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  1. (of persons) Of the same kin; related by blood.
  2. (often followed by to) Allied by nature; similar; partaking of the same properties; of the same kind.




  1. (UK, Northern England, Scotland, dialect) A bench.




  1. (Australia, New Zealand) Genuine, proper, fair dinkum.
  2. (Australia, New Zealand) Honest, fair, true.
  3. (US, military) Alternative spelling of dinq
  4. (archaic or dialectal) Finely dressed, elegant; neat.


  1. (Australia, New Zealand) Honestly, truly.


  1. (Australia, Northern England) Hard work, especially one's share of a task.
  2. (Australia, colloquial) A ride on the crossbar or handlebars of a bicycle.
  3. (Canada, US, colloquial, slang) A foolish person, a despised person.
  4. (Canada, US, colloquial, slang) A penis.
  5. (US) Initialism of double income no kids..
  6. (US, military slang, derogatory, dated) A North Vietnamese soldier.
  7. (historical, dated) A soldier from Australia or New Zealand, a member of the ANZAC forces during the First World War.
  8. (pickleball) A soft drop shot played at or near the non-volley zone.
  9. (soccer) A light chip; a chipped pass or shot
  10. (tennis) A soft drop shot.


  1. (Australia, colloquial) To carry someone on a pushbike: behind, on the crossbar or on the handlebar.
  2. (pickleball) To play a soft drop shot at or near the non-volley zone.
  3. (soccer) To chip lightly, to play a light chip shot.
  4. (tennis) To play a soft drop shot.



Proper noun

  1. A god in Sumerian mythology, later known as Ea in Akkadian and Babylonian mythology.




  1. (South Africa) Any of several birds in the family Ploceidae native to southern Africa.
  2. (chiefly US, slang) A contemptible person.
  3. (chiefly US, slang) A strikebreaker.
  4. (chiefly US, slang) An informer.


  1. (chiefly US, slang) To betray a trust; to inform on.
  2. (dialectal, th-fronting) Pronunciation spelling of think.




  1. (originally US slang) A guy, a fellow, especially (derogatory) a foolish, unworldly, or socially inept man; a goof.





  1. Alternative form of icon (religious image).




  1. plural of ink


  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ink




  1. Of the colour of ink, especially black ink; dark.
  2. Spattered or stained with ink.




  1. A quick evasive turn.


  1. (intransitive) To make a quick evasive turn or turns to confuse pursuers, incoming fire, etc.
  2. (intransitive, card games) In the games of spoilfive and forty-five, to win the game by taking all five tricks; also, to attempt to win all five tricks, losing what has been already won if unsuccessful.
  3. (transitive) To cause a vehicle to make a quick evasive turn.
  4. To elude; to cheat.




  1. (Scotland, law) poultry, etc., required by the lease to be paid in kind by a tenant to the landlord.




  1. An oven or furnace or a heated chamber, for the purpose of hardening, burning, calcining or drying anything; for example, firing ceramics, curing or preserving tobacco, or drying grain.


  1. To bake in a kiln; to fire.




  1. Evechinus chloroticus, a sea urchin endemic to New Zealand.
  2. The national currency of Papua New Guinea, divided into 100 toea.




  1. (obsolete) Characteristic of the species; belonging to one's nature; natural; native.
  2. Affectionate.
  3. Favorable.
  4. Gentle; tractable; easily governed.
  5. Having a benevolent, courteous, friendly, generous, gentle, liberal, sympathetic, or warm-hearted nature or disposition, marked by consideration for – and service to – others.
  6. Mild, gentle, forgiving


  1. (Christianity) Each of the two elements of the communion service, bread and wine.
  2. (archaic) Family, lineage.
  3. (archaic) Manner.
  4. (archaic) One's inherent nature; character, natural disposition.
  5. A makeshift or otherwise atypical specimen.
  6. A type, race or category; a group of entities that have common characteristics such that they may be grouped together.
  7. Equivalent means used as response to an action.
  8. Goods or services used as payment, as e.g. in barter.




