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English 4 letter words - Containing letters be - page 1

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a : 23.29%

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i : 10.96%

d : 9.59%

t : 9.25%

u : 7.88%

g : 5.82%

h : 5.48%

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y : 5.14%

m : 5.14%

k : 4.79%

z : 3.42%

p : 2.74%

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v : 2.05%

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  1. Alternative spelling of abbé




  1. In bed, or on the bed; confined to bed.
  2. To childbed





  1. (obsolete) An act of abetting; of helping; of giving aid.
  2. (obsolete) Fraud or cunning.


  1. (obsolete) To back up one's forecast of a doubtful issue, by staking money, etc., to bet.
  2. (obsolete, transitive) To urge on, stimulate (a person to do) something desirable.
  3. (transitive) To incite; to assist or encourage by aid or countenance in crime.
  4. (transitive) To support, countenance, maintain, uphold, or aid (any good cause, opinion, or action); to maintain.





  1. (transitive) To hold in abeyance; to suspend.





  1. (law) Legally qualified or competent.
  2. (nautical) Capable of performing all the requisite duties; as an able seaman.
  3. (obsolete) Easy to use.
  4. (obsolete) Rich; well-to-do.
  5. (obsolete) Suitable; competent.
  6. (obsolete, dialectal) Having the physical strength; robust; healthy.
  7. (obsolete, dialectal) Liable to.
  8. Free from constraints preventing completion of task; permitted to; not prevented from.
  9. Gifted with skill, intelligence, knowledge, or competence.
  10. Having the necessary powers or the needed resources to accomplish a task.


  1. (military) The letter "A" in Navy Phonetic Alphabet.


  1. (transitive, obsolete) To dress.
  2. (transitive, obsolete) To give power to; to reinforce; to confirm.
  3. (transitive, obsolete) To make capable; to enable.
  4. (transitive, obsolete) To make ready.
  5. (transitive, obsolete) To vouch for; to guarantee.




  1. Alternative form of aby




  1. (obsolete) Synonym of albeit


  1. Obsolete spelling of alb




  1. (historical) An old mechanical contrivance, ascribed to Hippocrates, for reducing dislocations of the shoulder.





  1. Obsolete form of alb.




  1. (endearing) Darling (term of endearment).
  2. (literary or poetic) A baby or infant; a very young human or animal. [from 14th c.]
  3. (slang) An attractive person, especially a young woman. [from 20th c.]




  1. simple past tense of bid




  1. simple past tense and past participle of bae




  1. A tropical fruit tree from India, Aegle marmelos.
  2. The fruit of the tree, also called the wood apple.







  1. (Barbados, sometimes US and UK) A small, flat (or ball-shaped) cake of dough eaten in Barbados and sometimes elsewhere, similar in appearance and ingredients to a pancake but fried (or in some places sometimes roasted).
  2. (US) A social event at which food (such as seafood) is baked, or at which baked food is served.
  3. (especially UK, Australia, New Zealand) Any of various baked dishes resembling casserole.
  4. Any food item that is baked.
  5. The act of cooking food by baking.


  1. (computer graphics, transitive) To fix (lighting, reflections, etc.) as part of the texture of an object to improve rendering performance.
  2. (figurative, with "in" or "into") To incorporate into something greater.
  3. (intransitive) To be warmed to drying and hardening.
  4. (intransitive, figuratively) To be hot.
  5. (intransitive, slang) To smoke marijuana.
  6. (intransitive, with baked thing as subject) To be cooked in an oven.
  7. (transitive or intransitive or ditransitive, with person as subject) To cook (something) in an oven (for someone).
  8. (transitive) To dry by heat.
  9. (transitive, figuratively) To cause to be hot.
  10. (transitive, obsolete) To harden by cold.




  1. (archaic) A beacon-fire.
  2. (archaic) A funeral pyre.
  3. (obsolete) A large fire, a conflagration or bonfire.
  4. A block of compressed cannabis.
  5. A bundle of compressed wool or hay, compacted for shipping and handling.
  6. A measurement of hay equal to 10 flakes. Approximately 70-90 lbs (32-41 kg).
  7. A measurement of paper equal to 10 reams.
  8. A rounded bundle or package of goods in a cloth cover, and corded for storage or transportation.
  9. Evil, especially considered as an active force for destruction or death.
  10. Suffering, woe, torment.


  1. (Britain, nautical) To remove water from a boat with buckets etc.
  2. (transitive) To wrap into a bale.




  1. (chiefly Scotland) Bone.
  2. (dated) Poison, especially any of several poisonous plants.
  3. (obsolete) A killer, murderer, slayer.
  4. (obsolete) Destruction; death.
  5. A cause of misery or death.
  6. A disease of sheep.


  1. (transitive) To be the bane of.
  2. (transitive) To kill, especially by poison; to be the poison of.




  1. (MLE, MTE, Yorkshire, slang, not comparable) A lot or lots of.
  2. (figuratively) Mere; without embellishment.
  3. Having had what usually covers (something) removed.
  4. Having no decoration.
  5. Having no supplies.
  6. Minimal; that is or are just sufficient.
  7. Naked, uncovered.
  8. Not insured.
  9. Threadbare, very worn.
  10. With head uncovered; bareheaded.
  11. Without anything to cover up or conceal one's thoughts or actions; open to view; exposed.


  1. (MLE, slang) Very; significantly.
  2. (dialect) Barely.


  1. (architecture) That part of a roofing slate, shingle, tile, or metal plate, which is exposed to the weather.
  2. (‘the bare’) The surface, the (bare) skin.
  3. Surface; body; substance.


  1. (obsolete) simple past tense of bear
  2. (transitive) To uncover; to reveal.




  1. (archaic) Of low social standing or rank; vulgar, common.
  2. (law) Not held by honourable service.
  3. (now rare) Inferior; unworthy, of poor quality.
  4. (obsolete) Low in height; short.
  5. (obsolete) Of illegitimate birth; bastard.
  6. (obsolete) Of low value or degree.
  7. (of a metal) Not considered precious or noble.
  8. Alloyed with inferior metal; debased.
  9. Low in place or position.
  10. Morally reprehensible, immoral; cowardly.
  11. Not classical or correct.
  12. Obsolete form of bass.


