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  1. (UK dialectal, Northern England, Ireland, Scotland) The giving of milk by a cow or sow; the period following calving or farrowing during which a cow or sow is at her most useful (i.e. gives milk); the milk given by a cow or sow during such a period.
  2. (academic) An academic treatise (often without regard to length); a treatment; a discussion paper; (loosely) any contribution to an academic discourse.
  3. (by extension) A call or song of a bird.
  4. (by extension) A key of the piano or organ.
  5. (extension) A small size of paper used for writing letters or notes.
  6. (finance) A written or printed paper acknowledging a debt, and promising payment
  7. (obsolete) A list of items or of charges; an account.
  8. (obsolete) Mark of disgrace.
  9. (obsolete) Notification; information; intelligence.
  10. (uncountable) Observation; notice; heed.
  11. (uncountable) Reputation; distinction.
  12. (uncountable, UK dialectal, Northern England, Ireland, Scotland) That which is needed or necessary; business; duty; work.
  13. A brief piece of writing intended to assist the memory; a memorandum; a minute.
  14. A brief remark; a marginal comment or explanation; hence, an annotation on a text or author; a comment; a critical, explanatory, or illustrative observation.
  15. A character, variously formed, to indicate the length of a tone, and variously placed upon the staff to indicate its pitch.
  16. A critical comment.
  17. A diplomatic missive or written communication.
  18. A mark or token by which a thing may be known; a visible sign; a character; a distinctive mark or feature; a characteristic quality.
  19. A mark, or sign, made to call attention, to point out something to notice, or the like; a sign, or token, proving or giving evidence.
  20. A musical sound; a tone; an utterance; a tune.
  21. A piece of paper money; a banknote.
  22. A short informal letter; a billet.


  1. (transitive) To annotate.
  2. (transitive) To denote; to designate.
  3. (transitive) To notice with care; to observe; to remark; to heed.
  4. (transitive) To record in writing; to make a memorandum of.
  5. (transitive) To set down in musical characters.
  6. (transitive, law) To record on the back of (a bill, draft, etc.) a refusal of acceptance, as the ground of a protest, which is done officially by a notary.





  1. (African-American Vernacular, slang) a gun
  2. (Chiefly in the form lower/raise the tone of something) The quality of being respectable or admirable.
  3. (biology) Normal tension or responsiveness to stimuli.
  4. (biology) The state of a living body or of any of its organs or parts in which the functions are healthy and performed with due vigor.
  5. (dated) A whining style of speaking; a kind of mournful or artificial strain of voice; an affected speaking with a measured rhythm and a regular rise and fall of the voice.
  6. (linguistics) The pitch of a word that distinguishes a difference in meaning, for example in Chinese.
  7. (literature) The manner in which speech or writing is expressed.
  8. (music) (in a Gregorian chant) A recitational melody.
  9. (music) (in the diatonic scale) An interval of a major second.
  10. (music) A specific pitch.
  11. (obsolete) State of mind; temper; mood.
  12. The character of a sound, especially the timbre of an instrument or voice.
  13. The definition and firmness of a muscle or organ; see also: tonus.
  14. The favourable effect of a picture produced by the combination of light and shade, or of colours.
  15. The general character, atmosphere, mood, or vibe (of a situation, place, etc.).
  16. The shade or quality of a colour.


  1. (now dialectal) the one (of two)


  1. (intransitive) to harmonize, especially in colour
  2. (transitive) to change the colour of
  3. (transitive) to give a particular tone to
  4. (transitive) to make (something) firmer
  5. (transitive) to utter with an affected tone.