  1. (archaic or dialectal) plural of cow
  2. (physics) The unit velocity in the CGS system, equal to one centimeter per second.




  1. (UK, slang) A king skin.
  2. (card games) A playing card with the letter "K" and the image of a king on it, the thirteenth card in a given suit.
  3. (chess) The principal chess piece, that players seek to threaten with unavoidable capture to result in a victory by checkmate. It is often the tallest piece, with a symbolic crown with a cross at the top.
  4. (countable or uncountable) Something that has a preeminent position.
  5. (graph theory) A vertex in a directed graph which can reach every other vertex via a path with a length of at most 2.
  6. A checker (a piece of checkers/draughts) that reached the farthest row forward, thus becoming crowned (either by turning it upside-down, or by stacking another checker on it) and gaining more freedom of movement.
  7. A king-sized bed.
  8. A male dragonfly; a drake.
  9. A male monarch; a man who heads a monarchy. If it is an absolute monarchy, then he is the supreme ruler of his nation.
  10. A powerful or majorly influential person.
  11. Alternative form of qing (Chinese musical instrument)
  12. The central pin or skittle in bowling games.
  13. The monarch with the most power and authority in a monarchy, regardless of sex.


  1. To assume or pretend preeminence (over); to lord it over.
  2. To crown king, to make (a person) king.
  3. To dress and perform as a drag king.
  4. To perform the duties of a king.
  5. To promote a piece of draughts/checkers that has traversed the board to the opposite side, that piece subsequently being permitted to move backwards as well as forwards.
  6. To rule over as king.




  1. (Scotland, dialect) A convulsive fit of coughing or laughter; a sonorous indraft of breath; a whoop; a gasp of breath caused by laughing, coughing, or crying.
  2. (informal, countable or uncountable) Peculiarity or deviation in sexual behaviour or taste.
  3. (mathematics) A positive 1-soliton solution to the Sine–Gordon equation.
  4. A difficulty or flaw that is likely to impede operation, as in a plan or system.
  5. A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, hair etc.
  6. An unreasonable notion; a crotchet; a whim; a caprice.


  1. (intransitive) To be formed into a kink or twist.
  2. (transitive) To form a kink or twist.
  3. To gasp for breath as in a severe fit of coughing.
  4. To laugh loudly.




  1. (Internet slang, 4chan slang) Grand, cinematic, especially in regards to cinema or other cultural mediums.


  1. (Internet slang, 4chan slang) Especially good or sophisticated cinema.
  2. (seduction community) Physical contact with another person, touch.
  3. A botanical gum produced by various trees and other plants, particularly bloodwood species of eucalypts (Angophora, Corymbia, Eucalyptus), Butea, and Pterocarpus, used in tanning and dyeing and as an astringent in medicine.




  1. plural of kin








  1. A knitted garment.
  2. A session of knitting.


  1. (figuratively, transitive) To join closely and firmly together.
  2. (intransitive) To become closely and firmly joined; become compacted.
  3. (intransitive) To grow together.
  4. (intransitive, of bones) To heal following a fracture.
  5. (transitive) To combine from various elements.
  6. (transitive) To draw together; to contract into wrinkles.
  7. (transitive) To form into a knot, or into knots; to tie together, as cord; to fasten by tying.
  8. (transitive, intransitive) To turn thread or yarn into a piece of fabric by forming loops that are pulled through each other. This can be done by hand with needles or by machine.