  1. (Marxism) The forces and relations of production that produce the necessities and amenities of life.
  2. (acrobatics, cheerleading) In hand-to-hand balance, the person who supports the flyer; the person that remains in contact with the ground.
  3. (archaic) The housing of a horse.
  4. (architecture) The lowermost part of a column, between the shaft and the pedestal or pavement.
  5. (aviation) Short for base leg.
  6. (baseball) One of the four places that a runner can stand without being subject to being tagged out when the ball is in play.
  7. (biology, biochemistry) A nucleotide's nucleobase in the context of a DNA or RNA biopolymer.
  8. (botany) The end of a leaf, petal or similar organ where it is attached to its support.
  9. (chemistry) Any of a class of generally water-soluble compounds, having bitter taste, that turn red litmus blue, and react with acids to form salts.
  10. (cooking, painting, pharmacy) A basic but essential component or ingredient.
  11. (cosmetics) Foundation: a cosmetic cream to make the face appear uniform.
  12. (electronics) The name of the controlling terminal of a bipolar transistor (BJT).
  13. (geometry) The lowest side of a triangle or other polygon, or the lowest face of a cone, pyramid or other polyhedron laid flat.
  14. (group theory) A sequence of elements not jointly stabilized by any nontrivial group element.
  15. (heraldry) The lower part of the field. See escutcheon.
  16. (heraldry) The lowest third of a shield or escutcheon.
  17. (historical, sometimes in the plural) A kind of skirt (often of velvet or brocade, but sometimes of mail or other armour) which hung from the middle to about the knees, or lower.
  18. (linguistics) A morpheme (or morphemes) that serves as a basic foundation on which affixes can be attached.
  19. (mathematics) A number raised to the power of an exponent.
  20. (mathematics) Synonym of radix.
  21. (military, historical) The smallest kind of cannon.
  22. (music) Dated form of bass.
  23. (now chiefly US, historical) The game of prisoners' bars.
  24. (obsolete) An apron.
  25. (obsolete) The lower part of a robe or petticoat.
  26. (politics) A group of voters who almost always support a single party's candidates for elected office.
  27. (slang) freebase cocaine
  28. (topology) A topological space, looked at in relation to one of its covering spaces, fibrations, or bundles.
  29. (topology) The set of sets from which a topology is generated.
  30. A line in a survey which, being accurately determined in length and position, serves as the origin from which to compute the distances and positions of any points or objects connected with it by a system of triangles.
  31. A material that holds paint or other materials together; a binder.
  32. A permanent structure for housing military personnel and material.
  33. A safe zone in the children's games of tag and hide-and-go-seek.
  34. A substance used as a mordant in dyeing.
  35. A supporting, lower or bottom component of a structure or object.
  36. Alternative form of BASE
  37. Something from which other things extend; a foundation.
  38. The place where decisions for an organization are made; headquarters.
  39. The starting point of a logical deduction or thought; basis.


  1. (acrobatics, cheerleading) To act as a base; to be the person supporting the flyer.
  2. (slang) To freebase.
  3. (transitive) To be located (at a particular place).
  4. (transitive) To give as its foundation or starting point; to lay the foundation of.




  1. A vat which contains this liquid.
  2. An alkaline lye which neutralizes the effect of the previous application of lime, and makes hides supple in the process of tanning.
  3. Strife; contention.


  1. (archaic, transitive) To leave out, except, bar.
  2. (intransitive) To contend or strive with blows or arguments.
  3. (intransitive, falconry) Of a falcon: To flap the wings vigorously; to bait.
  4. (intransitive, slang) To masturbate.
  5. (obsolete or nonstandard) simple past tense of beat; = beat.
  6. (transitive) To reduce the force of something; to abate.
  7. (transitive) To restrain, usually with the sense of being in anticipation
  8. (transitive) To soak leather so as to remove chemicals used in tanning; to steep in bate.
  9. (transitive, sometimes figuratively) To cut off, remove, take away.
  10. To allow by way of abatement or deduction.
  11. To deprive of.
  12. To lessen by retrenching, deducting, or reducing; to abate; to beat down; to lower.
  13. To waste away.




  1. (transitive, obsolete) To stupefy; frighten; alarm.







  1. (archaic) Prayer, later especially with a rosary.
  2. (architecture) A narrow molding with semicircular section.
  3. (by extension) Knowledge sufficient to direct one's activities to a purpose.
  4. (chemistry, dated) A glassy drop of molten flux, as borax or microcosmic salt, used as a solvent and color test for several mineral earths and oxides, as of iron, manganese, etc., before the blowpipe.
  5. A bubble, in spirits.
  6. A rigid edge of a tire that mounts it on a wheel; tire bead.
  7. A small drop of water or other liquid.
  8. A small, round ball at the end of a barrel of a gun used for aiming.
  9. A small, round object with a hole to allow it to be threaded on a cord or wire, particularly for decorative purposes.
  10. Each in a string of small balls making up the rosary or paternoster.
  11. Various small, round solid objects.


  1. (intransitive) To form into a bead.
  2. (transitive) To apply beads to.
  3. (transitive) To cause beads to form on (something).
  4. (transitive) To form into a bead.




  1. (architecture) A continuous slight projection ending in an arris or narrow fillet; that part of a drip from which the water is thrown off.
  2. (botany) Any process somewhat like the beak of a bird, terminating the fruit or other parts of a plant.
  3. (entomology) Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Libythea, notable for the beak-like elongation on their heads.
  4. (farriery) A toe clip.
  5. (nautical) A beam, shod or armed at the end with a metal head or point, and projecting from the prow of an ancient galley, used as a ram to pierce the vessel of an enemy; a beakhead.
  6. (nautical) That part of a ship, before the forecastle, which is fastened to the stem, and supported by the main knee.
  7. (slang) The human nose, especially one that is large and pointed.
  8. (slang, Britain) A justice of the peace; a magistrate.
  9. (slang, British public schools) A schoolmaster (originally, at Eton).
  10. (slang, Southern England) cocaine.
  11. A rigid structure projecting from the front of a bird's face, used for pecking, grooming, foraging, carrying items, eating food, etc.
  12. A similar structure forming the jaws of an octopus, turtle, etc.
  13. Anything projecting or ending in a point like a beak, such as a promontory of land.
  14. The long projecting sucking mouth of some insects and other invertebrates, as in the Hemiptera.
  15. The prolongation of certain univalve shells containing the canal.
  16. The upper or projecting part of the shell, near the hinge of a bivalve.


  1. (intransitive, Northern Ireland) To play truant.
  2. (transitive) Seize with the beak.
  3. (transitive) Strike with the beak.




  1. (dialectal or obsolete) A small inflammatory tumor; pustule.


  1. (dialectal, chiefly Scotland, Western Pennsylvania) To gather matter; swell; come to a head, as a pimple; fester; suppurate.




