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English 3 letter words - Containing letters arm - page 1

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  1. (UK dialectal, chiefly Scotland) Poor; lacking in riches or wealth.
  2. (UK dialectal, chiefly Scotland) To be pitied; pitiful; wretched.


  1. (anatomy) The extended portion of the upper limb, from the shoulder to the elbow.
  2. (baseball, slang) A pitcher
  3. (figurative) Power; might; strength; support.
  4. (genetics) One of the two parts of a chromosome.
  5. (geography) A bay or inlet off a main body of water.
  6. (in the plural) Heraldic bearings or insignia.
  7. (in the plural, obsolete) War; hostilities; deeds or exploits of war.
  8. (usually used in the plural) A weapon.
  9. A branch of an organization.
  10. A group of patients in a medical trial.
  11. A limb, or locomotive or prehensile organ, of an invertebrate animal.
  12. A long, narrow, more or less rigid part of an object extending from the main part or centre of the object, such as the arm of an armchair, a crane, a pair of spectacles or a pair of compasses.
  13. The part of a piece of clothing that covers the arm.
  14. The portion of the upper human appendage, from the shoulder to the wrist and sometimes including the hand.


  1. (intransitive) To take up weapons; to arm oneself.
  2. (intransitive, of a tool, weapon, or system) To become prepared for action; to activate.
  3. (obsolete) To take by the arm; to take up in one's arms.
  4. (transitive) To cover or furnish with a plate, or with whatever will add strength, force, security, or efficiency.
  5. (transitive) To fit (a magnet) with an armature.
  6. (transitive) To prepare (a tool, weapon, or system) for action; to activate.
  7. (transitive) To supply with armour or (later especially) weapons.
  8. (transitive, figurative) To supply with the equipment, knowledge, authority, or other tools needed for a particular task; to furnish with capability; to equip.




  1. A blemish.
  2. A small lake.


  1. (transitive) To spoil; to ruin; to scathe; to damage.





  1. (Northern England) Rancid; offensive in smell or taste.


  1. (military, nautical, chiefly historical) A reinforced section of the bow of a warship, intended to be used for ramming other ships.
  2. (military, nautical, chiefly historical) A warship intended to sink other ships by ramming them.
  3. (zoology, agriculture) A male sheep, typically uncastrated.
  4. A battering ram; a heavy object used for breaking through doors.
  5. A piston powered by hydraulic pressure.
  6. A weight which strikes a blow, in a ramming device such as a pile driver, steam hammer, or stamp mill.
  7. An act of ramming.


  1. (slang) To thrust during sexual intercourse.
  2. (transitive) To fill or compact by pounding or driving.
  3. (transitive) To seat a cartridge, projectile, or propellant charge in the breech of a firearm by pushing or striking.
  4. (transitive) To strike (something) hard, especially with an implement.
  5. (transitive, intransitive) To collide with (an object), usually with the intention of damaging it or disabling its function.
