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English 4 letter words - Containing letters onp - page 1

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e : 16.67%

u : 12.50%

r : 8.33%

k : 8.33%

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i : 8.33%

t : 8.33%

y : 4.17%

a : 4.17%

h : 4.17%

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g : 4.17%

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  1. A knob, usually ornamental






  1. (East Midlands and Northern England) A blow to the head.
  2. (archaic, except near Staffordshire) A bullfinch.
  3. (informal) A negative reply, no.
  4. (slang) An intensely undesirable thing, such as a circumstance or an animal, eliciting immediate repulsion without possibility of further consideration.


  1. (informal, often emphatic) No.


  1. (archaic, East Midlands and Northern England) To hit someone on the head.





  1. (business) Not fulfilled.
  2. (comparable) Receptive.
  3. (computing, education) Made public, usable with a free licence and without proprietary components.
  4. (computing, not comparable, of a file, document, etc.) In current use; mapped to part of memory.
  5. (computing, used before "code") Source code of a computer program that is not within the text of a macro being generated.
  6. (electricity, of a switch or circuit breaker) To be in a position preventing electricity from flowing.
  7. (engineering, gas and liquid flow, of valve or damper) To be in a position allowing fluid to flow.
  8. (graph theory, of a walk) Whose first and last vertices are different.
  9. (law, of correspondence) Written or sent with the intention that it may made public or referred to at any trial, rather than by way of confidential private negotiation for a settlement.
  10. (mathematics, logic, of a formula) Having a free variable.
  11. (mathematics, topology, of a set) Which is part of a predefined collection of subsets of X, that defines a topological space on X.
  12. (medicine) Resulting from an incision, puncture or any other process by which the skin no longer protects an internal part of the body.
  13. (music) Of a note, played without closing any finger-hole, key or valve.
  14. (music, stringed instruments) Of a note, played without pressing the string against the fingerboard.
  15. (not comparable) Actively conducting or prepared to conduct business.
  16. (not comparable) Candid, ingenuous, not subtle in character.
  17. (not comparable) Public
  18. (not comparable) With open access, of open science, or both.
  19. (now regional) Mild (of the weather); free from frost or snow.
  20. (of a body part) not covered, showing what is inside
  21. (of a multi-word compound) Having component words separated by spaces, as opposed to being joined together or hyphenated; for example, time slot as opposed to timeslot or time-slot.
  22. (phonetics) Uttered with a relatively wide opening of the articulating organs; said of vowels.
  23. (phonetics) Uttered, as a consonant, with the oral passage simply narrowed without closure.
  24. (phonetics, of a syllable) That ends in a vowel; not having a coda.
  25. Able to be accessed (physically).
  26. Able to have something pass through or along it.
  27. Not of a quality to prevent communication, as by closing waterways, blocking roads, etc.; hence, not frosty or inclement; mild; used of the weather or the climate.
  28. Not physically drawn together, closed, folded or contracted; extended.
  29. Not settled or adjusted; not decided or determined; not closed or withdrawn from consideration.


  1. (electronics) A defect in an electrical circuit preventing current from flowing.
  2. (with the) Open or unobstructed space; an exposed location.
  3. (with the) Public knowledge or scrutiny; full view.
  4. A sports event in which anybody can compete.
  5. The act of something being opened, such as an e-mail message.


  1. (Manglish, Philippines) To turn on; to switch on.
  2. (computing, transitive, intransitive, of a file, document, etc.) To load into memory for viewing or editing.
  3. (intransitive) To become open.
  4. (intransitive) To begin conducting business.
  5. (intransitive, cricket) To begin a side's innings as one of the first two batsmen.
  6. (intransitive, poker) To bet before any other player has in a particular betting round in a game of poker.
  7. (obsolete) To disclose; to reveal; to interpret; to explain.
  8. (transitive) To bring up, broach.
  9. (transitive) To enter upon, begin.
  10. (transitive) To make (an open space, etc.) by clearing away an obstacle or obstacles, in order to allow for passage, access, or visibility.
  11. (transitive) To make accessible to customers or clients.
  12. (transitive) To make something accessible or allow for passage by moving from a shut position.
  13. (transitive) To spread; to expand into an open or loose position.
  14. (transitive) To start (a campaign).
  15. (transitive, intransitive, electricity, of a switch, fuse or circuit breaker) To move to a position preventing electricity from flowing.
  16. (transitive, intransitive, engineering, gas and liquid flow, of valve or damper) To move to a position allowing fluid to flow.
  17. (transitive, intransitive, poker) To reveal one's hand.
  18. (transitive, nursing) To make (a bed) ready for a patient by folding back the bedcovers.





