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  1. (music) A note in string instrument musical notation indicating that the bow is to be used in the usual way, usually following a passage that is played pizzicato.





  1. A large scombroid food fish (Scomberomorus regalis) found chiefly in the West Indies.




  1. (Tyneside) Alternative form of chore (“to steal”).






  1. The fibre obtained from the husk of a coconut, used chiefly in making rope, matting and as a peat substitute.







  1. (anatomy) Any structure having the appearance of a cord, especially a tendon or nerve.
  2. (figuratively) Any influence by which persons are caught, held, or drawn, as if by a cord.
  3. A long, thin, flexible length of twisted yarns (strands) of fiber (rope, for example); (uncountable) such a length of twisted strands considered as a commodity.
  4. A small flexible electrical conductor composed of wires insulated separately or in bundles and assembled together usually with an outer cover; the electrical cord of a lamp, sweeper ((US) vacuum cleaner), or other appliance.
  5. A unit of measurement for firewood, equal to 128 cubic feet (4 × 4 × 8 feet), composed of logs and/or split logs four feet long and none over eight inches diameter. It is usually seen as a stack four feet high by eight feet long.
  6. Dated form of chord: musical sense.
  7. Misspelling of chord: a cross-section measurement of an aircraft wing.


  1. To arrange (wood, etc.) in a pile for measurement by the cord.
  2. To flatten a book during binding
  3. To furnish with cords
  4. To tie or fasten with cords




  1. Forming the most important or essential part.


  1. (automotive, machinery, aviation, marine) A deposit paid by the purchaser of a rebuilt part, to be refunded on return of a used, rebuildable part, or the returned rebuildable part itself.
  2. (biochemistry) The central part of a protein's structure, consisting mostly of hydrophobic amino acids.
  3. (botany) Used to designate the main and most diverse monophyletic group within a clade or taxonomic group.
  4. (computer hardware) An individual computer processor, in the sense when several processors (called cores or CPU cores) are plugged together in one single integrated circuit to work as one (called a multi-core processor).
  5. (computing, informal, historical) Ellipsis of core memory.; magnetic data storage.
  6. (engineering) The material between surface materials in a structured composite sandwich material.
  7. (engineering) The portion of a mold that creates an internal cavity within a casting or that makes a hole in or through a casting.
  8. (engineering, nuclear physics) The inner part of a nuclear reactor, in which the nuclear reaction takes place.
  9. (game theory) The set of feasible allocations that cannot be improved upon by a subset (a coalition) of the economy's agents.
  10. (historical units of measure) Alternative form of cor: a former Hebrew and Phoenician unit of volume.
  11. (medicine) A tiny sample of organic material obtained by means of a fine-needle biopsy.
  12. (military) The central fissile portion of a fission weapon.
  13. (obsolete) A body of individuals; an assemblage.
  14. (physics) An atomic nucleus plus inner electrons (i.e., an atom, except for its valence electrons).
  15. (printing) A hollow cylindrical piece of cardboard around which a web of paper or plastic is wound.
  16. A cylindrical sample of rock or other materials obtained by core drilling.
  17. A disorder of sheep caused by worms in the liver.
  18. A miner's underground working time or shift.
  19. A piece of ferromagnetic material (e.g., soft iron), inside the windings of an electromagnet, that channels the magnetic field.
  20. The anatomical core, muscles which bridge abdomen and thorax.
  21. The bony process which forms the central axis of the horns in many animals.
  22. The center or inner part of a space or area.
  23. The central part of a fruit, containing the kernels or seeds.
  24. The heart or inner part of a physical thing.
  25. The most important part of a thing or aggregate of things wherever located and whether of any determinate location at all; the essence.


  1. To cut or drill through the core of (something).
  2. To extract a sample with a drill.
  3. To remove the core of an apple or other fruit.




  1. (fishing) A container (basket, wooden box with holes etc.) used to store live fish underwater.
  2. (mining) A large basket, especially as used for coal.
  3. (mining) A wooden frame, sled, or low-wheeled wagon, to convey coal or ore in the mines.





  1. (snowboarding, skiing, skateboarding) Having the property of a head over heels rotation.


