A very high mountain. Specifically, one of the Alps, the highest chain of mountains in Europe.
(colloquial, countable) Short for ampere.
(colloquial, countable) Short for amplifier.
(colloquial, countable) Short for ampoule.
(colloquial, countable) Short for amputee.
(colloquial, uncountable) Short for ampicillin.
(colloquial, usually with up) To amplify.
(colloquial, usually with up) To connect to amplifiers.
(colloquial, usually with up) To excite.
(colloquial, usually with up) To intensify or increase.
A title used for male clergy or saints in the Coptic Church.
(slang) Wild; crazy.
(derogatory) An uncivilized person.
A primate of the clade Hominoidea, generally larger than monkeys and distinguished from them by having no tail.
Any such primate other than a human.
One who apes; a foolish imitator.
(intransitive) To behave like an ape.
(transitive) To imitate or mimic, particularly to imitate poorly.
(biochemistry, of a protein) In an inactive, unbound state
(computing, mobile telephony) An application (program), especially a small one designed for a mobile device.
(education, informal) application (to a college etc.)
(informal) appetizer
(military) application (use, purpose; not a computer program)
(sports) an appearance in a game (e.g., a player with 10 apps in a season played 10 times)
Abbreviation of April.
(of persons or things) Having a habitual tendency; habitually liable or likely; disposed towards.
Ready; especially fitted or qualified (to do something); quick to learn.
Suitable; appropriate; fit or fitted; suited.
An apartment; a flat.
The bark of a seal.
(music, informal) An arpeggiator.
(music, informal) An arpeggio.
(UK, law, in citation) Initialism of w:Act of the Scottish Parliament.
(archaic) A water snake.
(figurative) An evil person; a snake.
A type of European fish (Aspius aspius).
A venomous viper native to southwestern Europe (Vipera aspis).
The Egyptian cobra (Naja haje).
The aspen tree.
(Internet slang, text messaging) Initialism of at this point; also ATP.
(informal) The sound of a light blow or slap.
(Britain, Ireland, slang, chiefly in the plural) A woman's breast.
A soft bread roll, originally from Ireland.
(informal, transitive) To hit lightly.
(architecture) The uppermost of any assemblage of parts.
(colloquial) A capitalist.
(colloquial) A recording or screenshot.
(electronics) A capacitor.
(finance) Capitalization.
(geometry) A portion of a spherical or other convex surface.
(informal) An uppercase or capital letter.
(nautical) A collar of iron or wood used in joining spars, as the mast and the topmast, the bowsprit and the jib boom; also, a covering of tarred canvas at the end of a rope.
(obsolete) A respectful uncovering of the head.
(obsolete) A wooden drinking-bowl with two handles.
(obsolete) The top, or uppermost part; the chief.
(slang) A bullet used to shoot someone.
(slang) A capsule of a drug.
(slang, from African-American Vernacular) A lie or exaggeration.
(sports) A place on a national team; an international appearance.
(toy) A small amount of percussive explosive in a paper strip or plastic cup for use in a toy gun.
(zoology) The whole top of the head of a bird from the base of the bill to the nape of the neck.
A close-fitting hat, either brimless or peaked.
A crown for covering a tooth.
A large size of writing paper.
A protective cover or seal.
A small explosive device used to detonate a larger charge of explosives.
A special hat to indicate rank, occupation, etc.
An academic mortarboard.
An artificial upper limit or ceiling.
Anyone have a cap of the games last night?
Something covering the top or end of a thing for protection or ornament.
The summit of a mountain, etc.
The top part of a mushroom.
(intransitive, slang, especially African-American Vernacular) To lie; to tell a lie.
(transitive) To award a cap as a mark of distinction.
(transitive) To cover or seal with a cap.
(transitive) To lie over or on top of something.
(transitive) To make something even more wonderful at the end.
(transitive) To set an upper limit on something.
(transitive) To surpass or outdo.
(transitive) To take a screenshot or to record a copy of a video.
