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  1. Fractional; partial.


  1. Partly; partially; fractionally.


  1. (Judaism) In the Hebrew lunisolar calendar, a unit of time equivalent to 3⅓ seconds.
  2. (US) A room in a public building, especially a courtroom.
  3. (US) The dividing line formed by combing the hair in different directions.
  4. (mathematics, dated) A factor.
  5. (music) The melody played or sung by a particular instrument, voice, or group of instruments or voices, within a polyphonic piece.
  6. 3.5 centiliters of one ingredient in a mixed drink.
  7. A constituent of character or capacity; quality; faculty; talent; usually in the plural with a collective sense.
  8. A distinct element of something larger.
  9. A fraction of a whole.
  10. A group inside a larger group.
  11. A section of a document.
  12. A section of land; an area of a country or other territory; region.
  13. A unit of relative proportion in a mixture.
  14. Duty; responsibility.
  15. Each of two contrasting sides of an argument, debate etc.; "hand".
  16. Position or role (especially in a play).
  17. Share, especially of a profit.


  1. (intransitive) To be divided in two or separated; shed.
  2. (intransitive) To leave the company of.
  3. (obsolete) To have a part or share; to partake.
  4. (obsolete) To hold apart; to stand or intervene between.
  5. (transitive) To divide in two.
  6. (transitive, Internet) To leave (an IRC channel).
  7. (transitive, archaic) To leave; to quit.
  8. (transitive, now rare) To divide up; to share.
  9. To cut hair with a parting; shed.
  10. To separate by a process of extraction, elimination, or secretion.
  11. To separate or disunite; to remove from contact or contiguity; to sunder.




  1. (archaic) Especially of children or social inferiors: cheeky, impertinent.
  2. (obsolete) Clever.
  3. (obsolete) Open; evident; unhidden.
  4. (of a part of the body) Well-formed; shapely.
  5. (of a person) Attractive.
  6. Lively; alert and cheerful; bright.


  1. (obsolete) An impudent person.


  1. (intransitive, obsolete) To behave with pertness; to misbehave.





  1. (nautical) Of or relating to port, the left-hand side of a vessel when facing the bow.


  1. (Australia) A suitcase or schoolbag.
  2. (archaic) The manner in which a person carries himself; bearing; deportment; carriage. See also portance.
  3. (computing) A female connector of an electronic device, into which a cable's male connector can be inserted.
  4. (computing) A logical or physical construct in and from which data are transferred. Computer port (hardware) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  5. (computing) A program that has been adapted, modified, or recoded so that it works on a different platform from the one for which it was created; the act of this adapting.
  6. (computing, BSD) A set of files used to build and install a binary executable file from the source code of an application.
  7. (curling, bowls) A space between two stones wide enough for a delivered stone or bowl to pass through.
  8. (informal) The portfolio of a model or artist.
  9. (medicine) A small medical appliance installed beneath the skin, connected to a vein by a catheter, and used to inject drugs or to draw blood samples.
  10. (military) The position of a weapon when ported; a rifle position executed by throwing the weapon diagonally across the front of the body, with the right hand grasping the small of the stock and the barrel sloping upward and crossing the point of the left shoulder.
  11. (nautical, aviation, uncountable) The left-hand side of a vessel, including aircraft, when one is facing the front. Used to unambiguously refer to directions relative to the vessel structure, rather than to a person or object on board.
  12. (now Scotland, historical) An entryway or gate.
  13. (rowing) A sweep rower that primarily rows with an oar on the port side.
  14. A place on the coast at which ships can shelter, or dock to load and unload cargo or passengers.
  15. A town or city containing such a place, a port city.
  16. A type of very sweet fortified wine, mostly dark red, traditionally made in Portugal.
  17. An opening or doorway in the side of a ship, especially for boarding or loading; an embrasure through which a cannon may be discharged; a porthole.
  18. An opening where a connection (such as a pipe) is made.
  19. Something used to carry a thing, especially a frame for wicks in candle-making.


  1. (US, government and law) To transfer a voucher or subsidy from one jurisdiction to another.
  2. (computing, video games) To adapt, modify, or create a new version of, a program so that it works on a different platform. Porting (computing) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  3. (military) To hold or carry (a weapon) with both hands so that it lays diagonally across the front of the body, with the barrel or similar part near the left shoulder and the right hand grasping the small of the stock; or, to throw (the weapon) into this position on command.
  4. (nautical, transitive, chiefly imperative) To turn or put to the left or larboard side of a ship; said of the helm.
  5. (telephony, transitive) To carry or transfer (an existing telephone number) from one telephone service provider to another.
  6. To carry, bear, or transport. See porter.




  1. (obsolete) Cunning, astute.


  1. (UK, slang) A fool.
  2. (now Scotland) A cunning or mischievous trick; a prank, a joke.
  3. (slang) A buttock, or the buttocks; a person's bottom.
  4. (slang) The female genitals.








  1. (comparable) Enthusiatic; ecstatic, elated, happy.
  2. (comparable) Very interested, involved in something, absorbed, transfixed; fascinated or engrossed.
  3. (not comparable) Lifted up into the air; transported into heaven.
  4. (not comparable, archaic) Snatched, taken away; abducted.


  1. (obsolete) An ecstasy; a trance.
  2. (obsolete) Rapidity.


  1. (obsolete) To carry away by force.
  2. (obsolete) To transport or ravish.




  1. Abbreviation of receipt.






  1. A tarpaulin.


  1. To cover something with a tarpaulin.




  1. (computing, slang) An interpreter (program that parses and executes another program).
  2. (dated, slang) Dance.
  3. (military or Deaf slang) An interpreter (person who translates).
  4. An artificial dwelling mound found on the North European Plain, created to provide safe ground during storm surges, high tides and sea or river flooding.
  5. Any of various essential oils containing monoterpene alcohols which are added to a henna mix to darken the color.