  1. (botany) The dead protective tissue between the bark and cambium in woody plants, with suberin deposits making it impervious to gasses and water.
  2. (snowboarding, skiing, skateboarding) An aerialist maneuver involving a rotation where the rider goes heels over head, with the board overhead.
  3. (uncountable) The bark of the cork oak, which is very light and porous and used for making bottle stoppers, flotation devices, and insulation material.
  4. A bottle stopper made from this or any other material.
  5. An angling float, also traditionally made of oak cork.
  6. The cork oak, Quercus suber.


  1. (fishing) To position one's drift net just outside of another person's net, thereby intercepting and catching all the fish that would have gone into that person's net.
  2. (snowboarding, skiing, skateboarding) To perform such a maneuver.
  3. (transitive) To blacken (as) with a burnt cork.
  4. (transitive) To seal or stop up, especially with a cork stopper.
  5. (transitive, Australia) To injure through a blow; to induce a haematoma.
  6. (transitive, baseball) To tamper with (a bat) by drilling out part of the head and filling the cavity with cork or similar light, compressible material.
  7. To fill with cork.
  8. To leave the cork in a bottle after attempting to uncork it.




  1. A short, vertical, swollen, underground stem of a plant (usually one of the monocots) that serves as a storage organ to enable the plant to survive winter or other adverse conditions such as drought.




  1. (Commonwealth English, but not Australia or New Zealand, uncountable) Any cereal plant (or its grain) that is the main crop or staple of a country or region.
  2. (Jamaica, MLE, slang, firearms, uncountable) bullets, ammunition, charge and discharge of firearms
  3. (Jamaica, slang, uncountable) money.
  4. (US, Canada) Something (e.g. acting, humour, music, or writing) which is deemed old-fashioned or intended to induce emotion.
  5. (US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, uncountable) Maize, a grain crop of the species Zea mays.
  6. (uncountable) A type of granular snow formed by repeated melting and refreezing, often in mountain spring conditions.
  7. (veterinary medicine, pathology, cattle) (countable) skin hyperplasia with underlying fibroma between both digits of cattle.
  8. (veterinary medicine, pathology, equestrianism) (countable) inflammatory disease of horse hoof, at the caudal part of the sole.
  9. A grain or seed, especially of a cereal crop.
  10. A small, hard particle.
  11. A type of callus, usually on the feet or hands.


  1. (Jamaica, MLE, slang) to shoot up with bullets as by a shotgun (corn).
  2. (US, Canada) to granulate; to form a substance into grains
  3. (US, Canada) to preserve using coarse salt, e.g. corned beef
  4. (US, Canada) to provide with corn (typically maize; or, in Scotland, oats) for feed
  5. to render intoxicated





  1. Alternative form of corp.







  1. Any fish belonging to the genus Corydoras, a group of South American freshwater catfish.




  1. (colloquial) A crocodile.
  2. A plastic slip-on shoe.






  1. (agriculture) A plant, especially a cereal, grown to be harvested as food, livestock fodder, or fuel or for any other economic purpose.
  2. (anatomy) A pouch-like part of the alimentary tract of some birds (and some other animals), used to store food before digestion or for regurgitation; a craw.
  3. (archaic or dialect) The head of a flower, especially when picked; an ear of corn; the top branches of a tree.
  4. (architecture) The foliate part of a finial.
  5. (mining) An outcrop of a vein or seam at the surface.
  6. (mining) Tin ore prepared for smelting.
  7. A group of vesicles at the same stage of development in a disease.
  8. A group, cluster or collection of things occurring at the same time.
  9. A photograph or other image that has been reduced by removing the outer parts.
  10. A rocky outcrop.
  11. A short haircut.
  12. An entire oxhide.
  13. An entire short whip, especially as used in horse-riding; a riding crop.
  14. The act of cropping.
  15. The lashing end of a whip.
  16. The natural production for a specific year, particularly of plants.


  1. (intransitive) To yield harvest.
  2. (transitive) To beat with a crop, or riding-whip.
  3. (transitive) To cause to bear a crop.
  4. (transitive) To cut (especially hair or an animal's tail or ears) short.
  5. (transitive) To mow, reap or gather.
  6. (transitive) To remove the outer parts of a photograph or other image, typically in order to frame the subject better.
  7. (transitive) To remove the top end of something, especially a plant.