  1. (figuratively) A ray; a gleam.
  2. (gymnastics) Ellipsis of balance beam.
  3. (literary) The pole of a carriage or chariot.
  4. (music) A horizontal bar which connects the stems of two or more notes to group them and to indicate metric value.
  5. (nautical) The direction across a vessel, perpendicular to fore-and-aft.
  6. (nautical) The maximum width of a vessel (note that a vessel with a beam of 15 foot can also be said to be 15 foot abeam).
  7. (railway) An elevated rectangular dirt pile used to cheaply build an elevated portion of a railway.
  8. (textiles) A cylinder of wood, making part of a loom, on which weavers wind the warp before weaving and the cylinder on which the cloth is rolled, as it is woven.
  9. A ray or collection of approximately parallel rays emitted from the sun or other luminous body.
  10. Any large piece of timber or iron long in proportion to its thickness, and prepared for use.
  11. In steam engines, a heavy iron lever having an oscillating motion on a central axis, one end of which is connected with the piston rod from which it receives motion, and the other with the crank of the wheel shaft.
  12. One of the long feathers in the wing of a hawk.
  13. One of the principal horizontal structural members, usually of steel, timber, or concrete, of a building; one of the transverse members of a ship's frame on which the decks are laid — supported at the sides by knees in wooden ships and by stringers in steel ones.
  14. The central bar of a plow, to which the handles and colter are secured, and to the end of which are attached the oxen or horses that draw it.
  15. The crossbar of a mechanical balance, from the ends of which the scales are suspended.
  16. The principal stem of the antler of a deer.
  17. The straight part or shank of an anchor.


  1. (intransitive, figuratively) To smile broadly or especially cheerfully.
  2. (transitive) To furnish or supply with beams.
  3. (transitive) To give the appearance of beams to.
  4. (transitive, computing) To transmit, especially by direct wireless means such as infrared.
  5. (transitive, currying) To stretch something (for example, an animal hide) on a beam.
  6. (transitive, intransitive) To emit beams of light; to shine; to radiate.
  7. (transitive, music) To connect (musical notes) with a beam, or thick line, in music notation.
  8. (transitive, science fiction) To transmit matter or information via a high-tech wireless mechanism.
  9. (transitive, weaving) To put (something) on a beam.




  1. (Britain, slang, archaic) A guinea coin.
  2. (Britain, slang, chiefly in the negative) Money.
  3. (by extension) An object resembling a pea or bean in shape, often made from plastic or styrofoam and used in large numbers as packing material or as stuffing for beanbags and similar items.
  4. (by extension) The bean-like seed of certain other plants, such a a vanilla bean or (especially) a coffee bean.
  5. (slang) The head or brain.
  6. (slang, often endearing) A person.
  7. (software) Clipping of JavaBean.
  8. Any plant of several genera of the taxonomic family Fabaceae that produces large edible seeds or edible seedpods.
  9. The edible seedpod of such a plant.
  10. The large edible seed of such a plant (for example, a broad bean, navy bean, or garbanzo bean).


  1. (chiefly baseball) To hit deliberately with a projectile, especially in the head.




  1. (finance, investments) Characterized by declining prices in securities markets or by belief that the prices will fall.


  1. (CB radio, slang, US) A state policeman (short for smokey bear).
  2. (cartomancy) The fifteenth Lenormand card.
  3. (colloquial, US) Something difficult or tiresome; a burden or chore.
  4. (cooking, uncountable) The meat of this animal.
  5. (engineering) A portable punching machine.
  6. (figuratively) A rough, unmannerly, uncouth person.
  7. (finance) An investor who sells commodities, securities, or futures in anticipation of a fall in prices.
  8. (gay slang) A large, hairy man, especially one who is homosexual.
  9. (nautical) A block covered with coarse matting, used to scour the deck.
  10. (obsolete) A pillowcase; a fabric case or covering as for a pillow.
  11. A large, generally omnivorous mammal (a few species are purely carnivorous or herbivorous), related to the dog and raccoon, having shaggy hair, a very small tail, and flat feet; a member of the family Ursidae.
  12. Alternative spelling of bere (“barley”).


  1. (chiefly transitive) To carry or convey, literally or figuratively.
  2. (finance, transitive) To endeavour to depress the price of, or prices in.
  3. (intransitive, figuratively) To take effect; to have influence or force; to be relevant.
  4. (intransitive, military, usually with on or upon) Of a weapon, to be aimed at an enemy or other target.
  5. (intransitive, obsolete) To carry a burden or burdens.
  6. (intransitive, originally nautical) To be, or head, in a specific direction or azimuth (from somewhere).
  7. (intransitive, usually with on, upon, or against) To push, thrust, press.
  8. (now transitive outside certain set patterns such as 'bear with'; formerly also intransitive) To endure or withstand (hardship, scrutiny, etc.); to tolerate; to be patient (with).
  9. (reflexive, transitive) To behave or conduct (oneself).
  10. (transitive) To admit or be capable of (a meaning); to suffer or sustain without violence, injury, or change.
  11. (transitive) To afford, to be something to someone, to supply with something.
  12. (transitive) To carry on, or maintain; to have.
  13. (transitive) To carry or hold in the mind; to experience, entertain, harbour (an idea, feeling, or emotion).
  14. (transitive) To display (a particular heraldic device) on a shield or coat of arms; to be entitled to wear or use (a heraldic device) as a coat of arms.
  15. (transitive) To give (written or oral testimony or evidence); (figurative) to provide or constitute (evidence or proof), give witness.
  16. (transitive) To have (a certain meaning, intent, or effect).
  17. (transitive) To have (a name, title, or designation).
  18. (transitive) To have or display (a mark or other feature).
  19. (transitive) To possess inherently (a quality, attribute, power, or capacity); to have and display as an essential characteristic.
  20. (transitive) To possess or enjoy (recognition, renown, a reputation, etc.); to have (a particular price, value, or worth).
  21. (transitive) To present or exhibit (a particular outward appearance); to have (a certain look).
  22. (transitive) To support or sustain; to hold up.
  23. (transitive) To sustain, or be answerable for (blame, expense, responsibility, etc.).
  24. (transitive) To warrant, justify the need for.
  25. (transitive, ditransitive) To give birth to (someone or something) (may take the father of the direct object as an indirect object).
  26. (transitive, less commonly intransitive) To produce or yield something, such as fruit or crops.
  27. (transitive, obsolete) To gain or win.
  28. (transitive, obsolete, rare) To take or bring (a person) with oneself; to conduct.
  29. (transitive, of a person or animal) To have (an appendage, organ, etc.) as part of the body; (of a part of the body) to have (an appendage).
  30. (transitive, of a thing) To have (a relation, correspondence, etc.) to something else.
  31. (transitive, of an investment, loan, etc.) To have (interest or a specified rate of interest) stipulated in its terms.
  32. (transitive, of garments, pieces of jewellery, etc.) To wear.
  33. (transitive, of weapons, flags or symbols of rank, office, etc.) To carry upon one's person, especially visibly; to be equipped with.
  34. (transitive, rare) To feel and show (respect, reverence, loyalty, etc.) to, towards, or unto a person or thing.
  35. (transitive, rare) To possess and use, to exercise (power or influence); to hold (an office, rank, or position).
  36. (transitive, rarely intransitive, of a woman or female animal) To carry (offspring in the womb), to be pregnant (with).




