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  1. (figuratively) Despondent; dispirited, downcast.
  2. In a state between dry and wet; moderately wet; moist.


  1. (archaic or historical, mining) A gaseous product, formed in coal mines, old wells, pits, etc.
  2. (archaic) Dejection or depression; something that spoils a positive emotion (such as enjoyment, satisfaction, expectation or courage) or a desired activity.
  3. (archaic) Fog; fogginess; vapor.
  4. Moisture; humidity; dampness.


  1. (transitive) To suppress vibrations (mechanical) or oscillations (electrical) by converting energy to heat (or some other form of energy).
  2. (transitive, archaic) To dampen; to make moderately wet
  3. (transitive, archaic) To put out, as fire; to weaken, restrain, or make dull.







  1. (Northern England) A deep hole in a river bed; a pool.
  2. (UK, archaic) A lead counter used in the game of chuck-farthing.
  3. (UK, archaic) A thick, ill-shapen piece.
  4. (computing) A formatted listing of the contents of program storage, especially when produced automatically by a failing program.
  5. (computing) An act of dumping, or its result.
  6. (historical, Australia, Canada) A small coin made by punching a hole in a larger coin (called a holey dollar).
  7. (marketing) A temporary display case that holds many copies of an item being sold.
  8. (mining) A pile of ore or rock.
  9. (obsolete) A melancholy strain or tune in music; any tune.
  10. (obsolete) An old kind of dance.
  11. (slang, often with the verb "take", euphemistic) An act of defecation; a defecating.
  12. (usually in the plural) A sad, gloomy state of the mind; sadness; melancholy; despondency.
  13. A car or boat for dumping refuse, etc.
  14. A place where waste or garbage is left; a ground or place for dumping ashes, refuse, etc.; a disposal site.
  15. A storage place for supplies, especially military.
  16. Absence of mind; reverie.
  17. An unpleasant, dirty, disreputable, unfashionable, boring, or depressing looking place.
  18. That which is dumped, especially in a chaotic way; a mess.


  1. (transitive) To discard; to get rid of something one no longer wants.
  2. (transitive) To put or throw down with more or less of violence; hence, to unload from a cart by tilting it
  3. (transitive) To release, especially in large quantities and chaotic manner.
  4. (transitive) To sell below cost or very cheaply; to engage in dumping.
  5. (transitive, Australia) Of a surf wave, to crash a swimmer, surfer, etc., heavily downwards.
  6. (transitive, US) To precipitate (especially snow) heavily.
  7. (transitive, computing) To copy (data) from a system to another place or system, usually in order to archive it.
  8. (transitive, computing) To output the contents of storage or a data structure, often in order to diagnose a bug.
  9. (transitive, informal) To end a romantic relationship with.
  10. (transitive, obsolete, Scotland) To knock heavily; to stump.