  1. (Sussex) a thin wild bank of land splitting two cultivated patches and often linking two hills.
  2. (broadcasting) An introductory cue.
  3. (chemistry) A bond of affinity, or a unit of valence between atoms; applied to a unit of chemical force or attraction.
  4. (computing) The connection between buses or systems.
  5. (engineering) Any intermediate rod or piece for transmitting force or motion, especially a short connecting rod with a bearing at each end; specifically (in steam engines) the slotted bar, or connecting piece, to the opposite ends of which the eccentric rods are jointed, and by means of which the movement of the valve is varied, in a link motion.
  6. (figurative) an individual person or element in a system
  7. (in the plural) The windings of a river; the land along a winding stream.
  8. (kinematics) Any one of the several elementary pieces of a mechanism, such as the fixed frame, or a rod, wheel, mass of confined liquid, etc., by which relative motion of other parts is produced and constrained.
  9. (mathematics) A space comprising one or more disjoint knots.
  10. (obsolete) A torch, used to light dark streets.
  11. (surveying) The length of one joint of Gunter's chain, being the hundredth part of it, or 7.92 inches, the chain being 66 feet in length.
  12. A connection between places, people, events, things, or ideas.
  13. A sausage that is not a patty.
  14. Abbreviation of hyperlink.
  15. Anything doubled and closed like a link of a chain.
  16. One element of a chain or other connected series.


  1. (Scotland, intransitive) To skip or trip along smartly; to go quickly.
  2. (intransitive, of a Web page) To contain a hyperlink to another page.
  3. (software compilation) To combine objects generated by a compiler into a single executable.
  4. (transitive) To connect two or more things.
  5. (transitive) To demonstrate a correlation between two things.
  6. (transitive, Internet) To post a hyperlink to.
  7. (transitive, Internet) To supply (somebody) with a hyperlink; to direct by means of a link.
  8. (transitive, slang) To meet with someone.




  1. (Scotland, slang, derogatory) (plural minks) An individual with poor personal hygiene; a smelly person.
  2. (plural mink or minks) Any of various semi-aquatic, carnivorous mammals in the Mustelinae subfamily, similar to weasels, with dark fur, native to Europe and America, of which two species in different genera are extant: the American mink (Neovison vison) and the European mink (Mustela lutreola).
  3. (plural mink) The fur or pelt of a mink, used to make apparel.
  4. (plural minks) An article of clothing made of mink.




  1. (India, Pakistan, Nepal) An non-commissioned officer equivalent to corporal in a corps of Indian, Pakistani or Nepalese soldiers.
  2. A lord or governor in South Asia.




  1. (Britain, New Zealand, colloquial) Often in the expressions in bad nick and in good nick: condition, state.
  2. (Britain, law enforcement, slang) A police station or prison.
  3. (Internet) Clipping of nickname.
  4. (archaic) A nix or nixie (“water spirit”).
  5. (cricket) A small deflection of the ball off the edge of the bat, often going to the wicket-keeper for a catch.
  6. (genetics) One of the single-stranded DNA segments produced during nick translation.
  7. (now rare) A particular place or point considered as marked by a nick; the exact point or critical moment.
  8. (printing, dated) A notch cut crosswise in the shank of a type, to assist a compositor in placing it properly in the stick, and in distribution.
  9. (real tennis, squash, racquetball) The point where the wall of the court meets the floor.


  1. (transitive) To make a nick or notch in; to cut or scratch in a minor way.
  2. (transitive) To make ragged or uneven, as by cutting nicks or notches in; to deface, to mar.
  3. (transitive, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, slang) To steal.
  4. (transitive, Britain, law enforcement, slang) To arrest.
  5. (transitive, cricket) To hit the ball with the edge of the bat and produce a fine deflection.
  6. (transitive, gaming) To throw or turn up (a number when playing dice); to hit upon.
  7. (transitive, mining) To make a cut at the side of the face.
  8. (transitive, obsolete) To fit into or suit, as by a correspondence of nicks; to tally with.
  9. (transitive, obsolete) To give or call (someone) by a nickname; to style.
  10. (transitive, rare) To make a crosscut or cuts on the underside of (the tail of a horse, in order to make the animal carry it higher).
  11. (transitive, sometimes figurative) To hit at, or in, the nick; to touch rightly; to strike at the precise point or time.