  1. (African-American Vernacular and gay slang) Having impressively attractive makeup.
  2. (US slang) Exhausted.
  3. (slang) Boring.
  4. (slang, of a person) Ugly.
  5. Dilapidated, beat up.
  6. Relating to the Beat Generation.


  1. (Australia) An area frequented by gay men in search of sexual activity. See gay beat.
  2. (archaic) A low cheat or swindler.
  3. (authorship) A short pause in a play, screenplay, or teleplay, for dramatic or comedic effect.
  4. (colloquial, dated) That which beats, or surpasses, another or others.
  5. (dated or obsolete, Southern US) A precinct.
  6. (dated) A place of habitual or frequent resort.
  7. (dated) An act of reporting news or scientific results before a rival; a scoop.
  8. (fencing) A smart tap on the adversary's blade.
  9. (hunting) The act of scouring, or ranging over, a tract of land to rouse or drive out game; also, those so engaged, collectively.
  10. (journalism) The primary focus of a reporter's stories (such as police/courts, education, city government, business etc.).
  11. (music) A pulse on the beat level, the metric level at which pulses are heard as the basic unit. Thus a beat is the basic time unit of a piece.
  12. (music) The rhythm signalled by a conductor or other musician to the members of a group of musicians.
  13. (slang) A makeup look; compare beat one's face.
  14. A beatnik.
  15. A pulsation or throb.
  16. A rhythm.
  17. A stroke; a blow.
  18. The instrumental portion of a piece of hip-hop music.
  19. The interference between two tones of almost equal frequency
  20. The route patrolled by a police officer or a guard.


  1. (especially colloquial) past participle of beat
  2. (intransitive) To move with pulsation or throbbing.
  3. (intransitive) To strike repeatedly; to inflict repeated blows; to knock vigorously or loudly.
  4. (intransitive, MLE, MTE, slang, vulgar) To have sexual intercourse.
  5. (intransitive, nautical) To sail to windward using a series of alternate tacks across the wind.
  6. (military, intransitive) To make a succession of strokes on a drum.
  7. (transitive) To arrive at a place before someone.
  8. (transitive) To hit; to strike.
  9. (transitive) To indicate by beating or drumming.
  10. (transitive) To strike (water, foliage etc.) in order to drive out game; to travel through (a forest etc.) for hunting.
  11. (transitive) To strike or pound repeatedly, usually in some sort of rhythm.
  12. (transitive) To win against; to defeat or overcome; to do or be better than (someone); to excel in a particular, competitive event.
  13. (transitive, UK, in haggling for a price of a buyer) To persuade the seller to reduce a price.
  14. (transitive, slang) To rob.
  15. To be in agitation or doubt.
  16. To exercise severely; to perplex; to trouble.
  17. To make a sound when struck.
  18. To mix food in a rapid fashion. Compare whip.
  19. To sound with more or less rapid alternations of greater and lesser intensity, so as to produce a pulsating effect; said of instruments, tones, or vibrations not perfectly in unison.
  20. To tread, as a path.
  21. simple past tense of beat




  1. (dated) A male lover; a boyfriend.
  2. (dated) A man with a reputation for fine dress and etiquette; a dandy or fop.
  3. A male escort.
  4. A suitor of a lady.




  1. (chiefly Canada, US, slang) The pubic hair near a vulva or a vulva itself.





  1. (Norfolk, Northern English dialect) A stream or small river.
  2. A significant nod, or motion of the head or hand, especially as a call or command.
  3. A vat.
  4. Obsolete form of beak.


  1. (archaic) To nod or motion with the head.




  1. (mining) A kind of pickaxe.
  2. Prayer, request, supplication
  3. Rosary.


  1. pray, offer, proffer
  2. present, counsel, advise, rede, exhort
  3. proclaim, declare
  4. request, demand, order, command, forbid




  1. plural of bed


  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bed



Proper noun

  1. The BBC


  1. A BBC Micro (early British home computer).




  1. (slang) Beefy; powerful; robust.
  2. Being a bovine animal that is being raised for its meat.
  3. Consisting of or containing beef as an ingredient.
  4. Producing or known for raising lots of beef.


  1. (Dorset) Fibrous calcite or limestone, especially when occurring in a jagged layer between shales in Dorset.
  2. (by extension, slang, uncountable) Muscle or musculature; size, strength or potency.
  3. (figurative, slang, uncountable) Essence, content; the important part of a document or project.
  4. (in the meat industry, on product packaging) The edible portions of a cow (including those which are not meat).
  5. (now chiefly Canada, US, countable, now uncommon, plural beeves) A bovine (cow or bull) being raised for its meat.
  6. (slang, uncountable or countable, plural beefs) A grudge; dislike (of something or someone); lack of faith or trust (in something or someone); a reason for a dislike or grudge. (often + with)
  7. (uncountable) Bovine animals.
  8. (uncountable) The meat from a cow, bull, or other bovine.


  1. (African-American Vernacular, MLE, MTE, intransitive, slang) To feud or hold a grudge against.
  2. (intransitive) To complain.
  3. (intransitive, chiefly Yorkshire) To cry.
  4. (intransitive, slang) To fart; break wind.
  5. (transitive) To add weight or strength to.
  6. (transitive, slang) To fail or mess up.




  1. (informal) Clipping of beekeeper.




  1. (UK dialectal) plural of bee


  1. (Southern US or African-American Vernacular) remote past form of be.
  2. (Southern US or African-American Vernacular, rare) Synonym of be (infinitival sense).
  3. (obsolete) plural simple present of be.
  4. past participle of be.




  1. A message sent to a pager device.
  2. A short, electronically produced tone.
  3. The sound produced by the horn of a car, or any similar sound.