  1. (India, historical) A messenger, foot soldier, or native policeman.
  2. (figurative) A person of low rank or importance.
  3. A lowly person; a peasant or serf; a labourer who is obliged to do menial work.




  1. (acoustics) A unit of apparent loudness, equal in number to the intensity in decibels of a 1,000-hertz tone judged to be as loud as the sound being measured.





  1. (physics) Any of three semistable mesons, having positive, negative or neutral charge, composed of up and down quarks/antiquarks.




  1. (colloquial) The Atlantic Ocean. Especially in across the pond.
  2. An inland body of standing water of any size that is fed by springs rather than by a river.
  3. An inland body of standing water, either natural or man-made, that is smaller than a lake.


  1. (intransitive) To form a pond; to pool.
  2. (transitive) To block the flow of water so that it can escape only through evaporation or seepage; to dam.
  3. (transitive) To make into a pond; to collect, as water, in a pond by damming.
  4. (transitive, obsolete) To ponder.




  1. (Southern US) A baked or fried cornbread (bread made of cornmeal), often made without milk or eggs.
  2. (card games, chiefly US) The last player to bet or play in turn.
  3. (law, historical) A writ in law used by the superior courts to remove cases from inferior courts.
  4. (law, historical) A writ to enforce appearance in court by attaching goods or requiring securities.




  1. (UK, Australia, New Zealand, slang) A stench, a bad smell.
  2. (mahjong) Alternative form of pung
  3. (networking) A packet sent in reply to a ping, thereby indicating the presence of a host.


  1. (UK, Australia, New Zealand, slang) To stink, to smell bad.
  2. (slang, theater, derogatory) To deliver a line of a play in an arch, suggestive or unnatural way, so as to draw undue attention to it.
  3. (slang, theater, intransitive) To invent a line of dialogue when one has forgotten the actual line.




  1. (anatomy) A bridge-like tissue connecting two parts of an organ.
  2. (neuroanatomy) A band of nerve fibres, from the Latin term pōns Varoliī, within the brain stem.





  1. (Cockney rhyming slang) Of little worth.


  1. (Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia) A serving of 140 millilitres of beer (formerly 5 fl oz); a quarter pint.
  2. (Cockney rhyming slang) Crap; rubbish, nonsense.
  3. (UK, slang) Twenty-five pounds sterling.
  4. (US, slang) A translation used as a study aid; loosely, a crib, a cheat-sheet.
  5. (automotive, slang) One horsepower.
  6. (regional) A small serving of an alcoholic beverage, especially beer.
  7. (slang) A chorus girl of small stature.
  8. (slang) A ponytail hairstyle.
  9. (slang, derogatory, video games) Ellipsis of Sony pony.
  10. A small horse; specifically, any of several small breeds of horse under 14.2 hands at the withers.
  11. a contraption built like a mount, strong enough to support one's weight


  1. (transitive) To lead (a horse) from another horse.
  2. To use a crib or cheat-sheet in translating.




  1. (US, vulgar slang) Poontang, the vagina, or, intercourse with a woman.
  2. (colloquial) A wimp; a pussy.
  3. Any of several East Indian trees of the genus Calophyllum, yielding a light, hard wood used for masts, spars, etc.




  1. (countable, informal, chiefly in the plural) A pornographic work.
  2. (uncountable, informal) Material, usually visual, presenting something desirable in a sensational manner.
  3. (uncountable, informal) Pornography.
  4. (uncountable, informal, often humorous) Material that provides illicit gratification of an obsessive or unhealthy interest in something.




  1. (Internet, leetspeak) Deliberate misspelling of porn, initially to bypass internet filters.
  2. Abbreviation of pronoun.
  3. Abbreviation of pronunciation.



Proper noun

  1. A city of Peru, in the southwest of the country by Lake Titicaca






  1. At (a prescribed point in time).
  2. Being followed by another so as to form a series.
  3. On.
  4. Physically above and in contact with.
  5. Physically directly supported by.