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English 3 letter words - Containing letters tub - page 1

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  1. (Australia, Tyneside, conjunctive) Though, however.
  2. (chiefly literary or poetic) Merely, only, just, no more than


  1. (archaic) Without it also being the case that; unless that (introducing a necessary concomitant).
  2. (colloquial) Used at the beginning of a sentence to express opposition to a remark.
  3. (colloquial) Used to link an interjection to the following remark as an intensifier.
  4. (obsolete) Except with; unless with; without.
  5. (obsolete) Only; solely; merely.
  6. (obsolete) Until.
  7. (obsolete, following a negated expression of improbability) That.
  8. Except that (introducing a subordinate clause which qualifies a negative statement); also, with omission of the subject of the subordinate clause, acting as a negative relative, "except one that", "except such that".
  9. However, although, nevertheless, on the other hand (introducing a clause contrary to prior belief or in contrast with the preceding clause or sentence).
  10. On the contrary, rather (as a regular adversative conjunction, introducing a word or clause in contrast or contradiction with the preceding negative clause or sentence).


  1. (Scotland) The outer room of a small two-room cottage.
  2. A limit; a boundary.
  3. An instance or example of using the word "but".
  4. The end; especially the larger or thicker end, or the blunt, in distinction from the sharp, end; the butt.


  1. (obsolete outside Scotland) Outside of.
  2. Apart from, except (for), excluding.


  1. (archaic) Use the word "but".




  1. (humorous or derogatory) Any structure shaped like a tub, such as a certain old form of pulpit, a short broad boat, etc.
  2. (mining) A box or bucket in which coal or ore is sent up a shaft.
  3. (nautical, informal) A slow-moving craft.
  4. (obsolete) A sweating in a tub; a tub fast.
  5. (slang) A corpulent or obese person.
  6. A bathtub.
  7. A flat-bottomed vessel, of width similar to or greater than its height, used for storing or packing things, or for washing things in.
  8. A small cask.
  9. Any of various historically designated quantities of goods to be sold by the tub (butter, oysters, etc).
  10. The contents or capacity of such a vessel.


  1. (transitive) To plant, set, or store in a tub.
  2. (transitive, intransitive) To bathe in a tub.