  1. (intransitive) To produce a beep.
  2. (transitive) To contact (someone via) a pager device.
  3. (transitive) To sound (something that makes a beep).
  4. (transitive, informal, euphemistic) To have sexual intercourse with - referring to the bleep tone used to censor obscene words in broadcasts




  1. (countable) A glass, bottle, or can of any of the above beverages.
  2. (countable) A variety of the above beverages.
  3. (nonstandard) One who is or exists.
  4. (uncountable) A fermented extract of the roots and other parts of various plants, as spruce, ginger, sassafras, etc.
  5. (uncountable) A solution produced by steeping plant materials in water or another fluid.
  6. (uncountable) An alcoholic drink fermented from starch material, commonly barley malt, often with hops or some other substance to impart a bitter flavor.


  1. (informal, transitive) To give beer to (someone)




  1. plural of bee




  1. (US, Canada) A beetroot, a swollen root of such a plant.
  2. Beta vulgaris, a plant with a swollen root which is eaten or used to make sugar.


  1. (transitive, obsolete, dialect) To improve; to mend.
  2. (transitive, obsolete, dialect) To kindle a fire.
  3. (transitive, obsolete, dialect) To rouse.




  1. Alternative form of bigha




  1. That which besets, surrounds, compasses, or affects; situation; circumstance.


  1. (archaic) To go about; encompass; surround; beset, surround with hostile intent; to overrun.
  2. (obsolete except in set phrases) To affect, usually as a good or bad influence, or as a circumstance.
  3. (obsolete) To clothe, dress.
  4. (rare, humoristic or faux-archaic) To go away, to disappear.




  1. plural of beg


  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beg








  1. (Now chiefly dialectal) Wealthy; well-to-do.
  2. (Now chiefly dialectal) Well provided; comfortable; cosy.


  1. (Now chiefly dialectal) Comfortably.


  1. (transitive, Scotland) To dry.
  2. (transitive, Scotland) To render or make comfortable.





  1. an ancient Biblical unit of weight, half a shekel








  1. (Scotland, archaic) A bubble.
  2. (architecture) The part of the capital of a column included between the abacus and neck molding; also used for the naked core of nearly cylindrical shape, assumed to exist within the leafage of a capital.
  3. (chiefly Britain, informal) A telephone call.
  4. (computing) The bell character.
  5. (music) The flared end of a brass or woodwind instrument.
  6. (nautical) Any of a series of strokes on a bell (or similar), struck every half hour to indicate the time (within a four hour watch)
  7. A percussive instrument made of metal or other hard material, typically but not always in the shape of an inverted cup with a flared rim, which resonates when struck.
  8. A signal at a school that tells the students when a class is starting or ending.
  9. An instrument that emits a ringing sound, situated on a bicycle's handlebar and used by the cyclist to warn of his or her presence.
  10. Anything shaped like a bell, such as the cup or corolla of a flower.
  11. The bellow or bay of certain animals, such as a hound on the hunt or a stag in rut.
  12. The flared end of a pipe, designed to mate with a narrow spigot.
  13. The sounding of a bell as a signal.


  1. (intransitive) To bellow or roar.
  2. (intransitive) To develop bells or corollas; to take the form of a bell; to blossom.
  3. (slang, transitive) To telephone.
  4. (transitive) To attach a bell to.
  5. (transitive) To shape so that it flares out like a bell.
  6. (transitive) To utter in a loud manner; to thunder forth.




  1. plural of bel




  1. (astronomy) A collection of small bodies (such as asteroids) which orbit a star.
  2. (astronomy) One of certain girdles or zones on the surface of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, supposed to be of the nature of clouds.
  3. (baseball) The part of the strike zone at the height of the batter's waist.
  4. (military, nautical) A band of armor along the sides of a warship, protecting the ship's vital spaces.
  5. (music) A vocal tone produced by singing with chest voice above the break (or passaggio), in a range typically sung in head voice.
  6. (usually capitalized) A geographical region known for a particular product, feature or demographic (Corn Belt, Bible Belt, Black Belt, Green Belt).
  7. (weaponry) A device that holds and feeds cartridges into a belt-fed weapon.
  8. A band that is used in a machine to help transfer motion or power.
  9. A band used as a restraint for safety purposes, such as a seat belt.
  10. A band worn around the waist to hold clothing to one's body (usually pants), hold weapons (such as a gun or sword), or serve as a decorative piece of clothing.
  11. A powerful blow, often made with a fist or heavy object.
  12. A quick drink of liquor.
  13. A trophy in the shape of a belt, generally awarded for martial arts.
  14. Anything that resembles a belt, or that encircles or crosses like a belt; a strip or stripe.


  1. (transitive) To drink quickly, often in gulps.
  2. (transitive) To encircle.
  3. (transitive) To fasten a belt on.
  4. (transitive) To hit with a belt.
  5. (transitive) To invest (a person) with a belt as part of a formal ceremony such as knighthood.
  6. (transitive, baseball) To hit a pitched ball a long distance, usually for a home run.
  7. (transitive, colloquial) To hit someone or something.
  8. (transitive, informal, normally belt out) To scream or sing in a loud manner.




  1. Obsolete spelling of belly


  1. Obsolete spelling of belie




  1. A platform from which speakers addressed an assembly.
  2. Raised area of worship in a synagogue upon which rests the Holy Ark containing Scrolls of Torah.




  1. (historical) A mediaeval trumpet, usually used in hunting or warfare.





  1. (heraldry) One of the honourable ordinaries formed by two diagonal lines drawn from the dexter chief to the sinister base; it generally occupies a fifth part of the shield if uncharged, but if charged one third.
  2. (in the plural, medicine, underwater diving, with the) A severe condition caused by excessively quick decompression, causing bubbles of nitrogen to form in the blood; decompression sickness.
  3. (mining) Hard, indurated clay; bind.
  4. (music) A glissando, or glide between one pitch and another.
  5. (nautical, in the plural) The frames or ribs that form the ship's body from the keel to the top of the sides.
  6. (nautical, in the plural) The thickest and strongest planks in a ship's sides, more generally called wales, which have the beams, knees, and futtocks bolted to them.
  7. (obsolete) Turn; purpose; inclination; ends.
  8. A curve.
  9. Any of the various knots which join the ends of two lines.
  10. In the leather trade, the best quality of sole leather; a butt; sometimes, half a butt cut lengthwise.


