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  1. (countable or uncountable) A plug or wad of chewing tobacco; chaw or a chaw.
  2. (informal, uncountable) Chewing tobacco.
  3. (uncountable, informal) The condition of something being torn or ground up mechanically.
  4. A small sweet, such as a taffy, that is eaten by chewing.
  5. Level of chewiness.
  6. The act of chewing; mastication with the mouth.


  1. (informal) To think about something; to ponder; to chew over.
  2. To crush with the teeth by repeated closing and opening of the jaws; done to food to soften it and break it down by the action of saliva before it is swallowed.
  3. To grind, tear, or otherwise degrade or demolish something with teeth or as with teeth.




  1. (archaic) A ball of thread or yarn.
  2. (in the plural) The sheets so attached to a sail.
  3. (nautical) The lower corner(s) of a sail to which a sheet is attached for trimming the sail (adjusting its position relative to the wind); the metal loop or cringle in the corner of the sail, to which the sheet is attached. (on a triangular sail) The trailing corner relative to the wind direction.
  4. (nautical, in the plural) The cords suspending a hammock.
  5. (obsolete) A roughly spherical mass or body.
  6. Obsolete spelling of clue
  7. Yarn or thread as used to guide one's way through a maze or labyrinth; a guide, a clue.


  1. (nautical) (transitive and intransitive) to raise the lower corner(s) of (a sail)
  2. (transitive) to roll into a ball




  1. (Britain, dialectal) A pen for livestock such as chickens or pigs
  2. (Scouting) A group of Rovers.
  3. (art) The group of workers on a dramatic production who are not part of the cast.
  4. (art, plural: crew) A worker on a dramatic production who is not part of the cast.
  5. (informal, often derogatory) A close group of friends.
  6. (nautical, plural: crew) A member of a ship's company who is not an officer.
  7. (obsolete) Any company of people; an assemblage; a throng.
  8. (often derogatory) A set of individuals lumped together by the speaker.
  9. (plural: crew) A member of the crew of a vessel or plant.
  10. (rowing) A rowing team manning a single shell.
  11. (slang, hip-hop) A hip-hop or b-boying group.
  12. (sports, rowing, US, uncountable) The sport of competitive rowing.
  13. A group of people (often staff) manning and operating a large facility or piece of equipment such as a factory, ship, boat, airplane, or spacecraft.
  14. A group of people working together on a task.
  15. The Manx shearwater.


  1. (Britain, archaic) simple past tense of crow (“make the characteristic sound of a rooster”).
  2. (nautical) To do the proper work of a sailor
  3. (nautical) To take on, recruit (new) crew
  4. (transitive and intransitive) To be a member of a vessel's crew
  5. To be a member of a work or production crew
  6. To supply workers or sailors for a crew




Proper noun

  1. A Jersey-born writer of the 12th century.