  1. Drawing attention to male chauvinism (from the term male chauvinist pig).
  2. Representing the sound made by a pig.


  1. The sound made by a pig, or an imitation thereof.


  1. (intransitive) Of a pig or in imitation thereof, to make its characteristic sound.




  1. (informal) Relating to homosexuals as a group within society.
  2. (informal) Relating to women or girls.
  3. (obsolete) By comparison to red (communist), describing someone who sympathizes with the ideals of communism without actually being a Russian-style communist: a pinko.
  4. (obsolete) Half-shut; winking.
  5. Having a colour between red and white; pale red.
  6. Having conjunctivitis.
  7. Of a fox-hunter's jacket: scarlet.


  1. (color) The colour of this flower, between red and white; pale red.
  2. (dated) A perfect example; excellence, perfection; the embodiment of some quality.
  3. (historical) Any of various lake pigments or dyes in yellow, yellowish green, or brown shades made with plant coloring and a metallic oxide base.
  4. (now obsolete) A narrow boat.
  5. (obsolete) A small hole or eyelet punched in a garment for decoration, as with a pinking iron; a scallop.
  6. (obsolete) A small hole or puncture made by a sharp, slender instrument such as a rapier, poniard or dagger, or (by extension) a bullet; a stab.
  7. (regional) A young Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, before it becomes a smolt; a parr.
  8. (regional) The common minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus.
  9. (slang) An unlettered and uncultured, but relatively prosperous, member of the middle classes; compare Babbitt, bourgeoisie.
  10. (slang) The vagina or vulva.
  11. (snooker) One of the colour balls used in snooker, coloured pink, with a value of 6 points.
  12. Alternative form of pinko
  13. Any of various flowers in the genus Dianthus, sometimes called carnations.
  14. Hunting pink; scarlet, as worn by hunters.


  1. (intransitive) To become pink in color, to redden.
  2. (obsolete) To wink; to blink.
  3. (transitive) To turn (a topaz or other gemstone) pink by the application of heat.
  4. (transitive) To turn (something) pink.
  5. Of a motor car, to emit a high "pinking" noise, usually as a result of ill-set ignition timing for the fuel used (in a spark ignition engine).
  6. Of a musical instrument, to sound a very high-pitched, short note.
  7. To decorate a piece of clothing or fabric by adding holes or by scalloping the fringe.
  8. To prick with a sword.
  9. To wound by irony, criticism, or ridicule.




  1. (UK dialectal) A man, especially a warrior or hero.
  2. (UK dialectal) A ring; a circle.
  3. (curling) A team in a competition.
  4. A building housing an ice rink.
  5. A sheet of ice prepared for playing certain sports, such as hockey or curling.
  6. A surface for roller skating.




  1. (baseball) The motion of a sinker pitch.
  2. (computing, programming) An object or callback that captures events; an event sink.
  3. (ecology) A habitat that cannot support a population on its own but receives the excess of individuals from some other source.
  4. (game development) One or several systems that remove currency from the game's economy, thus controlling or preventing inflation.
  5. (geology) A sinkhole.
  6. (graph theory) A destination vertex in a transportation network.
  7. (mining) An excavation smaller than a shaft.
  8. (theater) A stage trapdoor for shifting scenery.
  9. (uncountable) Descending motion; descent.
  10. A basin used for holding water for washing.
  11. A depression in a stereotype plate.
  12. A depression in land where water collects, with no visible outlet.
  13. A drain for carrying off wastewater.
  14. A heat sink.
  15. A place that absorbs resources or energy.
  16. An abode of degraded persons; a wretched place.