  1. (intransitive) To apply oneself to a task or purpose.
  2. (intransitive) To be inclined; to direct itself.
  3. (intransitive) To become curved.
  4. (intransitive) To bow in prayer, or in token of submission.
  5. (intransitive) To change direction.
  6. (intransitive) To submit.
  7. (intransitive, nautical) To swing the body when rowing.
  8. (intransitive, usually with "down") To stoop.
  9. (transitive) To adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary.
  10. (transitive) To apply to a task or purpose.
  11. (transitive) To cause (something) to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means.
  12. (transitive) To cause to change direction.
  13. (transitive) To force to submit.
  14. (transitive, music) To smoothly change the pitch of a note.
  15. (transitive, nautical) To tie, as in securing a line to a cleat; to shackle a chain to an anchor; make fast.




  1. (obsolete, UK, thieves' cant) Good.


  1. (now chiefly dialectal) A prayer, especially to God; a petition; a boon.
  2. (obsolete, UK, thieves' cant) Tongue.
  3. Alternative form of benne (“sesame”)






  1. Obsolete form of bhang (“cannabis”).





  1. An alcoholic drink distilled from the fermented sap of palm trees, originating from the Philippines.




  1. (job advertisements) benefits
  2. plural of ben




  1. (Of a person) leading a life of crime.
  2. (Of something that is usually straight) Folded, dented.
  3. (colloquial, chiefly UK) Corrupt, dishonest.
  4. (colloquial, chiefly US) Suffering from the bends.
  5. (derogatory, colloquial, chiefly UK) Homosexual.
  6. (slang) High from both marijuana and alcohol.
  7. (slang, soccer) Inaccurately aimed.
  8. Determined or insistent.


  1. A declivity or slope, as of a hill.
  2. A grassy area, grassland.
  3. A predisposition to act or react in a particular way.
  4. An inclination or talent.
  5. Any of various stiff or reedy grasses.
  6. Particular direction or tendency; flexion; course.
  7. Such a subunit as a component of a barn's framing, joined to other bents by girts and summer beams.
  8. Such a subunit as a reinforcement to, or integral part of, a bridge's framing.
  9. Tension; force of acting; energy; impetus.
  10. The old dried stalks of grasses.
  11. The state of being curved, crooked, or inclined from a straight line; flexure; curvity.


  1. simple past tense and past participle of bend






  1. (chiefly Scotland) Barley, especially four-rowed barley or six-rowed barley.




  1. (chiefly South Africa) mountain
  2. An iceberg.





  1. (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, slang, derogatory, vulgar) Synonym of cunt in its various senses, (now especially somewhat endearing) a fool, a prat, a twit, etc.





  1. (Indiana, Ohio) A strip of land between a street and sidewalk.
  2. (Western Pennsylvania) Edge of a road.
  3. A ledge between the parapet and the moat in a fortification.
  4. A mound or bank of earth, used especially as a barrier or to provide insulation.
  5. A narrow ledge or shelf, as along the top or bottom of a slope.
  6. A raised bank or path, especially the bank of a canal opposite the towpath.
  7. A terrace formed by wave action along a beach.


  1. To provide something with a berm








  1. Most superior; most favorable.
  2. Most; largest.
  3. superlative form of good: most good.


  1. To the most advantage; with the most success, cause, profit, benefit, or propriety.
  2. superlative form of well: most well


  1. (countable) The person (or persons; or thing or things) that is (are) most excellent.
  2. (uncountable) One's best behavior.
  3. (uncountable) The supreme effort one can make, or has made.


  1. (modal verb, colloquial) Had best.
  2. (transitive) To beat in a contest.
  3. To surpass in skill or achievement.




  1. (computing) Preliminary; prerelease. Refers to an incomplete version of a product released for initial testing.
  2. (of a person, object or action) Associated with the beta male/female archetype.
  3. Designates the second in an order of precedence.
  4. Identifying a molecular position in an organic chemical compound.


  1. (aviation) Sideslip angle.
  2. (aviation) The range of engine power settings in which the blade pitch angle of a constant-speed propeller is controlled directly by the angle of the engine's throttle lever (rather than varying with engine torque and airspeed to maintain a constant propeller RPM), allowing the propeller to be disked to generate high drag and slow the aircraft quickly.
  3. (climbing) Information about a route which may aid someone in climbing it.
  4. (computing, video games, countable) Software in such a phase; a preliminary version.
  5. (computing, video games, uncountable) The phase of development after alpha testing and before launch, in which software, while not complete, has been released to potential users for testing.
  6. (fandom slang) In omegaverse fiction, a person of a secondary sex similar to normal humans, lacking the biological drives of alphas and omegas but generally capable of bonding and mating with either.
  7. (finance) Average sensitivity of a security's price to overall securities market prices.
  8. (physics) A beta particle or beta ray.
  9. (slang, manosphere, masculism) Ellipsis of beta male, a man who is less competent or desirable than an alpha male.
  10. Alternative spelling of betta (“fish in the genus Betta”)
  11. The second letter of the Greek alphabet (Β, β), preceded by alpha (Α, α) and followed by gamma, (Γ, γ). In modern Greek it represents the voiced labiodental fricative sound of v found in the English words have and vase.
  12. Used in marking scheme: α, β, γ or α+, α, α-, β etc.


  1. (chiefly Internet) To beta-read a text.
  2. (computing) To preliminarily release computer software for initial testing prior to final release.




  1. Obsolete spelling of beat
  2. Obsolete spelling of beet




  1. The second letter of the Aramaic alphabet, 𐡁
  2. The second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, ב
  3. The second letter of the Syriac alphabet, ܒ




  1. plural of bet


  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bet






  1. (collective) A group of animals, in particular quail.
  2. (collective) A large group or collection.
  3. (collective) A small group of persons, especially of girls and women.





  1. plural of bey




  1. A cobalt blue pigment.
  2. A pale blue pigment, prepared from the native blue carbonate of copper, or from smalt.




  1. (intransitive, archaic or dialectal) To dwell or reside in a location; to abide.
  2. (intransitive, archaic or dialectal) To wait; to be in expectation; to stay; to remain.
  3. (transitive, archaic) To face with resistance; to encounter; to withstand.
  4. (transitive, archaic) To wait for; to await.
  5. (transitive, now chiefly dialectal) To bear; to endure; to tolerate.






  1. A count of forty threads in the warp or chain of woollen cloth.
  2. A litter to transport the corpse of a dead person.
  3. A platform or stand where a body or coffin is placed.




  1. (Scotland, Northern England) A hive of bees, or a nest of wasps, hornets, or ants.
  2. (chiefly Scotland, by extension, collective) A crowd of people.
  3. (slang, derogatory) Ellipsis of village bike.
  4. Clipping of bicycle.
  5. Clipping of motorbike.