(transitive, cricket) To select a player to play for a specified side.
(transitive, informal) To convert text to uppercase.
(transitive, obsolete) To salute by uncovering the head respectfully.
(transitive, slang) To shoot (someone) with a firearm.
(transitive, sports) To select to play for the national team.
To deprive of a cap.
(West Country, Somerset, Bristol, Wales, usually in the plural) A plimsoll.
(originally) Elaborate handshake, especially hooking thumbs.
A fist bump.
(Bristol) To run or go somewhere quickly.
(fishing) To drop the bait gently onto the surface of the water.
(metalworking) To create a hollow indentation.
To greet with a dap.
(Australia) (usually written as "the gap") The disparity between the indigenous and non-indigenous communities with regard to life expectancy, education, health, etc.
(Australia, for a medical or pharmacy item) The shortfall between the amount the medical insurer will pay to the service provider and the scheduled fee for the item.
(Sussex) A sheltered area of coast between two cliffs (mostly restricted to place names).
(baseball) The regions between the outfielders.
(genetics) An unsequenced region in a sequence alignment.
A hiatus, a pause in something which is otherwise continuous.
A mountain or hill pass.
A vacancy, deficit, absence, or lack.
A vacant space or time.
Alternative form of gup (elected head of a gewog in Bhutan)
An opening allowing passage or entrance.
An opening in anything made by breaking or parting.
An opening that implies a breach or defect.
(New Zealand, slang) To leave suddenly.
(transitive) To check the size of a gap.
(transitive) To make an opening in; to breach.
(transitive) To notch, as a sword or knife.
(UK, Scotland, Western Pennsylvania, dialect) A wrap, such as a quilt or a comforter. Also, a small or folded blanket placed on the end of a bed to keep feet warm.
(archaic) That which happens; an occurrence or happening, especially an unexpected, random, chance, or fortuitous event; chance; fortune; luck.
(slang, in the plural) Happenings; events; goings-on.
Any of the cichlid fishes of the tribe Haplochromini.
(dialect) To wrap, clothe.
(intransitive, literary) To happen; to befall; to chance.
(transitive, literary) To happen to.
(Canada, US, ethnic slur, slang, transitive) To carry out a sneak attack upon (something or somebody).
(medicine, colloquial) Clipping of laparoscopic.
(archaic, euphemistic) The female pudenda.
(construction) A component that overlaps or covers any portion of itself or of an adjacent component.
(swimming) The traversal of one length of the pool, or (less commonly) one length and back again.
A piece of brass, lead, or other soft metal, used to hold a cutting or polishing powder in cutting glass, gems, etc. or in polishing cutlery, etc. It is usually in the form of a wheel or disk that revolves on a vertical axis.
A sheet, layer, or bat, of cotton fiber prepared for the carding machine.
An edge; a border; a hem, as of cloth.
In card playing and other games, the points won in excess of the number necessary to complete a game;—so called when they are counted in the score of the following game.
That part of any substance or fixture which extends over, or lies upon, or by the side of, a part of another.
The act or process of lapping.
The amount by which a slide valve at its half stroke overlaps a port in the seat, being equal to the distance the valve must move from its mid stroke position in order to begin to open the port. Used alone, lap refers to outside lap (see below).
The loose part of a coat; the lower part of a garment that plays loosely; a skirt; an apron.
The part of the clothing that lies on the knees or thighs when one sits down; that part of the person thus covered.
The state or condition of being in part extended over or by the side of something else; or the extent of the overlapping.
The taking of liquid into the mouth with the tongue.
The upper legs of a seated person.
(intransitive) To be turned or folded; to lie partly on or over something; to overlap.
(intransitive) to wind around
(intransitive, of water) To wash against a surface with a splashing sound; to swash.
(transitive) To enfold; to hold as in one's lap; to cherish.
(transitive) To fold; to bend and lay over or on something.
(transitive) To place or lay (one thing) so as to overlap another.
(transitive) To polish, e.g., a surface, until smooth.
