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English 5 letter words - Containing letters nfka - page 1

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  1. (US, nautical, of speed) Maximum. Historically faster than full speed (the most a vessel can sustain without excessive engine wear or risk of damage), now frequently used interchangeably. Typically used in an emergency or during an attack.


  1. (anatomy) The flesh between the last rib and the hip; the side.
  2. (cooking) A cut of meat from the flank of an animal.
  3. (military) The extreme left or right edge of a military formation, army etc.
  4. (military) The sides of a bastion perpendicular to the wall from which the bastion projects.
  5. (soccer) The wing, one side of the pitch.
  6. That part of the acting surface of a gear wheel tooth that lies within the pitch line.
  7. The outermost strip of a road.
  8. The side of something, in general senses.


  1. (intransitive) To be placed to the side(s) of something (usually in terms of two objects, one on each side).
  2. (transitive) To attack the flank(s) of.
  3. (transitive) To defend the flank(s) of.
  4. (transitive) To place to the side(s) of.




  1. (medicine) unmistakable, clinically obvious, self-evident
  2. (obsolete) Liberal; generous; profuse.
  3. (obsolete) Unbounded by restrictions, limitations, etc.; free.
  4. (obsolete, derogatory) Unrestrained; loose; licentious.
  5. honest, especially in a manner that seems slightly blunt; candid; not reserved or disguised.


  1. (UK) The grey heron.
  2. (countable) The notice on an envelope where a stamp would normally be found.
  3. (historical) Obsolete form of franc, former French coins, moneys of account, and currency.
  4. (uncountable) Free postage, a right exercised by governments (usually with definite article).
  5. A hot dog or sausage.
  6. A pigsty.


  1. To exempt from charge for postage, as a letter, package, or packet, etc.
  2. To place a frank on an envelope.
  3. To send by public conveyance free of expense.
  4. To shut up in a frank or sty; to pen up; hence, to cram; to fatten.




  1. Hibiscus cannabinus, an annual or biennial herbaceous plant found mainly in Asia.
  2. The fibre obtained from this plant, similar to jute.