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  1. (now chiefly dialectal, Northern England) Blue.


  1. (Australia, New Zealand) An outcrop of quartz from surrounding rock, thought to indicate mineral deposits below.
  2. (Australia, shearing, historical) A cut made to a sheep's fleece by a shearer using hand-shears.
  3. (informal) A chance to catch one's breath.
  4. (informal, vulgar) A blowjob; fellatio.
  5. (nautical) An instance of using high-pressure air to empty water from the ballast tanks of a submarine, increasing the submarine's buoyancy and causing it to surface.
  6. (television) Synonym of button (“the punchy or suspenseful line of dialogue that concludes a scene”)
  7. (uncountable, UK, slang) Cannabis.
  8. (uncountable, US Chicago Regional, slang) Heroin.
  9. (uncountable, US, slang) Cocaine.
  10. A bloom, state of flowering.
  11. A damaging occurrence.
  12. A display of anything brilliant or bright.
  13. A mass or display of flowers; a yield.
  14. A strong wind.
  15. A sudden or forcible act or effort; an assault.
  16. The act of striking or hitting.


  1. (Scientology, intransitive) To leave the Church of Scientology in an unauthorized manner.
  2. (UK, slang, archaic) To expose, or inform on.
  3. (dated) To talk loudly; boast; brag.
  4. (figurative) To direct or move, usually of a person to a particular location.
  5. (intransitive) (of a fly) To lay eggs; to breed.
  6. (intransitive) (used to express displeasure or frustration) Damn.
  7. (intransitive) To be propelled by an air current.
  8. (intransitive) To breathe hard or quick; to pant; to puff.
  9. (intransitive) To burst or explode; to occur suddenly
  10. (intransitive) To make a sound as the result of being blown.
  11. (intransitive) To produce an air current.
  12. (intransitive) To suddenly fail destructively.
  13. (intransitive, of a cetacean) To exhale visibly through the spout the seawater which it has taken in while feeding.
  14. (intransitive, stative, slang, sometimes considered vulgar) To be very undesirable.
  15. (obsolete) To inflate, as with pride; to puff up.
  16. (obsolete) To spread by report; to publish; to disclose.
  17. (slang, colloquial) To flatulate or defecate.
  18. (slang, informal, African-American Vernacular) To sing.
  19. (transitive) To cause the sudden destruction of.
  20. (transitive) To cause to make sound by blowing, as a musical instrument.
  21. (transitive) To clear of contents by forcing air through.
  22. (transitive) To create or shape by blowing; as in to blow bubbles, to blow glass.
  23. (transitive) To force a current of air upon with the mouth, or by other means.
  24. (transitive) To make flyblown, to defile, especially with fly eggs.
  25. (transitive) To propel by an air current (or, if under water, a water current), usually with the mouth.
  26. (transitive) To put out of breath; to cause to blow from fatigue.
  27. (transitive, historical, military, of a person) To blow from a gun.
  28. (transitive, informal, idiomatic) To fail at something; to mess up; to make a mistake.
  29. (transitive, slang) To leave, especially suddenly or in a hurry.
  30. (transitive, slang) To recklessly squander.
  31. (transitive, vulgar) To fellate; to perform oral sex on (usually a man).
  32. (transitive, with "up" or with prep phrase headed by "to") To cause to explode, shatter, or be utterly destroyed.
  33. To blossom; to cause to bloom or blossom.





  1. Obsolete spelling of bow




  1. (Tyneside) To belch, to burp.
  2. (UK) To vomit.




  1. (American football) A postseason football competition, a bowl game (i.e. Rose Bowl, Super Bowl)
  2. (cooking) A dish comprising a mix of different foods, not all of which need be cooked, served in a bowl.
  3. (geography) A round crater (or similar) in the ground.
  4. (in the plural, but used with a singular verb) The game of bowls.
  5. (sports, theater) An elliptical-shaped stadium or amphitheater resembling a bowl.
  6. (typography) A rounded portion of a glyph that encloses empty space, as in the letters d and o.
  7. A haircut in which straight hair is cut at an even height around the edges, forming a bowl shape.
  8. A part of a pipe or bong packed with marijuana for smoking
  9. A roughly hemispherical container used to hold, mix or present food, such as salad, fruit or soup, or other items.
  10. As much as is held by a bowl.
  11. The action of bowling a ball.
  12. The ball rolled by players in the game of lawn bowls.
  13. The part of a spoon that holds content, as opposed to the handle.
  14. The round hollow part of anything.


  1. (intransitive) To play bowling or a similar game.
  2. (intransitive) To throw the ball (in cricket and similar games and sports).
  3. (transitive) To roll or throw (a ball) in the correct manner in cricket and similar games and sports.
  4. To pelt or strike with anything rolled.
  5. To roll or carry smoothly on, or as on, wheels.





  1. plural of bow


  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bow




  1. (figurative) Aspect; appearance.
  2. (mining) A gallery in a coal mine running across the face of the coal.
  3. (nautical) The gangway from ship to shore when a ship is lying alongside a quay.
  4. (nautical) The hinged part of a landing craft or ferry which is lowered to form a landing platform; a ramp.
  5. The first tine of an antler's beam.
  6. The forehead.
  7. The projecting upper edge of a steep place such as a hill.
  8. The ridge over the eyes; the eyebrow.


  1. To bound or limit; to be at, or form, the edge of.




  1. Alternative form of swab




  1. (anatomy) In female mammals, the organ in which the young are conceived and grow until birth; the uterus.
  2. (figuratively) A place where something is made or formed.
  3. (obsolete) The abdomen or stomach.
  4. (obsolete) The stomach of a person or creature.
  5. Any cavity containing and enveloping anything.


  1. (transitive, obsolete) To enclose in a womb, or as if in a womb; to breed or hold in secret.