(transitive) To rest or recline in a lap, or as in a lap.
(transitive) to envelop, enfold
(transitive) to wrap around, enwrap, wrap up
(transitive, intransitive) To take (liquid) into the mouth with the tongue; to lick up with a quick motion of the tongue.
(transitive, sports, motor racing) To overtake a straggler in a race by completing one more whole lap than the straggler.
To cut or polish with a lap, as glass, gems, cutlery, etc.
(UK, dated) The face.
(board games, video games) An imaginary or fictional area, often predefined and confined, where a game or a session thereof takes place.
(computing) Synonym of associative array.
(entomology) Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genera Araschnia (especially, Araschnia levana) and Cyrestis, having map-like markings on the wings.
(mathematics) A function.
A graphical or logical representation of any structure or system, showing the positions of or relationships between its components.
A visual representation of an area, whether real or imaginary, showing the relative positions of places and other features.
(intransitive, followed by a "to" phrase) To have a direct relationship; to correspond.
(mathematics, transitive, followed by a "to" phrase) To act as a function on something, taking it to something else.
(transitive) To create a map of; to examine or survey in order to gather information for a map.
(transitive) To represent by means of a map.
(transitive, computing) To assign a drive letter to a shared folder.
(transitive, followed by a "to" phrase) To create a direct relationship to; to create a correspondence with.
(Britain) A type of bet in British horse racing, based on the experts' best tips.
(Northern England, Scotland) A cup, bowl.
(uncountable, card games) A card game in which players take tricks; properly Napoleon.
A bid to take five tricks in the card game Napoleon.
A short period of sleep, especially one during the day.
A soft or fuzzy surface, generally on fabric or leather.
The common direction, on some kinds of fabric, of the hairs making up the pile.
(cooking) To cover (something) with a sauce. (usually in the passive)
(figuratively) To be off one's guard.
(obsolete) To grab; to nab.
To form or raise a soft or fuzzy surface on (fabric or leather).
To have a nap; to sleep for a short period of time, especially during the day.
Indicating a soft flat sound, as of bare footsteps.
(Britain, dialectal) A toad.
(Britain, dialectal) A type of wickerwork basket, especially as used as a measure of fish or other goods.
(Britain, dialectal, Australia, Ireland) A footpath, particularly one unformed or unmaintained; a road or track.
(Britain, obsolete) A robber who infests the road on foot; a highwayman or footpad.
(Britain, obsolete) A tramp or itinerant musician.
(UK, slang) A prison cell.
(US) A floating leaf of a water lily or similar plant.
(US, slang) A bed.
(colloquial) A small house, apartment, or mobile home occupied by a single person; such as a bachelor, playboy, etc.
(cricket) A soft cover for a batsman's leg that protects it from damage when hit by the ball.
(cryptography) A random key (originally written on a disposable pad) of the same length as the plaintext.
(electronics) The amount by which a signal has been reduced.
(nautical) A piece of timber fixed on a beam to fit the curve of the deck.
A cushion used as a saddle without a tree or frame.
A cushion-like thickening of the skin on the under side of the toes of animals.
A flat surface or area from which a helicopter or other aircraft may land or be launched.
A flattened mass of anything soft, to sit or lie on.
A kind of cushion for writing upon, or for blotting, especially one formed of many flat sheets of writing paper; now especially such a block of paper sheets as used to write on.
A panel or strip of material designed to be sensitive to pressure or touch.
A soft bag or cushion to relieve pressure, support a part, etc.
A soft, or small, cushion.
A stuffed guard or protection, especially one worn on the legs of horses to prevent bruising.
A synthesizer instrument sound used for sustained background sounds.
An easy-paced horse; a padnag.
An electrical extension cord with a multi-port socket on one end: "trip cord"
Any cushion-like part of the human body, especially the ends of the fingers.
Ellipsis of keypad.: a small keyboard, a keyed device for entering tactile inputs into a machine.
Ellipsis of menstrual. or sanitary pad: a mass of absorbent material used to absorb menstrual flow.