  1. (intransitive) To ride a bike.
  2. (intransitive) To travel by bike.
  3. (transitive) To transport by bicycle.




  1. (obsolete) A boil (kind of swelling).
  2. A bitter brownish-yellow or greenish-yellow secretion produced by the liver, stored in the gall bladder, and discharged into the duodenum where it aids the process of digestion.
  3. Bitterness of temper; ill humour; irascibility.
  4. Two of the four humours, black bile or yellow bile, in ancient and medieval physiology.


  1. Pronunciation spelling of boil.




  1. (UK, slang) cigarette
  2. (botany) A climbing plant which climbs by its shoots growing in a helix around a support (distinct from a vine, which climbs using tendrils or suckers).




  1. A cold, dry, northerly wind in France, Switzerland, etc.
  2. Alternative form of bice (blue pigment)




  1. (colloquial, dated) A cheat; a trick; a fraud.
  2. (colloquial, dated, slang) A sharper; one who cheats.
  3. (figuratively) aggression
  4. (printing) A blank on the edge or corner of a page, owing to a portion of the frisket, or something else, intervening between the type and paper.
  5. (slang) A cut, a proportion of profits; an amount of money.
  6. (slang) An act of plagiarism.
  7. (slang) Something unpleasant.
  8. (television) Short for sound bite.
  9. A piece of food of a size that would be produced by biting; a mouthful.
  10. A small meal or snack.
  11. The act of biting.
  12. The hold which the short end of a lever has upon the thing to be lifted, or the hold which one part of a machine has upon another.
  13. The swelling of one's skin caused by an insect's mouthparts or sting.
  14. The wound left behind after having been bitten.


  1. (intransitive) To attack with the teeth.
  2. (intransitive) To behave aggressively; to reject advances.
  3. (intransitive) To cause a smarting sensation; to have a property which causes such a sensation; to be pungent.
  4. (intransitive) To cause sharp pain; to produce anguish; to hurt or injure; to have the property of so doing.
  5. (intransitive) To have significant effect, often negative.
  6. (intransitive) To take hold; to establish firm contact with.
  7. (intransitive) To take or keep a firm hold.
  8. (intransitive, African-American Vernacular, slang) To plagiarize, to imitate.
  9. (intransitive, figurative) To accept something offered, often secretly or deceptively, to cause some action by the acceptor.
  10. (intransitive, of a fish) To bite a baited hook or other lure and thus be caught.
  11. (intransitive, slang) To lack quality; to be worthy of derision; to suck.
  12. (intransitive, transitive, of an insect) To sting.
  13. (obsolete) To deceive or defraud; to take in.
  14. (transitive) To cut into something by clamping the teeth.
  15. (transitive) To hold something by clamping one's teeth.
  16. (transitive) To take hold of; to hold fast; to adhere to.
  17. (transitive, informal, vulgar) To perform oral sex on. Used in invective.
  18. (transitive, sometimes figurative) To cause sharp pain or damage to; to hurt or injure.






  1. The part of a tree that lies immediately under the bark; the alburnum or sapwood.




  1. (cytology) An irregular bulge in the plasma membrane of a cell undergoing apoptosis.
  2. (geology) A bubble-like inclusion of one mineral within another.
  3. (pathology) A large vesicle or bulla, usually containing a serous fluid.
  4. A bubble, such as in paint or glass.


  1. To form, or cause the formation of, blebs.




  1. (in parts of French North Africa) Hinterland, field.


  1. simple past tense and past participle of bleed




  1. (informal) Expressing disgust or trepidation.


  1. (East Anglia) General resemblance, likeness; appearance, aspect, look.
  2. (archaic) Color of the face, complexion, coloring.
  3. (archaic) Consistency, form, texture.
  4. (rare, chiefly poetic) Color, hue.







  1. To undergo bletting, a fermentation process in certain fruit beyond ripening.





  1. Obsolete form of blue.


  1. (now colloquial) past participle of blow
  2. simple past tense of blow





  1. (Australian politics) Supportive of or related to the Liberal Party.
  2. (UK politics) Supportive of or related to the Conservative Party.
  3. (US politics) Supportive of, run by (a member of), pertaining to, or dominated by the Democratic Party.
  4. (archaic) Severe or overly strict in morals; gloomy.
  5. (archaic, of women) literary; bluestockinged.
  6. (astronomy) Of the higher-frequency region of the part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is relevant in the specific observation.
  7. (health care) Having a bluish or purplish shade of the skin due to a lack of oxygen to the normally deep red blood cells.
  8. (informal) Depressed, melancholic, sad.
  9. (informal) Risqué; obscene; profane; pornographic.
  10. (of a dog or cat) Having a coat of fur of a slaty gray shade.
  11. (of steak) Extra rare; left very raw and cold.
  12. (particle physics) Having a color charge of blue.
  13. (slang, dated) Drunk.
  14. Having blue as its color.
  15. Pale, without redness or glare; said of a flame.


  1. (Australia, colloquial) An argument or brawl.
  2. (Britain) A type of firecracker.
  3. (UK) A member or supporter of the Conservative Party.
  4. (baseball, slang) An umpire, in reference to the typical dark blue color of the umpire's uniform. Sometimes perceived by umpires as derogatory when used by players or coaches while disputing a call.
  5. (countable and uncountable) The colour of the clear sky or the deep sea, between green and purple in the visible spectrum, and one of the primary additive colours for transmitted light; the colour obtained by subtracting red and green from white light using magenta and cyan filters; or any colour resembling this.
  6. (entomology) Any of the butterflies of the subfamily Polyommatinae in the family Lycaenidae, most of which have blue on their wings.
  7. (in the plural) A blue uniform. See blues.
  8. (now historical) A bluestocking.
  9. (slang) A member of law enforcement.
  10. (snooker) One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of five points.
  11. (uncountable) Blue clothing.
  12. A blue dye or pigment.
  13. A bluefish.
  14. A dog or cat with a slaty gray coat.
  15. A liquid with an intense blue colour, added to a laundry wash to prevent yellowing of white clothes.
  16. A member of a sports team that wears blue colours; (in the plural) a nickname for the team as a whole. See also blues.
  17. A person who has received such sporting colours.
  18. Any of several processes to protect metal against rust.
  19. Anything coloured blue, especially to distinguish it from similar objects differing only in color.
  20. Sporting colours awarded by a university or other institution for sporting achievement, such as representing one's university, especially and originally at Oxford and Cambridge Universities in England. See also full blue, half blue.
  21. The far distance; a remote or distant place.
  22. The ocean; deep waters.
  23. The sky, literally or figuratively.


