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English 5 letter words - Containing letters dpou - page 1

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  1. (Newfoundland) a division inside a fishing stage where cod is cured in salt brine
  2. (UK) A place for the detention of automobiles that have been illegally parked, abandoned, etc.
  3. (US) The symbol # (octothorpe, hash, number sign)
  4. (informal, non-scientific) Short for pound-force.
  5. (metonymically) The people who work for the pound.
  6. A hard blow.
  7. A kind of fishing net, having a large enclosure with a narrow entrance into which fish are directed by wings spreading outward.
  8. A place for the detention of stray or wandering animals.
  9. A section of a canal between two adjacent locks.
  10. A unit of mass equal to 12 troy ounces (≈ 373.242 g). Today, this is a common unit of mass when measuring precious metals, and is little used elsewhere.
  11. A unit of mass equal to 16 avoirdupois ounces (= 453.592 37 g). Today this value is the most common meaning of "pound" as a unit of weight.
  12. Any of various units of currency formerly used in the United States.
  13. Any of various units of currency used in Egypt, Lebanon, Sudan and Syria, and formerly in the Republic of Ireland, Cyprus and Israel.
  14. Ellipsis of pound force.
  15. Ellipsis of pound mass.
  16. Ellipsis of pound weight.
  17. The translated name of various non-English units of currency
  18. The translated name of various non-English units of measure
  19. The unit of currency used in the United Kingdom and its dependencies. It is divided into 100 pence. Symbol £.


  1. (engineering) To make a jarring noise, as when running.
  2. (intransitive, of a body part, generally heart, blood, or head) To beat strongly or throb.
  3. (slang, dated, transitive) To wager a pound on.
  4. (transitive) To crush to pieces; to pulverize.
  5. (transitive) To strike hard, usually repeatedly.
  6. (transitive, baseball, slang) To pitch consistently to a certain location.
  7. (transitive, slang) To eat or drink very quickly.
  8. (transitive, vulgar, slang) To penetrate sexually, with vigour.
  9. To advance heavily with measured steps.
  10. To confine in, or as in, a pound; to impound.




  1. (Of things) standing upwards as in the manner of a proud person; stately or majestic.
  2. (chiefly biblical) Having too high an opinion of oneself; arrogant, supercilious.
  3. (obsolete) Brave, valiant; gallant.
  4. (obsolete) Excited by sexual desire; specifically of a female animal: in heat.
  5. Feeling honoured (by something); feeling happy or satisfied about an event or fact; gratified.
  6. Generating a sense of pride; being a cause for pride.
  7. Possessed of a due sense of what one deserves or is worth.
  8. Standing out or raised; swollen.
  9. That makes one feel proud (of something one did)




  1. plural of updo