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a : 20.59%

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l : 5.88%

e : 5.88%

k : 2.94%

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h : 2.94%

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  1. (obsolete) atop






  1. A leader and organizer of supporters at a sporting event, particularly association football matches.
  2. A leader in the Mafia; a caporegime.
  3. A movable bar placed across the fingerboard of a guitar used to raise the pitch of all strings.




  1. (Australia, New Zealand) A woodchopping competition.
  2. (Internet) An IRC channel operator.
  3. (chiefly in the plural) A jaw of an animal.
  4. (colloquial, India, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei) A stamp or seal; a mark, imprint or impression on a document (or other object or material) made by stamping or sealing a design with ink or wax, respectively, or by other methods.
  5. (colloquial, by extension, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei) The device used for stamping or sealing, which also contains the design to be imprinted.
  6. (dated) A crack or cleft; a chap.
  7. (informal, with "the") Termination, especially from employment; the sack.
  8. (martial arts) A blow delivered with the hand rigid and outstretched.
  9. (poker) A hand where two or more players have an equal-valued hand, resulting in the chips being shared equally between them.
  10. A blow with an axe, cleaver, or similar utensil.
  11. A complete shipment.
  12. A cut of meat, often containing a section of a rib.
  13. A license or passport that has been sealed.
  14. A mark indicating nature, quality, or brand.
  15. A movable jaw or cheek, as of a vice.
  16. A turn of fortune; change; a vicissitude.
  17. Ocean waves, generally caused by wind, distinguished from swell by being smaller and not lasting as long.
  18. The land at each side of the mouth of a river, harbour, or channel.


  1. (computing, transitive, Perl) To remove the final character from (a text string).
  2. (intransitive) To do something suddenly with an unexpected motion; to catch or attempt to seize.
  3. (intransitive) To interrupt; with in or out.
  4. (intransitive) To make a quick, heavy stroke or a series of strokes, with or as with an ax.
  5. (nautical) To vary or shift suddenly.
  6. (obsolete) To exchange, to barter; to swap.
  7. (obsolete) To twist words.
  8. (poker) To divide the pot (or tournament prize) between two or more players.
  9. (transitive) To cut into pieces with short, vigorous cutting motions.
  10. (transitive) To sever with an axe or similar implement.
  11. (transitive) to give a downward cutting blow or movement, typically with the side of the hand.
  12. (transitive, Hong Kong) To stab.
  13. (transitive, baseball) To hit the ball downward so that it takes a high bounce.
  14. (transitive, colloquial, India, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei) To stamp or seal (a document); to mark, impress or otherwise place a design or symbol on paper or other material, usually, but not necessarily, to indicate authenticity.
  15. To chap or crack.
  16. To converse, discuss, or speak with another.
  17. To seal a license or passport.





  1. (onomatopoeia) The sound of a horse's shod hoof striking the ground.
  2. (slang) My Little Pony-themed pornography.


  1. (slang) To masturbate to My Little Pony-themed pornography.
  2. To make this sound; to walk so as to make this sound.




  1. (medicine, colloquial) Short for colposcopy.
  2. Alternative form of collop




  1. Clipping of comparative.
  2. Clipping of complimentary.


  1. (Britain, education) Clipping of comprehensive school.
  2. (colloquial, dated) Clipping of computer, especially a desktop computer.
  3. (design) Clipping of comprehensive layout, a graphic design showing final proposed layout of text and images.
  4. (education) Clipping of comprehensive examination.
  5. (informal) Clipping of compensation.
  6. Alternative form of comp.
  7. Clipping of comp card.
  8. Clipping of comparable.
  9. Clipping of competition.
  10. Clipping of compilation.
  11. Clipping of complimentary ticket or item.
  12. Clipping of composite.
  13. Clipping of composition.
  14. Clipping of compositor.
  15. Clipping of comptroller (“chief accountant”).
  16. Clipping of computer science, especially an academic program.


  1. (intransitive, US) To accompany, in music.
  2. (transitive) To compose (a visual design); to make a composite.
  3. (transitive) To provide (someone) with a complimentary item, such as a ticket.
  4. (transitive) To provide a complimentary item, such as a ticket.
  5. Clipping of compile.




  1. (Scotland) A small heap.
  2. (figuratively, slang) A narrow place of confinement, a cage; a jail, a prison.
  3. (obsolete) A barrel or cask for holding liquids.
  4. (regional, England, Scotland) A cart which opens at the back to release its load; a tumbril.
  5. (regional, England, Scotland) A cart with sides and ends made from boards, enabling it to carry manure, etc.
  6. A basket, pen or enclosure for birds or small animals.
  7. A wickerwork basket (kipe) or other enclosure for catching fish.
  8. Alternative form of co-op.


  1. (intransitive, law enforcement, slang) Of a police officer: to sleep or relax while on duty.
  2. (transitive) To keep in a coop.
  3. (transitive) To shut up or confine in a narrow space; to cramp.
  4. (transitive, intransitive, politics, historical) To unlawfully confine one or more voters to prevent them from casting their ballots in an election.
  5. (transitive, obsolete) To make or repair barrels, casks and other wooden vessels; to work upon in the manner of a cooper.





