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English 3 letter words - Containing letters jg - page 1

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  1. Alternative form of gadje (“non-Romani person”)






  1. (Scotland) A medical injection, a jab.
  2. (Scotland, archaic) A leather bag or wallet; (in the plural) saddlebags.
  3. (Western Pennsylvania, dialectal) A thorn from a bush (see jaggerbush).
  4. (Western Pennsylvania, dialectal, derogatory) Ellipsis of jagoff.: An irritating, inept, or repugnant person.
  5. (botany) A cleft or division.
  6. A binge or period of overindulgence; a spree.
  7. A fit, spell, outburst.
  8. A flap, a tear in a clothing
  9. A one-horse cart load, or, in modern times, a truck load, of hay or wood.
  10. A part broken off; a fragment.
  11. A sharp projection.
  12. Enough liquor to make a person noticeably drunk; a skinful.


  1. (Western Pennsylvania) To tease.
  2. To cut unevenly.




  1. (machinery) Alternative form of jig





  1. (US, offensive, slang, dated, ethnic slur) A black person.
  2. (fishing) A type of lure consisting of a hook molded into a weight, usually with a bright or colorful body.
  3. (mining) An apparatus or machine for jigging ore.
  4. (music) A light, brisk musical movement; a gigue.
  5. (obsolete) A light, humorous piece of writing, especially in rhyme; a farce in verse; a ballad.
  6. (obsolete) A trick; a prank.
  7. (traditional English Morris dancing) A dance performed by one or sometimes two individual dancers, as opposed to a dance performed by a set or team.
  8. (traditional Irish music and dance) A lively dance in 6/8 (double jig), 9/8 (slip jig) or 12/8 (single jig) time; a tune suitable for such a dance. By extension, a lively traditional tune in any of these time signatures. Unqualified, the term is usually taken to refer to a double (6/8) jig.
  9. A device in manufacturing, woodworking, or other creative endeavors for controlling the location, path of movement, or both of either a workpiece or the tool that is operating upon it. Subsets of this general class include machining jigs, woodworking jigs, welders' jigs, jewelers' jigs, and many others.


  1. (fishing) To fish with a jig.
  2. (mining) To sort or separate, as ore in a jigger or sieve.
  3. To cut or form, as a piece of metal, in a jigging machine.
  4. To move briskly, especially as a dance.
  5. To move with a skip or rhythm; to move with vibrations or jerks.
  6. To sing to the tune of a jig.
  7. To trick or cheat; to cajole; to delude.




  1. (theater) A flat placed perpendicularly to break up a flat surface.
  2. A sudden push or nudge.
  3. An energetic trot, slower than a run, often used as a form of exercise.
  4. In card tricks, one or more cards that are secretly made to protrude slightly from the deck as an aid to the performer.


  1. (exercise) To move at a pace between walking and running, to run at a leisurely pace.
  2. To cause to move at an energetic trot.
  3. To push slightly; to move or shake with a push or jerk, as to gain the attention of; to jolt.
  4. To shake, stir or rouse.
  5. To straighten stacks of paper by lightly tapping against a flat surface.
  6. To walk or ride forward with a jolting pace; to move at a heavy pace, trudge; to move on or along.




  1. (CB radio slang, chiefly in the plural) A kind of large, high-powered vacuum tube.
  2. (New Zealand) An upright electric kettle.
  3. (US, Roman Catholicism, countable or uncountable) detention (after-school student punishment)
  4. (climbing) A hold large enough for both hands
  5. (slang) Jail.
  6. (vulgar, slang, chiefly in the plural) A woman's breasts.
  7. A serving vessel or container, typically circular in cross-section and typically higher than it is wide, with a relatively small mouth or spout, an ear handle and often a stopper or top.
  8. A small mixed breed of dog created by mating a Jack Russell terrier and a pug.
  9. The amount that a jug can hold.


  1. (US, Roman Catholicism, transitive) to issue a detention (to a student)
  2. (intransitive) To utter a sound like "jug", as certain birds do, especially the nightingale.
  3. (intransitive, of quails or partridges) To nestle or collect together in a covey.
  4. (transitive) To stew in an earthenware jug etc.
  5. (transitive, slang) To put into jail.