Ellipsis of mousepad.: a firm but soft mass used for computer mice.
The effect produced by sustained lower reed notes in a musical piece, most common in blues music.
The mostly hairless flesh located on the bottom of an animal's foot or paw.
The sound of soft footsteps, or a similar noise made by an animal etc.
(intransitive) To travel on foot.
(intransitive) To walk softly, quietly or steadily, especially without shoes.
(intransitive) To wear a path by walking.
(intransitive, obsolete) To practise highway robbery.
(transitive) To furnish with a pad or padding.
(transitive) To imbue uniformly with a mordant.
(transitive) To increase the size of, especially by adding undesirable filler.
(transitive) To stuff.
(transitive) To travel along (a road, path etc.).
(transitive, cricket) To deliberately play the ball with the leg pad instead of the bat.
Used to express distaste, disgust or outrage.
Dated form of pa (Maori fort).
(marketing) Deliberate misspelling of pack.
(colloquial) A friend, buddy, mate, cobber; someone to hang around with.
(colloquial) An informal term of address, often used ironically in a hostile way.
Be friends with, hang around with.
(US) Cooking spray.
(dated, photography) A panorama.
(historical, dated) Alternative form of palmo, traditional Spanish and Portuguese units of measure.
A card game, similar to napoleon, in which the jack of clubs is the highest trump.
The jack of clubs in loo played with hands of 5 cards.
(dated, photography) To pan a camera in order to show a panorama.
(informal) Pansexual.
(Ireland) A deep plastic receptacle, used for washing or food preparation; a basin.
(South Africa) Synonym of playa lake: a temporary pond or lake in a playa.
(carpentry) A recess, or bed, for the leaf of a hinge.
(especially South Africa) A dry lake or playa, especially a salt flat.
(figurative) The brain, seen as one's intellect.
(firearms) The part of a flintlock that holds the priming.
(fortifications) The distance comprised between the angle of the epaule and the flanked angle.
(geology) Short for hardpan: a hard substrate such as is formed in pans.
(geology, obsolete South Africa) Synonym of pipe: a channel for lava within a volcano; the cylindrical remains of such channels.
(music) Short for steelpan.
(obsolete) The chamber pot in a close stool; (now) the base of a toilet, consisting of the bowl and its support.
(roofing) The bottom flat part of a roofing panel that is between the ribs of the panel.
(slang) A human face, a mug.
A closed vessel for boiling or evaporating as part of manufacture; a vacuum pan.
A cylindrical receptacle about as tall as it is wide, with one long handle, usually made of metal, used for cooking in the home.
A leaf of gold or silver.
A loaf of bread.
A part; a portion.
A pond or lake, considered as the expanse of land upon which the water sits.
A wide receptacle in which gold grains are separated from gravel by washing the contents with water.
A wide, flat receptacle used around the house, especially for cooking.
Short for salt pan: a flat artificial pond used for collecting minerals from evaporated water.
Strong adverse criticism.
The contents of such a receptacle.
The skull, considered as a vessel containing the brain; the brainpan.
(audio) To spread a sound signal into a new stereo or multichannel sound field, typically giving the impression that it is moving across the sound stage.
(intransitive, imaging) To shift an image relative to the display window without changing the viewing scale.
(intransitive, of a camera, etc.) To turn horizontally.
(intransitive, photography) To move the camera lens angle while continuing to expose the film, enabling a contiguous view and enrichment of context. In still-photography large-group portraits the film usually remains on a horizontal fixed plane as the lens and/or the film holder moves to expose the film laterally. The resulting image may extend a short distance laterally or as great as 360 degrees from the point where the film first began to be exposed.
(intransitive, with out, to pan out) To turn out well; to be successful.
(transitive) To disparage; to belittle; to put down; to harshly criticize, especially a work (book, movie, etc.)
(transitive) To wash in a pan (of earth, sand etc. when searching for gold).
(transitive, informal, of a contest) To beat one's opposition convincingly.
To join or fit together; to unite.