  1. (construction) A covering piece on top of a wall exposed to the weather, usually made of metal, masonry, or stone, and sloped to carry off water.
  2. (foundry) The top part of a sand casting mold.
  3. (literary) The vault or canopy of the skies, heavens etc.
  4. (slang) A coping mechanism or self-delusion one clings to in order to endure the hopelessness or despair of existence.
  5. A long, loose cloak worn by a priest, deacon, or bishop when presiding over a ceremony other than the Mass.
  6. An ancient tribute due to the lord of the soil, out of the lead mines in Derbyshire, England.
  7. Any covering such as a canopy or a mantle.


  1. (falconry) To clip the beak or talons of a bird.
  2. (intransitive) To deal effectively with something, especially if difficult.
  3. (intransitive) To form a cope or arch; to arch or bend; to bow.
  4. (obsolete) To bargain for; to buy.
  5. (obsolete) To encounter; to meet; to have to do with.
  6. (obsolete) To exchange or barter.
  7. (obsolete) To make return for; to requite; to repay.
  8. (obsolete) To match oneself against; to meet; to encounter.
  9. (obsolete, dialect) To tie or sew up the mouth of a ferret used for hunting rabbits.
  10. (obsolete, figuratively) To silence or prevent from speaking.
  11. (transitive) To cover (a joint or structure) with coping.
  12. To cut and form a mitred joint in wood or metal.






  1. (UK, dialect) The connecting crook of a harrow.
  2. (slang, with the) The police, considered as a group entity.
  3. plural of cop


  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cop




  1. (obsolete) simple past tense and past participle of cop




  1. (genetics) The result of gene or chromosomal duplication.
  2. (journalism) A gender-neutral abbreviation for copy boy.
  3. (journalism) The text that is to be typeset.
  4. (marketing, advertising) The output of copywriters, who are employed to write material which encourages consumers to buy goods or services.
  5. (obsolete) An abundance or plenty of anything.
  6. (obsolete) That which is to be imitated, transcribed, or reproduced; a pattern, model, or example.
  7. (obsolete) copyhold; tenure; lease
  8. (uncountable) The text of newspaper articles.
  9. A printed edition of a book or magazine.
  10. A school work pad.
  11. An imitation, sometimes of inferior quality.
  12. The result of copying; an identical duplicate of an original.
  13. Writing paper of a particular size, called also bastard.


  1. (radio) To receive a transmission successfully.
  2. (transitive) To give or transmit a copy to (a person).
  3. (transitive) To imitate.
  4. (transitive) To produce an object identical to a given object.
  5. (transitive, computing) To place a copy of an object in memory for later use.




  1. Alternative form of corp.




  1. (US, historical, of Native Americans) A blow against an enemy delivered in a way that shows bravery.
  2. (bridge) One of various named strategies employed by the declarer to win more tricks, such as the Bath coup.
  3. (by extension) A takeover of one group by another.
  4. A coup d'état.
  5. A quick, brilliant, and highly successful act.
  6. A single roll of the wheel at roulette, or a deal in rouge et noir.


  1. (intransitive) To make a coup.





  1. (agriculture) A plant, especially a cereal, grown to be harvested as food, livestock fodder, or fuel or for any other economic purpose.
  2. (anatomy) A pouch-like part of the alimentary tract of some birds (and some other animals), used to store food before digestion or for regurgitation; a craw.
  3. (archaic or dialect) The head of a flower, especially when picked; an ear of corn; the top branches of a tree.
  4. (architecture) The foliate part of a finial.
  5. (mining) An outcrop of a vein or seam at the surface.
  6. (mining) Tin ore prepared for smelting.
  7. A group of vesicles at the same stage of development in a disease.
  8. A group, cluster or collection of things occurring at the same time.
  9. A photograph or other image that has been reduced by removing the outer parts.
  10. A rocky outcrop.
  11. A short haircut.
  12. An entire oxhide.
  13. An entire short whip, especially as used in horse-riding; a riding crop.
  14. The act of cropping.
  15. The lashing end of a whip.
  16. The natural production for a specific year, particularly of plants.


  1. (intransitive) To yield harvest.
  2. (transitive) To beat with a crop, or riding-whip.
  3. (transitive) To cause to bear a crop.
  4. (transitive) To cut (especially hair or an animal's tail or ears) short.
  5. (transitive) To mow, reap or gather.
  6. (transitive) To remove the outer parts of a photograph or other image, typically in order to frame the subject better.
  7. (transitive) To remove the top end of something, especially a plant.









  1. (archaic) An alpaca.
  2. An earthy-looking ore, consisting of brown oxide of iron with minute particles of native silver.




  1. Ellipsis of pico de gallo.





  1. A pus-filled swelling on the surface on the skin caused by an eruptive disease.
  2. Any pit, especially one formed as a scar


  1. To scar or mark with pits






  1. Abbreviation of procedure.
  2. Abbreviation of processor.
  3. Abbreviation of programmed random occurrence.


  1. (video games) To cause a special event to occur.




  1. (historical) A poet or minstrel in Anglo-Saxon England.