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  1. (dialect) Informal form of dog.
  2. (in Scotland and northern English dialects) A day's work.
  3. (in Scotland and northern English dialects) A defined quantity or amount of work, or of the product of work, done in a certain time or at a certain rate of payment; a task.




  1. (billiards) A push somewhat under the centre of the cue ball, causing it to follow the object ball a short way.
  2. (by analogy with above) Any force acting in opposition to the motion of an object.
  3. (countable) A device dragged along the bottom of a body of water in search of something, e.g. a dead body, or in fishing.
  4. (countable) The scent-path left by dragging a fox, or some other substance such as aniseed, for training hounds to follow scents.
  5. (countable, foundry) The bottom part of a sand casting mold.
  6. (countable, informal) A puff on a cigarette or joint.
  7. (countable, informal) A systematic search for someone over a wide area, especially by the authorities; a dragnet.
  8. (countable, music) A double drum-stroke played at twice the speed of the context in which it is placed.
  9. (countable, slang) A long open horse-drawn carriage with transverse or side seats.
  10. (countable, slang) A men's party attended in women's clothing.
  11. (countable, slang) Someone or something that is annoying or frustrating, or disappointing; an obstacle to progress or enjoyment.
  12. (countable, slang) Street, as in 'main drag'.
  13. (countable, snooker) A large amount of backspin on the cue ball, causing the cue ball to slow down.
  14. (historical) A mailcoach.
  15. (masonry) A steel instrument for completing the dressing of soft stone.
  16. (metallurgy) The bottom part of a flask or mould, the upper part being the cope.
  17. (nautical) The difference between the speed of a screw steamer under sail and that of the screw when the ship outruns the screw; or between the propulsive effects of the different floats of a paddle wheel.
  18. (physics, uncountable) Resistance of a fluid to something moving through it.
  19. (slang) A prison sentence of three months.
  20. (uncountable, music) Witch house music.
  21. (uncountable, slang) Any type of clothing or costume associated with a particular occupation or subculture.
  22. (uncountable, slang) Women's clothing worn by men for the purpose of entertainment.
  23. (uncountable, slang, by analogy) Men's clothing worn by women for the purpose of entertainment.
  24. A device for guiding wood to the saw.
  25. A heavy harrow for breaking up ground.
  26. A kind of sledge for conveying heavy objects; also, a kind of low car or handcart.
  27. A pulled load.
  28. A skid or shoe for retarding the motion of a carriage wheel.
  29. Anything towed in the water to retard a ship's progress, or to keep her head up to the wind; especially, a canvas bag with a hooped mouth (drag sail), so used.
  30. Motion affected with slowness and difficulty, as if clogged.
  31. The last position in a line of hikers.


  1. (chiefly of a vehicle) To unintentionally rub or scrape on a surface.
  2. (figurative) To search exhaustively, as if with a dragnet.
  3. (graphical user interface) To operate a pointing device by moving it with a button held down; to move, copy, etc. (an item) in this way.
  4. (intransitive, music) To play at a slower tempo than one is supposed to or than the other musicians one is playing with, or to inadvertently gradually decrease tempo while one is playing.
  5. (slang) To roast, say negative things about, or call attention to the flaws of (someone).
  6. (soccer) To hit or kick off target.
  7. (transitive) To pull along a surface or through a medium, sometimes with difficulty.
  8. To act or proceed slowly or without enthusiasm; to be reluctant.
  9. To break (land) by drawing a drag or harrow over it; to harrow.
  10. To draw along (something burdensome); hence, to pass in pain or with difficulty.
  11. To fish with a dragnet.
  12. To move onward heavily, laboriously, or slowly; to advance with weary effort; to go on lingeringly.
  13. To perform as a drag queen or drag king.
  14. To search for something, as a lost object or body, by dragging something along the bottom of a body of water.
  15. To serve as a clog or hindrance; to hold back.




  1. (by extension) The lowest and most worthless part of something; scum.
  2. Sediment in a liquid.




  1. (Canada, US, informal) Short for drugstore.
  2. (obsolete) A drudge.
  3. (pharmacology) A substance used to treat an illness, relieve a symptom, or modify a chemical process in the body for a specific purpose.
  4. A psychoactive substance, especially one which is illegal and addictive, ingested for recreational use, such as cocaine.
  5. Any commodity that lies on hand, or is not salable; an article of slow sale, or in no demand.
  6. Anything, such as a substance, emotion, or action, to which one is addicted.


  1. (dialect) simple past tense and past participle of drag
  2. (intransitive) To prescribe or administer drugs or medicines.
  3. (transitive) To add intoxicating drugs to with the intention of drugging someone.
  4. (transitive) To administer intoxicating drugs to, generally without the recipient's knowledge or consent.




  1. (obsolete) A garden.
  2. Obsolete spelling of guard





  1. A sarcastic remark.
  2. A severe spasm; a twinge; a pang.
  3. A stroke with a rod or switch.


  1. (intransitive) To jeer.
  2. (transitive) To bind with a flexible rope or cord.
  3. (transitive) To encircle with, or as if with a belt.
  4. (transitive) To jeer at.
  5. (transitive, reflexive) To prepare (oneself) for an action.




  1. (archaeology) A medieval Slavonic fortified settlement, typically a group of wooden houses surrounded by a wall of earth and wood, with a palisade running along the top of the bulwark.
  2. (obsolete) An instrument of gaming; a sort of dice.




  1. (geometry, trigonometry) Abbreviation of gradian.
  2. Abbreviation of graduate.
  3. Abbreviation of graduation.
  4. Alternative letter-case form of Grad




  1. (cartography) A method of marking off maps into areas.
  2. (computing) A system or structure of distributed computers working mostly on a peer-to-peer basis, used mainly to solve single and complex scientific or technical problems or to process data at high speeds (as in clusters).
  3. (electricity) A battery-plate somewhat like a grating, especially a zinc plate in a primary battery, or a lead plate in a secondary or storage battery.
  4. (electronics) The third (or higher) electrode of a vacuum tube (triode or higher).
  5. (motor racing) The pattern of starting positions of the drivers for a race.
  6. (theater, television) An openwork ceiling above the stage or studio, used for affixing lights etc.
  7. A grating of parallel bars; a gridiron.
  8. A rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size, such as in a crossword puzzle.
  9. A system for delivery of electricity, consisting of various substations, transformers and generators, connected by wire.
  10. A tiling of the plane with regular polygons; a honeycomb.


  1. To assign a reference grid to.
  2. To mark with a grid.




  1. Abbreviation of registered.