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  1. (chiefly with a negative connotation) Complete; downright; utter.
  2. (rare) Lower than nearby areas; low-lying.
  3. Existing in or sunk to a low condition, position, or state; contemptible, despicable, miserable.
  4. Of a person: cast down in hope or spirit; showing utter helplessness, hopelessness, or resignation; also, grovelling; ingratiating; servile.


  1. A person in the lowest and most despicable condition; an oppressed person; an outcast; also, such people as a class.


  1. (mycology) Of a fungus: to (forcibly) give off (spores or sporidia).
  2. To cast down (someone or something); to abase; to debase; to degrade; to lower; also, to forcibly impose obedience or servitude upon (someone); to subjugate.
  3. To cast off or out (someone or something); to reject, especially as contemptible or inferior.




  1. (Scotland) A shallow wooden trough for carrying ashes, coals, etc.





  1. (England, dialect, historical) A spade for digging turf in the Fens.
  2. (nautical) A loop of rope with a knot at one end to catch in an eye at the other end. Used to secure oars etc. at their place.
  3. (nautical) A short piece of rope spliced to form a circle
  4. (nautical) The clevis of a pulley block.
  5. (nautical, slang) A pocket in clothing.
  6. (obsolete) chough (the bird)
  7. (sewing) A loop of thread, typically braided, attached at each end to a jacket. Used to pass through the brooch bar of medals to affix them to the jacket without damaging it.
  8. A method of joining fabric, for example the doors of a tent, by interlacing loops of cord (beckets) through eyelet holes and adjacent loops.
  9. An eye in the end of a rope.






  1. (geometry) A bisector, which divides into two equal parts.
  2. (philately) An envelope, card, or fragment thereof showing an affixed cut half of a regular issued stamp, over which one or more postal markings have been applied. Typically used in wartime when normal lower rate stamps may not be available.


  1. (computing) To perform a binary search on files in source control in order to identify the specific change that introduced a bug etc.
  2. (transitive, geometry) To divide an angle, line segment, or other figure into two equal parts.





  1. (MTE, slang) an insult term used in Toronto to refer to someone who habitually uses crack cocaine.
  2. (UK, archaic) A unit of measure equal to four gallons.
  3. (aviation, mechanical engineering, uncommon) A turbine blade driven by hot gas or steam.
  4. (basketball, informal) A field goal.
  5. (basketball, informal) The basket.
  6. (computing) A storage space in a hash table for every item sharing a particular key.
  7. (informal, chiefly in the plural) A great deal of anything.
  8. (informal, chiefly in the plural) A large amount of liquid.
  9. (slang) An old vehicle that is not in good working order.
  10. (slang, humorous) A helmet.
  11. (variation management) A mechanism for avoiding the allocation of targets in cases of mismanagement.
  12. A bucket bag.
  13. A container made of rigid material, often with a handle, used to carry liquids or small items.
  14. Part of a piece of machinery that resembles a bucket (container).
  15. The amount held in this container.
  16. The leather socket for holding the whip when driving, or for the carbine or lance when mounted.
  17. The pitcher in certain orchids.


  1. (computing, transitive) To categorize (data) by splitting it into buckets, or groups of related items.
  2. (intransitive, informal) To rain heavily.
  3. (intransitive, informal) To travel very quickly.
  4. (transitive) To draw or lift in, or as if in, buckets.
  5. (transitive) To place inside a bucket.
  6. (transitive) To ride (a horse) hard or mercilessly.
  7. (transitive, Australia, slang) To criticize vehemently; to denigrate.
  8. (transitive, UK, US, rowing) To make, or cause to make (the recovery), with a certain hurried or unskillful forward swing of the body.




  1. A slender cable.






  1. (category theory) An instance of one of the two kinds of entities that form a category, the other kind being the arrows (also called morphisms).
  2. (grammar) The noun phrase which is an internal complement of a verb phrase or a prepositional phrase. In a verb phrase with a transitive action verb, it is typically the receiver of the action.
  3. (object-oriented programming) An instantiation of a class or structure.
  4. (obsolete) Sight; show; appearance; aspect.
  5. A person or thing toward which an emotion is directed.
  6. A thing that has physical existence but is not alive.
  7. Objective; goal, end or purpose of something.


  1. (intransitive) To disagree with or oppose something or someone; (especially in a Court of Law) to raise an objection.
  2. (transitive, obsolete) To offer in opposition as a criminal charge or by way of accusation or reproach; to adduce as an objection or adverse reason.
  3. (transitive, obsolete) To set before or against; to bring into opposition; to oppose.




  1. (entomology, of a pupa) Having the legs and other appendages more or less strongly cemented to the body.




  1. (chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or containing, terbium.