  1. (among butchers) The mesentery of an animal.
  2. (ethnic slur, offensive, slang) A black person.
  3. (historical) A gangplank (corvus) used by the Ancient Roman navy to board enemy ships.
  4. (military, slang) The emblem of an eagle, a sign of military rank.
  5. A bar of iron with a beak, crook or claw; a bar of iron used as a lever; a crowbar.
  6. A bird, usually black, of the genus Corvus, having a strong conical beak, with projecting bristles; it has a harsh, croaking call.
  7. Any of various dark-coloured nymphalid butterflies of the genus Euploea.
  8. The cry of the bird known in the US as a rooster and in British English as a cockerel.


  1. (intransitive) To make the shrill sound characteristic of a rooster; to make a sound in this manner, either in gaiety, joy, pleasure, or defiance.
  2. (intransitive) To shout in exultation or defiance; to brag.
  3. (intransitive, music) To test the reed of a double reed instrument by placing the reed alone in the mouth and blowing it.




  1. (Scottish) a natural or man-made protrusion or jetty projecting on a river and used to manage river fisheries, providing an obstacle to slow down current, a shelter for fish, a funnel to net them, and a platform to cast from.







  1. A sea mammal (Orcinus orca) related to dolphins and porpoises, commonly called the killer whale.




  1. Abbreviation of orchestra.




  1. plural of orc





  1. Abbreviation of procedure.
  2. Abbreviation of processor.
  3. Abbreviation of programmed random occurrence.


  1. (video games) To cause a special event to occur.










  1. (Britain, uncountable) A type of confectionery made from sugar in the shape of a stick, traditionally having some text running through its length.
  2. (CB radio slang) A crystal used to control the radio frequency.
  3. (South Africa, slang, derogatory) An Afrikaner.
  4. (US poker slang) An extremely conservative player who is willing to play only the very strongest hands.
  5. (US, baseball, slang) A mistake.
  6. (US, basketball, slang) A basketball.
  7. (US, slang) A crystallized lump of crack cocaine.
  8. (US, slang) An unintelligent person, especially one who repeats mistakes.
  9. (chiefly British) A boulder or large stone; or (US, Canada) a smaller stone; a pebble.
  10. (countable) Distaff.
  11. (curling) Synonym of stone.
  12. (figuratively) Something that is strong, stable, and dependable; a person who provides security or support to another.
  13. (geology) Any natural material with a distinctive composition of minerals.
  14. (informal, cricket) A cricket ball, especially a new one that has not been softened by use
  15. (rock paper scissors) A closed hand (a handshape resembling a rock), that beats scissors and loses to paper. It beats lizard and loses to Spock in rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock.
  16. (slang) A precious stone or gem, especially a diamond.
  17. (uncountable) The flax or wool on a distaff.
  18. (uncountable) The naturally occurring aggregate of solid mineral matter that constitutes a significant part of the earth's crust.
  19. A large hill or island having no vegetation.
  20. A lump or cube of ice.
  21. A mass of stone projecting out of the ground or water.
  22. A style of music characterized by basic drum-beat, generally 4/4 riffs, based on (usually electric) guitar, bass guitar, drums, and vocals.
  23. An act of rocking; a rocking motion; a sway.
  24. Archaic form of roc (mythical bird)
  25. The huss or rock salmon.
  26. The striped bass.


  1. (intransitive) To do well or to be operating at high efficiency.
  2. (intransitive) To play, perform, or enjoy rock music, especially with a lot of skill or energy.
  3. (intransitive) To sway one's body as a stim.
  4. (intransitive) To sway or tilt violently back and forth.
  5. (intransitive, slang) To be very favourable or skilful; excel; be fantastic.
  6. (intransitive, stative) to be cool.
  7. (slang, transitive, euphemistic) to make love to or have sex with.
  8. (transitive and intransitive) To move gently back and forth.
  9. (transitive and intransitive, of ore etc.) To be washed and panned in a cradle or in a rocker.
  10. (transitive) To cause to shake or sway violently.
  11. (transitive) To disturb the emotional equilibrium of; to distress; to greatly impact (most often positively).
  12. (transitive) To do something with excitement yet skillfully.
  13. (transitive) To thrill or excite, especially with rock music.
  14. (transitive) To wear (a piece of clothing, outfit etc.) successfully or with style; to carry off (a particular look, style).




  1. plural of roc





  1. Alternative spelling of torque (necklace)