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  1. (by extension, the animal or its meat) Salt beef.
  2. (historical) Marque (chiefly used in the phrase letters of mart).
  3. (obsolete) A bargain.
  4. (obsolete) Battle; contest.
  5. A bazaar, fair, marketplace.
  6. A head of feeder cattle or fattened cattle (usually the latter).
  7. A shop, store.


  1. (obsolete) To buy or sell in, or as in a mart.
  2. (obsolete) To traffic.





  1. (Internet, informal) A player in a multi-user dungeon who does not have special administrator privileges and whose character can be killed.
  2. (UK, Scotland, dialect) The skin of a sheep or lamb that has died of disease.
  3. (card games) A variety of dummy whist for three players.
  4. (card games) The exposed or dummy hand of cards in the game of mort.
  5. (obsolete, UK, thieves' cant) A woman; a female.
  6. A great quantity or number.
  7. A note sounded on a horn at the death of a deer.
  8. A three-year-old salmon.
  9. Death; especially, the death of game in hunting.









  1. (medicine, colloquial) Born or delivered at term.


  1. (archaic) A menstrual period.
  2. (art) A statue of the upper body, sometimes without the arms, ending in a pillar or pedestal.
  3. (astrology) An essential dignity in which unequal segments of every astrological sign have internal rulerships which affect the power and integrity of each planet in a natal chart.
  4. (computing, informal) A computer program that emulates a physical terminal.
  5. (geometry, archaic) A point, line, or superficies that limits.
  6. (logic) The subject or the predicate of a proposition; one of the three component parts of a syllogism, each one of which is used twice.
  7. (mathematics) Any value (variable or constant) or expression separated from another term by a space or an appropriate character, in an overall expression or table.
  8. (nautical) A piece of carved work placed under each end of the taffrail.
  9. (of a patent) The maximum period during which the patent can be maintained into force.
  10. A chronological limitation or restriction, a limited timespan.
  11. A word or phrase (e.g., noun phrase, verb phrase, open compound), especially one from a specialised area of knowledge; a name for a concept.
  12. Any of the binding conditions or promises in a legal contract.
  13. Certain days on which rent is paid.
  14. Duration of officeholding, or its limit; period in office of fixed length.
  15. One whose employment has been terminated
  16. Part of a year, especially one of the divisions of an academic year.
  17. Relations among people.
  18. Specifically, the conditions in a legal contract that specify the price and also how and when payment must be made.
  19. That which limits the extent of anything; limit, extremity, bound, boundary, terminus.
  20. The time during which legal courts are open.
  21. With respect to a pregnancy, the period during which birth usually happens (approximately 40 weeks from conception).


  1. (transitive, intransitive) To terminate one's employment
  2. To phrase a certain way; to name or call.






  1. (Australia, Britain, rail transport) A passenger vehicle for public use that runs on tracks in the road (called a streetcar or trolley in North America).
  2. (British, historical) A car on a horse railway or tramway (horse trams preceded electric trams).
  3. (US) A train with wheels that runs on a road; a trackless train.
  4. (US) An aerial cable car.
  5. (US, rail transport) A people mover.
  6. (obsolete) One of the rails of a tramway.
  7. (obsolete) The shaft of a cart.
  8. (weaving) A silk thread formed of two or more threads twisted together, used especially for the weft, or cross threads, of the best quality of velvets and silk goods.
  9. A similar vehicle for carrying materials.


  1. (US, transitive) To align a component in mechanical engineering or metalworking, particularly the head of a drill press.
  2. (intransitive) To operate, or conduct the business of, a tramway.
  3. (intransitive) To travel by tram.
  4. (transitive) To transport (material) by tram.
  5. (weaving) To weave in this manner.




  1. Neat or smart in appearance.
  2. Physically fit.
  3. Slender, lean.


  1. (nautical) In good order; properly managed or maintained.
  2. (nautical) With sails well trimmed.


  1. (countable) A haircut, especially a moderate one to touch up an existing style.
  2. (countable) The manner in which something is equipped or adorned; order; disposition.
  3. (nautical) The arrangement of the sails with reference to the wind.
  4. (nautical) The fore-and-aft angle of the vessel to the water, with reference to the cargo and ballast; the manner in which a vessel floats on the water, whether on an even keel or down by the head or stern.
  5. (uncountable) Decoration; especially, decoration placed along edges or borders.
  6. (uncountable, aviation, by extension) The mechanism(s) used to trim an aircraft in roll, pitch, and/or yaw.
  7. (uncountable, aviation, of an aircraft) The state of adjustment of control surfaces such that the desired attitude can be maintained without requiring the continuous application of force to the cockpit controls.
  8. (uncountable, slang, mildly vulgar) Sexual intercourse.
  9. Dress; gear; ornaments.


  1. (dated) To balance; to fluctuate between parties, so as to appear to favour each.
  2. (transitive) To decorate or adorn; especially of a Christmas tree.
  3. (transitive) To make trim; to put in due order for any purpose; to make right, neat, or pleasing; to adjust.
  4. (transitive) To reduce slightly; to cut; especially, to remove excess.
  5. (transitive, aviation, of an aircraft) To adjust the positions of control surfaces, sometimes using trim tabs, so as to modify or eliminate the aircraft's tendency to pitch, roll, or yaw when the cockpit controls are released.
  6. (transitive, by extension) To change the carbon rods of (an arc lamp).
  7. (transitive, carpentry, of timber) To dress; to make smooth.
  8. (transitive, dated) To beat or thrash.
  9. (transitive, dated) To rebuke; to reprove.
  10. (transitive, historical) To cut back the wick of (a lamp) to maintain a clean, bright flame.
  11. (transitive, nautical, of a vessel's sails) To modify the angle (of the sails) relative to the wind, especially to set them at the most advantageous angle.
  12. (transitive, nautical, of a vessel) To modify the angle relative to the water by shifting cargo or ballast; to adjust for sailing; to assume, or cause to assume a certain position, or trim, in the water.




  1. (obsolete) A group of people, especially a military unit of cavalrymen.