(South Africa, slang) Flat.
(South Africa, slang) Spineless, wet, without character.
(South Africa) Porridge.
(archaic) A female breast or nipple.
(informal) Clipping of paparazzo.
(informal) Pa; father.
(informal, derogatory) Support from official patronage.
(now rare, archaic) A man's breast.
(uncountable) Food in the form of a soft paste, often a porridge, especially as given to very young children.
(uncountable, colloquial) Nonsense; pablum.
A rounded, nipple-like hill or peak.
Pap smear
The pulp of fruit.
(Internet slang, text messaging) Alternative letter-case form of PAP (“post a picture”).
(informal, usually passive) Of a paparazzo, to take a surreptitious photograph of (someone, especially a celebrity) without their consent.
(transitive, obsolete) To feed with pap.
Abbreviation of parallel.
(UK) An amount which is taken as an average or mean.
(golf, countable) A hole in which a player achieves par.
(golf, mostly uncountable) The allotted number of strokes to reach the hole.
Abbreviation of paragraph.
Abbreviation of parenthesis.
Abbreviation of parish.
Alternative form of parr (“young salmon”)
Equal value; equality of nominal and actual value; the value expressed on the face or in the words of a certificate of value, as a bond or other commercial paper.
Equality of condition or circumstances.
(in compounds) By; with.
(transitive, golf) To reach the hole in the allotted number of strokes.
(now rare) The right of going foremost; precedence.
A step in a dance.
plural of pa
Exactly suitable, fitting, apt; timely, convenient, opportune, ready for the occasion; especially of things spoken.
Trite, being superficially complete, lacking originality.
Opportunely, in a timely or suitable way.
(knitting) Clipping of pattern.
A flattish lump of soft matter, especially butter or dung.
A light tap or slap, especially with the hands
Clipping of patent.
The sound of a light slap or tap with a soft flat object, especially of a footstep
(UK, Australia, New Zealand) To stroke or fondle (an animal).
To (gently) tap the flat of one's hand on a person or thing.
To gently rain.
To hit lightly and repeatedly with the flat of the hand to make smooth or flat
(Hawaii) done; over; finished
(Malaysia and Singapore) baozi; Chinese steamed buns with filling
(historical) A unit of volume used in Brunei, Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak, equivalent to 2 imperial gills (approximately 0.284 litres or 0.6 US pints).
Alternative form of pa (“Maori fort”)
(Australia, New Zealand, informal) Clipping of pavlova.
(India) An Indian-style bread roll.
(cricket, informal) Clipping of pavilion.
(humorous) A hand.
(nonstandard or rural) Father; pa.
The soft foot of a mammal or other animal, generally a quadruped, that has claws or nails; comparable to a human hand or foot.
(by extension) To clumsily dig through something.
(by extension) To touch someone in a sexual way.
(of an animal) To draw the forefoot along the ground; to beat or scrape with the forefoot.
(of an animal) To gently push on something with a paw.
(of an animal) To go through something (such as a garbage can) with paws.
(transitive, dated) To flatter.
(UK, dated, school slang) A cry for peace or truce in children's games.
(Britain, dated, school slang) Friendship; truce.
(Christianity) A crucifix, a tablet with the image of Christ on the cross upon it, or a reliquary.
(Christianity) A painted, stamped or carved tablet with a representation of Christ or the Virgin Mary, which was kissed by the priest during the Mass ("kiss of peace") and then passed to other officiating clergy and the congregation to be kissed. See also osculatory.
(Christianity) The kiss of peace.
(Singapore, by extension) A restaurant guest, when counting. Person.
(informal, usually in the plural) A passenger; passengers.
(informal, usually in the plural, by extension, hospitality industry) A guest (at an event or function).
Operable or accessible on deposit of coins.
Pertaining to or requiring payment.
Money given in return for work; salary or wages.
(intransitive) To be profitable or worth the effort.
(intransitive) To discharge an obligation or debt.
(intransitive) To suffer consequences.
