) To pass over or by.
  2. (obsolete) To miss intentionally; to avoid.
  3. (sports, intransitive) To make a deceptive motion to deceive another player.
  4. To disappoint; to frustrate.
  5. To engage in contradiction; to be in opposition.
  6. To indicate to fishermen, by shouts or signals from shore, the direction taken by the shoals of herring.
  7. To leave heaped up; to heap up in piles.
  8. To leave or make balks in.
  9. To omit, miss, or overlook by chance.
  10. To refuse suddenly.
  11. To stop short and refuse to go on.
  12. To stop, check, block.




  1. (archaic, printing) A kind of table used by printers.
  2. (aviation) The incline of an aircraft, especially during a turn.
  3. (computing) A contiguous block of memory that is of fixed, hardware-dependent size, but often larger than a page and partitioning the memory such that two distinct banks do not overlap.
  4. (countable) A branch office of such an institution.
  5. (countable) A device used to store coins or currency.
  6. (countable) A fund from deposits or contributions, to be used in transacting business; a joint stock or capital.
  7. (countable) An institution where one can place and borrow money and take care of financial affairs.
  8. (countable) An underwriter or controller of a card game.
  9. (countable) In certain games, such as dominos, a fund of pieces from which the players are allowed to draw.
  10. (countable, chiefly in combination) A safe and guaranteed place of storage for and retrieval of important items or goods.
  11. (gambling, countable) The sum of money etc. which the dealer or banker has as a fund from which to draw stakes and pay losses.
  12. (geography) A slope of earth, sand, etc.; an embankment.
  13. (hydrology) An edge of river, lake, or other watercourse.
  14. (mining) A deposit of ore or coal, worked by excavations above water level.
  15. (mining) The face of the coal at which miners are working.
  16. (mining) The ground at the top of a shaft.
  17. (music) A bench, or row of keys belonging to a keyboard, as in an organ.
  18. (nautical, hydrology) An elevation, or rising ground, under the sea; a shallow area of shifting sand, gravel, mud, and so forth (for example, a sandbank or mudbank).
  19. (pinball) A set of multiple adjacent drop targets.
  20. (rail transport) An incline, a hill.
  21. (slang, uncountable) Money; profit.
  22. A bench or seat for judges in court.
  23. A bench, as for rowers in a galley; also, a tier of oars.
  24. A mass noun for a quantity of clouds.
  25. A row of keys on a musical keyboard or the equivalent on a typewriter keyboard.
  26. A row or panel of items stored or grouped together.
  27. The regular term of a court of law, or the full court sitting to hear arguments upon questions of law, as distinguished from a sitting at nisi prius, or a court held for jury trials. See banc


  1. (intransitive) To deal with a bank or financial institution, or for an institution to provide financial services to a client.
  2. (intransitive, aviation) To roll or incline laterally in order to turn.
  3. (rail transport, UK) To provide additional power for a train ascending a bank (incline) by attaching another locomotive.
  4. (transitive) To cause (an aircraft) to bank.
  5. (transitive) To cover the embers of a fire with ashes in order to retain heat.
  6. (transitive) To form into a bank or heap, to bank up.
  7. (transitive) To put into a bank.
  8. (transitive) To raise a mound or dike about; to enclose, defend, or fortify with a bank; to embank.
  9. (transitive, obsolete) To pass by the banks of.
  10. (transitive, order and arrangement) To arrange or order in a row.
  11. (transitive, slang) To conceal in the rectum for use in prison.




  1. (countable, uncountable) The exterior covering of the trunk and branches of a tree.
  2. (figuratively) An abrupt loud vocal utterance.
  3. (medicine) Peruvian bark or Jesuit's bark, the bark of the cinchona from which quinine is produced.
  4. (nautical) A vessel, typically with three (or more) masts, with the foremasts (or fore- and mainmasts) square-rigged, and mizzenmast schooner-rigged.
  5. (obsolete) A small sailing vessel, e.g. a pinnace or a fishing smack; a rowing boat or barge.
  6. (poetic) A sailing vessel or boat of any kind.
  7. Hard candy made in flat sheets, for instance out of chocolate, peanut butter, toffee or peppermint.
  8. The crust formed on barbecued meat that has had a rub applied to it.
  9. The envelopment or outer covering of anything.
  10. The short, loud, explosive sound uttered by a dog, a fox, and some other animals.


  1. (intransitive) To make a clamor; to make importunate outcries.
  2. (intransitive) To make a short, loud, explosive noise with the vocal organs (said of animals, especially dogs).
  3. (transitive) To speak sharply.
  4. To abrade or rub off any outer covering from.
  5. To cover or inclose with bark, or as with bark.
  6. To girdle.
  7. To strip the bark from; to peel.




  1. (figurative) To take great pleasure or satisfaction; to feel warmth or happiness. (This verb is usually followed by "in").
  2. To bathe in warmth; to be exposed to pleasant heat.





  1. (architecture) A continuous slight projection ending in an arris or narrow fillet; that part of a drip from which the water is thrown off.
  2. (botany) Any process somewhat like the beak of a bird, terminating the fruit or other parts of a plant.
  3. (entomology) Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Libythea, notable for the beak-like elongation on their heads.
  4. (farriery) A toe clip.
  5. (nautical) A beam, shod or armed at the end with a metal head or point, and projecting from the prow of an ancient galley, used as a ram to pierce the vessel of an enemy; a beakhead.
  6. (nautical) That part of a ship, before the forecastle, which is fastened to the stem, and supported by the main knee.
  7. (slang) The human nose, especially one that is large and pointed.
  8. (slang, Britain) A justice of the peace; a magistrate.
  9. (slang, British public schools) A schoolmaster (originally, at Eton).
  10. (slang, Southern England) cocaine.
  11. A rigid structure projecting from the front of a bird's face, used for pecking, grooming, foraging, carrying items, eating food, etc.
  12. A similar structure forming the jaws of an octopus, turtle, etc.
  13. Anything projecting or ending in a point like a beak, such as a promontory of land.
  14. The long projecting sucking mouth of some insects and other invertebrates, as in the Hemiptera.
  15. The prolongation of certain univalve shells containing the canal.
  16. The upper or projecting part of the shell, near the hinge of a bivalve.


  1. (intransitive, Northern Ireland) To play truant.
  2. (transitive) Seize with the beak.
  3. (transitive) Strike with the beak.




  1. an ancient Biblical unit of weight, half a shekel



Proper noun

  1. A small island north of New Guinea.
  2. A language spoken on this island and others near it.




  1. (Scotland) To retch or vomit.
  2. (obsolete) To burp.




  1. (music) The short introduction to a gamelan piece, generally played by a single instrument in a free rhythm, with the kendhang coming in on the last few notes to set the tempo.
  2. A kangaroo-skin cloak traditionally worn by the Noongar people of southwestern Australia.




  1. plural of kab






  1. Abbreviation of kilobar.




  1. (colloquial) To nab or steal.
  2. (obsolete) To seize with the teeth; to gnaw.





  1. Either of two thorny shrublike trees, of the genus Ziziphus, from North Africa and the Middle East; Ziziphus spina-christi is supposed to be the plant from which Christ's crown of thorns was made.
  2. The edible berry of Ziziphus lotus.