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English 5 letter words - Containing letters lduw - page 1

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  1. Something that would happen, or would be the case, under different circumstances; a potentiality.


  1. (archaic) Used with ellipsis of the infinitive verb, or postponement to a relative clause, in various senses.
  2. (archaic) Wanted to.
  3. (chiefly archaic) Might wish (+ verb in past subjunctive); often used in the first person (with or without that) in the sense of "if only".
  4. (chiefly archaic, transitive or control verb) Might desire; wish (something).
  5. (obsolete) Wished, desired (something).
  6. Could naturally have been expected to (given the tendencies of someone's character etc.).
  7. Suggesting conditionality or potentiality in order to express a sense of politeness, tentativeness, indirectness, hesitancy, uncertainty, etc.
  8. Used as the auxiliary of the simple conditional modality, indicating a state or action that is conditional on another.
  9. Used interrogatively to express a polite request; are (you) willing to …?
  10. Used to express the speaker's belief or assumption.
  11. Used to express what the speaker would do in another person's situation, as a means of giving a suggestion or recommendation.
  12. Used to form the "anterior future", or "future in the past", indicating a futurity relative to a past time.
  13. Used to; was or were habitually accustomed to; indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly.
  14. Was or were determined to; indicating someone's insistence upon doing something.
  15. Without explicit condition, or with loose or vague implied condition, indicating a hypothetical or imagined state or action.