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English 3 letter words - Containing letters pge - page 1

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Flash Deals (EN)






  1. (India) A serving of any hard spirit, particularly whisky.
  2. (UK) A small quantity of a strong alcoholic beverage.
  3. (UK, slang, obsolete) A shilling.
  4. (colloquial, dated) A leg or foot.
  5. (cribbage) A peg moved on a crib board to keep score.
  6. (cricket, slang) A stump.
  7. (figurative) A support; a reason; a pretext.
  8. (finance) A fixed exchange rate, where a currency's value is matched to the value of another currency or measure such as gold.
  9. (journalism) A topic of interest, such as an ongoing event or an anniversary, around which various features can be developed.
  10. (slang) The penetration of one's (male) partner in the anus using a dildo.
  11. (slang, archaic) A serving of brandy and soda.
  12. A cylindrical wooden or metal object used to fasten or as a bearing between objects.
  13. A place formally allotted for fishing
  14. A protrusion used to hang things on.
  15. A step; a degree.
  16. Ellipsis of clothes peg.
  17. One of the pins of a musical instrument, on which the strings are strained.


  1. (cribbage) To move one's pegs to indicate points scored; to score with a peg.
  2. (intransitive) To keep working hard at something; to peg away.
  3. (slang, archaic) To drink alcohol frequently, especially brandy and soda; to tipple.
  4. (slang, transitive, typically in heterosexual contexts) To engage in anal sex by penetrating (one's male partner) with a dildo.
  5. (transitive) To affix or pin.
  6. (transitive) To fasten using a peg.
  7. (transitive) To fix a value or price.
  8. (transitive) To narrow the cuff openings of a pair of pants so that the legs take on a peg shape.
  9. (transitive, slang) To indicate or ascribe an attribute to. (Assumed to originate from the use of pegs or pins as markers on a bulletin board or a list.)
  10. (transitive, slang) To reach or exceed the maximum value on (a scale or gauge).
  11. (transitive, slang) To throw.