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Flash Deals (EN)





  1. (informal) Expressing frustration or disappointment.


  1. (heraldry) Abbreviation of argent.
  2. (programming, informal) An argument; a value passed as a parameter.




  1. (especially UK, Ireland) A garfish, Belone belone.
  2. (especially US, Canada) Any of several North American fish of the family Lepisosteidae that have long, narrow jaws.


  1. (now chiefly UK dialectal) To make, compel (someone to do something); to cause (something to be done).





  1. (UK, Ireland) A society run by university students for the purpose of charitable fundraising.
  2. (dated) A person suffering from exhaustion or lack of energy.
  3. (dated) A prank or practical joke.
  4. (in the plural) Tattered clothes.
  5. (nautical, slang) A sail, or any piece of canvas.
  6. (obsolete, US) An informal dance party featuring music played by African-American string bands.
  7. (poker) A poor, low-ranking kicker.
  8. (singular or plural, slang) Sanitary napkins, pads, or other materials used to absorb menstrual discharge.
  9. (slang, derogatory) A newspaper or magazine, especially one whose journalism is considered to be of poor quality.
  10. (slang, theater) A curtain of various kinds.
  11. A coarse kind of rock, somewhat cellular in texture; ragstone.
  12. A piece of old cloth, especially one used for cleaning, patching, etc.; a tattered piece of cloth; a shred or tatter.
  13. A ragged edge in metalworking.
  14. A ragtime song, dance or piece of music.
  15. A shabby, beggarly fellow; a ragamuffin.


  1. (Britain slang) To drive a car or another vehicle in a hard, fast or unsympathetic manner.
  2. (intransitive) To become tattered.
  3. (intransitive, informal) To dance to ragtime music.
  4. (music, obsolete) To add syncopation (to a tune) and thereby make it appropriate for a ragtime song.
  5. (transitive) To decorate (a wall, etc.) by applying paint with a rag.
  6. (transitive, informal) To play or compose (a piece, melody, etc.) in syncopated time.
  7. To break (ore) into lumps for sorting.
  8. To cut or dress roughly, as a grindstone.
  9. To scold or tell off; to torment; to banter.
  10. To tease or torment, especially at a university; to bully, to haze.