(nautical, transitive) To cover (the bottom of a vessel, a seam, a spar, etc.) with tar or pitch, or a waterproof composition of tallow, resin, etc.; to smear.
(transitive) To admit that a joke, punchline, etc., was funny.
(transitive) To be profitable for.
(transitive) To give (something else than money).
(transitive) To give money or other compensation to in exchange for goods or services.
(transitive, intransitive) To discharge, as a debt or other obligation, by giving or doing what is due or required.
of, an aircraft with a control system with two or more engines arrayed abreast, allowing descent, ascent, turns by adjusting the throttle control to the engines
of; palliator.
(Jamaica) Any of several varieties of bean.
(MLE, in the plural) Money.
(US, Indiana, gambling) Any of the small numbered balls used in a pea shake game.
(astronomy) Ellipsis of green pea galaxy.
(baseball) A ball travelling at high velocity.
(cooking) The edible seed of Pisum sativum; the green pea.
(cooking) The edible seed of various other pea plants.
(nautical) Alternative form of peak
(rare, archaic) a peafowl
A plant, Pisum sativum, member of the legume (Fabaceae) family.
Any plant of the family Fabaceae.
(anatomy) The pia mater, the innermost of the meninges that protect the brain and spinal cord.
A perennial Polynesian herb whose fleshy tubers yield arrowroot.
(copyright law) Alternative form of p.m.a.
Any grass of the genus Poa, especially Poa annua.
A scraper or stick used to play a guiro.
(historical) A subdivision of currency in colonial Burma, equal to 1/4 of an anna or 1/64 of a rupee
A subdivision of currency, equal to one hundredth of a Burmese kyat.
(Australia, informal) A positive appraisal; a recommendation.
(Australia, informal) An appraisal.
(US, law enforcement) Acronym of record of arrest and prosecution.
(countable) A sharp blow with something hard.
(countable, slang) A charge, whether or not it results in a conviction.
(historical) Any of the tokens that passed current for a halfpenny in Ireland in the early part of the eighteenth century; any coin of trifling value.
(informal) A casual talk.
(music, uncountable) Rap music.
(slang) Blame for something.
A lea or skein of yarn that forms the standard length taken from the reel, 80 yards of worsted or 120 yards of silk or cotton.
A song, verse, or instance of singing in the style of rap music.
A whit; a jot.
(informal, intransitive) To talk casually; to engage in conversation.
(intransitive) To strike something sharply with one's knuckles; knock.
(metalworking) To free (a pattern) in a mould by light blows on the pattern, so as to facilitate its removal.
(transitive) To seize and carry off.
(transitive) To transport out of oneself; to affect with rapture.
(transitive, dated) To strike with a quick blow; to knock on.
(transitive, intransitive) To speak (lyrics) in the style of rap music.
To utter quickly and sharply.
(countable, US, slang) A short wooden club; a leather-covered hand weapon; a blackjack.
(figurative) Vitality.
(military) A narrow ditch or trench made from the foremost parallel toward the glacis or covert way of a besieged place by digging under cover of gabions, etc.
(slang, countable) A naive person; a simpleton
(uncountable) The juice of plants of any kind, especially the ascending and descending juices or circulating fluid essential to nutrition.
(uncountable) The sapwood, or alburnum, of a tree.
Any juice.
(intransitive) To proceed by mining, or by secretly undermining; to execute saps.
(transitive) To drain, suck or absorb from (tree, etc.).
(transitive) To gradually weaken.
(transitive) To make unstable or infirm; to unsettle; to weaken.
(transitive) To subvert by digging or wearing away; to mine; to undermine; to destroy the foundation of.
(transitive, figurative) To exhaust the vitality of.
(transitive, military) To pierce with saps.
(transitive, slang) To strike with a sap (with a blackjack).
(Ireland, slang) A clumsy person (see spastic)
(Ireland, slang) An idiot; a gobshite
(dialect) A convenience store.
A health club.
A health resort near a mineral spring or hot spring.
A hot tub.