  1. (transitive) To add such an essential oil to (a henna mix).
  2. (transitive, dated, slang) To dance.




  1. (Australian rules football, informal) A torpedo punt.
  2. (informal) Abbreviation of torpedo.




  1. (Australia, slang, historical) A mining license inspector during the Australian gold rush.
  2. (US, slang, African-American Vernacular, also attributive) A vehicle, residential building, or sidewalk corner where drugs are manufactured, packaged, or sold.
  3. (US, slang, African-American Vernacular, also attributive) An area, especially of a city, with a low level of opportunity and a high level of poverty and crime; a ghetto; a hood.
  4. (aviation, military, slang) A successful landing on an aircraft carrier using the carrier's arresting gear.
  5. (computing) An exception generated by the processor or by an external event.
  6. (geology) A geological structure that creates a petroleum reservoir.
  7. (historical) A light two-wheeled carriage with springs.
  8. (in the plural) Belongings.
  9. (music, uncountable) A genre of hip-hop music, with half-time drums and heavy sub-bass.
  10. (now rare) A kind of movable stepladder or set of stairs.
  11. (slang) A cubicle (in a public toilet).
  12. (slang) A person's mouth.
  13. (slang, archaic) A policeman.
  14. (slang, bodybuilding, anatomy) The trapezius muscle.
  15. (slang, informal, sometimes considered offensive) A fictional character from anime, or related media, who is coded as or has qualities typically associated with a gender other than the character's ostensible gender; otokonoko, josou.
  16. (slang, informal, sometimes offensive, sometimes derogatory) Someone who is anatomically male but who passes as female.
  17. (slang, uncountable) The money earned by a prostitute for a pimp.
  18. (sports) Trapshooting.
  19. A bend, sag, or other device in a waste-pipe arranged so that the liquid contents form a seal which prevents the escape of noxious gases, but permits the flow of liquids.
  20. A covering over a hole or opening; a trapdoor.
  21. A dark coloured igneous rock, now used to designate any non-granitic igneous rock; trap rock.
  22. A machine or other device designed to catch (and sometimes kill) animals, either by holding them in a container, or by catching hold of part of the body.
  23. A place in a water pipe, pump, etc., where air accumulates for lack of an outlet.
  24. A trick or arrangement designed to catch someone in a more general sense; a snare.
  25. A wooden instrument shaped somewhat like a shoe, used in the game of trapball.
  26. Any device used to hold and suddenly release an object.
  27. The game of trapball itself.


  1. (US, slang, informal, African-American Vernacular, intransitive) To sell illegal drugs, especially in a public area.
  2. (aviation, military, slang, intransitive) To successfully land an aircraft on an aircraft carrier using the carrier's arresting gear.
  3. (computing, intransitive) To capture (e.g. an error) in order to handle or process it.
  4. (intransitive) To leave suddenly, to flee.
  5. (intransitive) To set traps for game; to make a business of trapping game.
  6. (mining, dated) To attend to and open and close a (trap-)door.
  7. (slang, informal, sometimes offensive) Of a 'trap': to trick a (heterosexual) man into having sex, by appearing to be a woman.
  8. (transitive) To ensnare; to take by stratagem; to entrap.
  9. (transitive) To physically capture, to catch in a trap or traps, or something like a trap.
  10. (transitive) To provide with a trap.
  11. To dress with ornaments; to adorn (especially said of horses).
  12. to trap foxes




  1. (poker slang) Of or relating to trips (three of a kind).


  1. (by extension) Intense involvement in or enjoyment of a condition.
  2. (colloquial) A period of time in which one experiences drug-induced reverie or hallucinations.
  3. (electricity) A trip-switch or cut-out.
  4. (engineering) A mechanical cutout device.
  5. (figurative, archaic) An error; a failure; a mistake.
  6. (nautical) A single board, or tack, in plying, or beating, to windward.
  7. (obsolete) A small piece; a morsel; a bit.
  8. (obsolete) A troop of men; a host.
  9. (obsolete, UK, Scotland, dialect) A herd or flock of sheep, goats, etc.
  10. A faux pas, a social error.
  11. A flock of wigeons.
  12. A journey; an excursion or jaunt.
  13. A quick, light step; a lively movement of the feet; a skip.
  14. A stumble or misstep.
  15. The act of tripping someone, or causing them to lose their footing.


  1. (intransitive) To be activated, as by a signal or an event
  2. (intransitive) To be guilty of a misstep or mistake; to commit an offence against morality, propriety, etc
  3. (intransitive) To experience a state of reverie or to hallucinate, due to consuming psychoactive drugs.
  4. (intransitive) To fall over or stumble over an object as a result of striking it with one's foot
  5. (intransitive) To journey, to make a trip.
  6. (intransitive, dated) To move with light, quick steps; to walk or move lightly; to skip.
  7. (nautical) To pull (a yard) into a perpendicular position for lowering it.
  8. (nautical) To raise (an anchor) from the bottom, by its cable or buoy rope, so that it hangs free.
  9. (slang, African-American Vernacular, most commonly used in the form tripping) To become unreasonably upset, especially over something unimportant; to cause a scene or a disruption.
  10. (transitive) To activate or set in motion, as in the activation of a trap, explosive, or switch.
  11. (transitive, obsolete) To detect in a misstep; to catch; to convict.
  12. (transitive, sometimes followed by "up") To cause (a person or animal) to fall or stumble by knocking their feet from under them.




  1. (medicine, colloquial) Abbreviation of troponin.




  1. Abbreviation of tryptophan.
