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English 6 letter words - Containing letters kmeyi - page 1

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  1. (Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, informal) The vagina.
  2. (Australia, informal) A well-known honeyeater, the Noisy Miner, Manorina melanocephala, of eastern Australia.
  3. (Cockney rhyming slang) piss, shortened and more commonly used form of Mickey Bliss.
  4. (US, slang) A Mickey Finn; a beverage, usually alcoholic, that has been drugged.
  5. (US, slang, dated, Depression Era) A potato.
  6. (US, slang, obsolete) An Irish person.
  7. (chiefly Canada, informal) A small bottle of liquor, holding 375 ml or 13 oz., typically shaped to fit in one's pocket.
  8. (chiefly Ireland, informal) The penis.
  9. (computing) The resolution of a mouse: the smallest measurable distance it can move the cursor, used as a unit of length.
  10. (rural Australia, informal) A young bull, especially one that is unbranded and running wild.


  1. To secretly slip drugs into somebody's drink.