A trendy or fashionable resort.
(computing, graphical user interface) The act of touching a touch screen.
(dance) Ellipsis of tap dance.
(finance) The situation where a borrowing government authority issues bonds over a period of time, usually at a fixed price, with volumes sold on a particular day dependent on market conditions.
(mechanics) A device used to cut an internal screw thread. (External screw threads are cut with a die.)
(medicine, informal) A procedure that removes fluid from a body cavity.
(military) A signal, by drum or trumpet, for extinguishing all lights in soldiers' quarters and retiring to bed; usually given about a quarter of an hour after tattoo.
(phonetics) A consonant sound made by a single muscle contraction, such as the sound [ɾ] in the standard American English pronunciation of body.
A connection made to an electrical or fluid conductor without breaking it.
A device used to dispense liquids.
A device used to listen in secretly on telephone calls.
A gentle or slight blow; a light rap; a pat.
A piece of leather fastened upon the bottom of a boot or shoe in repairing or renewing the sole or heel.
A place where liquor is drawn for drinking.
A tapering cylindrical pin or peg used to stop the vent in a cask.
An Indian malarial fever.
An interception of communication by authority.
Liquor drawn through a tap; hence, a certain kind or quality of liquor.
Short for tap of work.
(card games, board games) To turn or flip a card or playing piece to remind players that it has already been used that turn (by analogy to "tapping," in the sense of drawing on to the point of temporary exhaustion, the resources or abilities represented by the card).
(combat sports) To submit to an opponent by tapping one's hand repeatedly.
(combat sports, transitive) To force (an opponent) to submit.
(graphical user interface) To operate an electronic device (e.g. a mobile phone) by tapping a specific place on its (capacitive or other) touch screen.
(informal) To cadge, borrow or beg.
(mechanical) To cut an internal screw thread.
(medicine, informal) To drain off fluid by paracentesis.
(slang, vulgar, transitive) To have sexual intercourse with.
To advance someone for a post or job, or for membership of a club.
To deplete, especially of a liquid via a tap; to tap out.
To designate for some duty or for membership, as in 'a tap on the shoulder'.
To draw off liquid from a vessel.
To exploit.
To furnish with taps.
To intercept a communication without authority.
To make a sharp noise.
To place a listening or recording device on a telephone or wired connection.
To put a new sole or heel on.
To strike lightly.
To touch one's finger, foot, or other body parts on a surface (usually) repeatedly.
(obsolete) That which is vapid, insipid, or lifeless; especially, the lifeless part of liquor or wine.
(MLE, slang) A weapon, gun.
(UK, dialect) A blow or beating; a whap.
(colloquial) A breast.
A bundle.
(UK, dialect) To beat; to whap.
(obsolete, UK, thieves' cant) To engage in sexual intercourse.
(obsolete, transitive) To wrap or bind.
(countable) The high-pitched bark of a small dog, or similar.
(countable, Tyneside) A badly behaved child; a brat.
(countable, slang, derogatory) The mouth, which produces speech.
(uncountable, slang) Casual talk; chatter.
(intransitive) Of a small dog, to bark.
(intransitive, slang) To talk, especially excessively; to chatter.
(transitive, slang) To rob or steal from (someone).
Representing the sound or action of a zap.
(colloquial) A sound made by a sudden release of electricity or some similar energy.
(colloquial) An electric shock.
(slang) The act of heating something in a microwave oven.
A raucous public demonstration designed to embarrass a public figure or celebrity as a form of political activism.
(Singapore, informal, transitive) To photocopy.
(US, military, slang, transitive) To kill; to eliminate.
(intransitive) To make a zap sound.
(slang, transitive) To damage (especially electronics) with electrostatic discharge.
(slang, transitive) To delete or discard (electronic media).
(slang, transitive) To further energize or charge (magnetic material).
(slang, transitive) To heat (something) in a microwave oven.
To strike (something or someone) with electricity or energy, as by shooting.
To use a remote control to repeatedly change channels on a television.