  1. (ergative) To descend or submerge (or to cause to do so) into a liquid or similar substance.
  2. (intransitive) To be overwhelmed or depressed; to fail in strength.
  3. (intransitive) To decrease in volume, as a river; to subside; to become diminished in volume or in apparent height.
  4. (intransitive) To demean or lower oneself; to do something below one's status, standards, or morals.
  5. (intransitive, archaic) To die.
  6. (intransitive, figuratively, of the human heart) To experience apprehension, disappointment, dread, or momentary depression.
  7. (transitive) To (directly or indirectly) cause a vessel to sink, generally by making it no longer watertight.
  8. (transitive) To make by digging or delving.
  9. (transitive) To push (something) into something.
  10. (transitive, figurative) To cause to decline; to depress or degrade.
  11. (transitive, slang) To drink (especially something alcoholic).
  12. (transitive, slang) To pay absolutely.
  13. (transitive, slang, archaic) To conceal and appropriate.
  14. (transitive, slang, archaic) To keep out of sight; to suppress; to ignore.
  15. (transitive, slang, archaic) To reduce or extinguish by payment.
  16. (transitive, snooker, pool, billiards, golf) To pot; hit a ball into a pocket or hole.




  1. (Australia) A subgroup of Australian aboriginal people; such divisions are cultural and not related to an individual′s physical skin.
  2. (UK, thieves slang, obsolete) A purse.
  3. (aviation) The outer surface covering much of the wings and fuselage of an aircraft.
  4. (countable) A congealed layer on the surface of a liquid.
  5. (countable) The skin and fur of an individual animal used by humans for clothing, upholstery, etc.
  6. (countable, computing, graphical user interface) A set of resources that modifies the appearance and/or layout of the graphical user interface of a computer program.
  7. (countable, slang) Clipping of skinhead.
  8. (countable, slang) Rolling paper for cigarettes.
  9. (countable, video games) An alternate appearance (texture map or geometry) for a character model in a video game.
  10. (nautical) That part of a sail, when furled, which remains on the outside and covers the whole.
  11. (nautical) The covering, as of planking or iron plates, outside the framing, forming the sides and bottom of a vessel; the shell; also, a lining inside the framing.
  12. (slang) Bare flesh, particularly bare breasts.
  13. (slang, Ireland, Britain) person, chap
  14. (uncountable) The outer protective layer of the body of any animal, including of a human.
  15. (uncountable) The outer protective layer of the fruit of a plant.
  16. A drink of whisky served hot.
  17. A vessel made of skin, used for holding liquids.


  1. (UK, soccer, transitive) To use tricks to go past a defender.
  2. (US, slang, archaic) To produce, in recitation, examination, etc., the work of another for one's own, or to use cribs, memoranda, etc., which are prohibited.
  3. (colloquial) To high five.
  4. (intransitive) To become covered with skin.
  5. (slang, dated) To strip of money or property; to cheat.
  6. (transitive) To cover with skin, or as if with skin; hence, to cover superficially.
  7. (transitive) To injure the skin of.
  8. (transitive) To remove the skin and/or fur of an animal or a human.
  9. (transitive, computing, colloquial) To apply a skin to (a computer program).




  1. (chiefly Britain and Ireland, offensive) A member of the travelling community. A gypsy.
  2. (dated) A sharp, quick sound; a tinkle.


  1. (knitting, slang, transitive) To unknit.
  2. To emit a high-pitched sharp or metallic noise.




  1. (chiefly Britain) Synonym of periwinkle
  2. (tiddlywinks) Synonym of tiddlywink (“small disc used in the game of tiddlywinks”)
  3. A brief period of sleep; especially forty winks.
  4. A brief time; an instant.
  5. A subtle allusion.
  6. An act of winking (a blinking of only one eye), or a message sent by winking.
  7. The smallest possible amount.


  1. (intransitive) To close one's eyes quickly and involuntarily; to blink.
  2. (intransitive) To close one's eyes.
  3. (intransitive) To gleam fitfully or intermitently; to twinkle; to flicker.
  4. (intransitive) Usually followed by at: to look the other way, to turn a blind eye.
  5. (obsolete, intransitive) To close one's eyes in sleep.
  6. (transitive, intransitive) To blink with only one eye as a message, signal, or suggestion, usually with an implication of conspiracy. (When transitive, the object may be the eye being winked, or the message being conveyed.)




  1. (music) A type of cornett.
  2. Obsolete form of zinc.