  1. (ergative) To make or become blue; to turn blue.
  2. (intransitive, Australia, slang) To fight, brawl, or argue.
  3. (transitive, laundry) To brighten by treating with blue (laundry aid).
  4. (transitive, metallurgy) To treat the surface of steel so that it is passivated chemically and becomes more resistant to rust.
  5. (transitive, slang, dated) To spend (money) extravagantly; to blow.








  1. (obsolete or dialect) A bid; an offer.
  2. A herald; a messenger.
  3. A stop; a halting; delay.
  4. An omen; a foreshadowing.


  1. (intransitive, followed by "well", "ill", "no good", etc.) To betoken or augur something good or bad that will happen in the future.
  2. (transitive, intransitive) To indicate by signs, as future events; to be an omen of; to portend or foretell.
  3. simple past tense of bide





  1. (intransitive) To retch or vomit.
  2. (transitive, intransitive, UK dialectal) To thrust or push out; butt; poke.




  1. (Scotland) A small closet.
  2. (Scotland) An aperture with a shutter in the wall of a house, to admit air or light.
  3. (colour) The shade of reddish brown which resembles this clay.
  4. (obsolete) A bolus; a dose.
  5. Alternative form of boll (old unit of measure).
  6. Any of several varieties of friable earthy clay, usually coloured red by iron oxide, and composed essentially of hydrous silicates of alumina, or more rarely of magnesia.
  7. The trunk or stem of a tree.




  1. Of an off-white colour, like the colour of bone.


  1. (American football, informal) The wishbone formation.
  2. (US, informal) A dollar.
  3. (countable) Any of the components of an endoskeleton, made of bone.
  4. (figurative) A reward.
  5. (figurative) The framework of anything.
  6. (slang) A cannabis cigarette; a joint.
  7. (slang) An erect penis; a boner.
  8. (slang) Clipping of trombone.
  9. (slang, chiefly in the plural) A domino or dice.
  10. (uncountable) A composite material consisting largely of calcium phosphate and collagen and making up the skeleton of most vertebrates.
  11. A bone of a fish; a fishbone.
  12. A bonefish
  13. An off-white colour, like the colour of bone.
  14. Anything made of bone, such as a bobbin for weaving bone lace.
  15. One of the fragments of bone held between the fingers of the hand and rattled together to keep time to music.
  16. One of the rigid parts of a corset that forms its frame, the boning, originally made of whalebone.


  1. (Australia, dated, in Aboriginal culture) To perform "bone pointing", a ritual that is intended to bring illness or even death to the victim.
  2. (carpentry, masonry, surveying) To sight along an object or set of objects to check whether they are level or in line.
  3. (civil engineering) To make level, using a particular procedure; to survey a level line.
  4. (transitive, slang) To apprehend, steal.
  5. (usually with "up") To study.
  6. (vulgar, slang, usually of a man, transitive, intransitive) To have sexual intercourse (with).
  7. To fertilize with bone.
  8. To nag, especially for an unpaid debt.
  9. To polish boots to a shiny finish.
  10. To prepare (meat, etc) by removing the bone or bones from.
  11. To put whalebone into.




  1. A capped well drilled to tap artesian water.
  2. A hole drilled or milled through something, or (by extension) its diameter.
  3. A sudden and rapid flow of tide occurring in certain rivers and estuaries which rolls up as a wave.
  4. A tool, such as an auger, for making a hole by boring.
  5. Calibre; importance.
  6. One who inspires boredom or lack of interest; an uninteresting person.
  7. Something dull or uninteresting.
  8. The place where such a well exists.
  9. The tunnel inside of a gun's barrel through which the bullet travels when fired, or (by extension) its diameter.


  1. (colloquial) past participle of bear
  2. (intransitive) To be pierced or penetrated by an instrument that cuts as it turns.
  3. (intransitive) To make a hole with, or as if with, a boring instrument; to cut a circular hole by the rotary motion of a tool.
  4. (intransitive) To push forward in a certain direction with laborious effort.
  5. (obsolete) To fool; to trick.
  6. (proscribed) simple past tense of bare
  7. (transitive) To form or enlarge (something) by means of a boring instrument or apparatus.
  8. (transitive) To inspire boredom in somebody.
  9. (transitive) To make (a passage) by laborious effort, as in boring; to force a narrow and difficult passage through.
  10. (transitive) To make a hole through something.
  11. (transitive, sports, slang) To push or drive (a boxer into the ropes, a boat out of its course, etc.).
  12. simple past tense of bear




  1. (usually archaeology) To strike the ground with an object in order to determine, from the resulting sounds, what lies underground.




  1. A privilege or allowance of necessaries, especially in feudal times.
  2. A right to take wood from property not one's own.
  3. Atonement, compensation, amends, satisfaction; as, manbote, a compensation for a man slain.




  1. (now colloquial or dialectal) Above.




  1. Obsolete spelling of bow





  1. (Northern England, Scotland) Any hillside or slope.
  2. (Northern England, Scotland) The sloping bank of a river valley.





  1. simple past tense and past participle of breed




  1. (Scotland) The brow; forehead.
  2. (obsolete or dialectal, Scotland) The eyebrow.
  3. (obsolete or dialectal, Scotland) The eyelid.
  4. (obsolete outside Scotland) Broth.





  1. (obsolete, transitive) To burn (to set ablaze).






  1. Alternative form of bruv




  1. (Britain, dialect) An overhanging hill or cliff.
  2. (Britain, slang) A cup of tea.
  3. (slang) A single serving (can, bottle, etc.) of beer.
  4. The mixture formed by brewing; that which is brewed; a brewage, such as tea or beer.


  1. (intransitive) To attend to the business, or go through the processes, of brewing or making beer.
  2. (intransitive, of an unwelcome event) To be in a state of preparation; to be mixing, forming, or gathering.
  3. (transitive) To foment or prepare, as by brewing
  4. (transitive) To heat wine, infusing it with spices; to mull.
  5. (transitive, intransitive) To make a hot soup by combining ingredients and boiling them in water.
  6. (transitive, intransitive) To make beer by steeping a starch source in water and fermenting the resulting sweet liquid with yeast.
  7. (transitive, intransitive) To make tea or coffee by mixing tea leaves or coffee beans with hot water.
  8. (transitive, obsolete) To boil or seethe; to cook.





  1. An originally French variety of soft cheese made from cow's milk.

