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English 5 letter words - Containing letters vpo - page 1

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r : 30.00%

e : 30.00%

a : 30.00%

s : 10.00%

k : 10.00%

l : 10.00%

d : 10.00%

i : 10.00%

t : 10.00%

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  1. (Canadian football) A quarterback.
  2. (US, politics) A shift during a general election in a political candidate's messaging to reflect plans and values more moderate than those advocated during the primary.
  3. (computing) A pivot table.
  4. (computing) An element of a set to be sorted that is chosen as a midpoint, so as to divide the other elements into two groups to be dealt with recursively.
  5. (figuratively, by extension) Something or someone having a paramount significance in a certain situation.
  6. (graphical user interface) Any of a row of captioned elements used to navigate to subpages, rather like tabs.
  7. (handball) A circle runner.
  8. (mathematics) An element of a matrix that is used as a focus for row operations, such as dividing the row by the pivot, or adding multiples of the row to other rows making all other values in the pivot column 0.
  9. (military) The officer or soldier who simply turns in his place while the company or line moves around him in wheeling.
  10. (roller derby) A player with responsibility for co-ordinating their team in a particular jam.
  11. A thing on which something turns; specifically a metal pointed pin or short shaft in machinery, such as the end of an axle or spindle.
  12. Act of turning on one foot.


  1. (US, politics) To shift a political candidate's messaging during a general election to reflect plans and values more moderate than those advocated during the primary.
  2. (business slang) To change the direction of a business, usually in response to changes in the market.
  3. (intransitive) To turn on an exact spot.




  1. (slang, derogatory) Less common variant of poof (male homosexual).





  1. (baking) The process of dough proofing.


  1. (archaic, transitive) To experience.
  2. (copulative) To turn out to be.
  3. (homeopathy) To determine by experiment which effects a substance causes when ingested.
  4. (intransitive) To turn out; to manifest.
  5. (printing, dated, transitive) To take a trial impression of; to take a proof of.
  6. (transitive) To ascertain or establish the genuineness or validity of; to verify.
  7. (transitive) To demonstrate that something is true or viable; to give proof for.
  8. (transitive) To put to the test, to make trial of.
  9. Alternative form of proof (“allow (dough) to rise; test the activeness of (yeast); pressure-test (a firearm)”)
  10. simple past tense of proove




  1. Alternative letter-case form of Provo (“member of Dutch counterculture movement”)



Proper noun

  1. A city in Russia, administrative centre of Pskov oblast.




  1. (archaic, in the plural) Hypochondria; melancholy; the blues; hysteria, or other nervous disorder.
  2. (dated) Any medicinal agent designed for administration in the form of inhaled vapour.
  3. (obsolete) Wind; flatulence.
  4. Cloudy diffused matter such as mist, steam or fumes suspended in the air.
  5. Something insubstantial, fleeting, or transitory; unreal fancy; vain imagination; idle talk; boasting.
  6. The gaseous state of a substance that is normally a solid or liquid.


  1. (intransitive) To become vapor; to be emitted or circulated as vapor.
  2. (intransitive) To use insubstantial language; to boast or bluster.
  3. (transitive) To give (someone) the vapors; to depress, to bore.
  4. (transitive) To turn into vapor.
  5. To emit vapor or fumes.
