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English 4 letter words - Containing letters ip - page 2

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s : 30.71%

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r : 12.73%

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l : 10.86%

n : 10.49%

c : 9.36%

t : 9.36%

o : 9.36%

h : 8.24%

k : 6.74%

u : 5.62%

d : 5.24%

g : 5.24%

y : 4.12%

f : 3.75%

b : 2.25%

z : 2.25%

w : 2.25%

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v : 1.50%

q : 0.75%

j : 0.37%

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  1. (Wikimedia jargon) A notification.
  2. (networking) A packet which a remote host is expected to echo, thus indicating its presence.
  3. (networking) Latency.
  4. (submarine navigation) A pulse of high-pitched or ultrasonic sound whose echoes provide information about nearby objects and vessels.
  5. (text messaging, Internet) An email or other message sent requesting acknowledgement.
  6. (video games) A means of highlighting a feature on the game map so that allied players can see it.
  7. A high-pitched, short and somewhat sharp sound.


  1. (by extension) To send an email or other message to someone in hopes of eliciting a response.
  2. (colloquial) To flick.
  3. (colloquial) To penalize.
  4. (colloquial, sports) To call out audibly.
  5. (colloquial, sports, intransitive) To bounce.
  6. (colloquial, sports, transitive) To cause something to bounce.
  7. (networking) To send a packet in order to determine whether a host is present, particularly by use of the ping utility.
  8. (submarine navigation) To emit a signal and then listen for its echo in order to detect objects.
  9. To make a high-pitched, short and somewhat sharp sound.





  1. (informal) Relating to homosexuals as a group within society.
  2. (informal) Relating to women or girls.
  3. (obsolete) By comparison to red (communist), describing someone who sympathizes with the ideals of communism without actually being a Russian-style communist: a pinko.
  4. (obsolete) Half-shut; winking.
  5. Having a colour between red and white; pale red.
  6. Having conjunctivitis.
  7. Of a fox-hunter's jacket: scarlet.


  1. (color) The colour of this flower, between red and white; pale red.
  2. (dated) A perfect example; excellence, perfection; the embodiment of some quality.
  3. (historical) Any of various lake pigments or dyes in yellow, yellowish green, or brown shades made with plant coloring and a metallic oxide base.
  4. (now obsolete) A narrow boat.
  5. (obsolete) A small hole or eyelet punched in a garment for decoration, as with a pinking iron; a scallop.
  6. (obsolete) A small hole or puncture made by a sharp, slender instrument such as a rapier, poniard or dagger, or (by extension) a bullet; a stab.
  7. (regional) A young Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, before it becomes a smolt; a parr.
  8. (regional) The common minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus.
  9. (slang) An unlettered and uncultured, but relatively prosperous, member of the middle classes; compare Babbitt, bourgeoisie.
  10. (slang) The vagina or vulva.
  11. (snooker) One of the colour balls used in snooker, coloured pink, with a value of 6 points.
  12. Alternative form of pinko
  13. Any of various flowers in the genus Dianthus, sometimes called carnations.
  14. Hunting pink; scarlet, as worn by hunters.


  1. (intransitive) To become pink in color, to redden.
  2. (obsolete) To wink; to blink.
  3. (transitive) To turn (a topaz or other gemstone) pink by the application of heat.
  4. (transitive) To turn (something) pink.
  5. Of a motor car, to emit a high "pinking" noise, usually as a result of ill-set ignition timing for the fuel used (in a spark ignition engine).
  6. Of a musical instrument, to sound a very high-pitched, short note.
  7. To decorate a piece of clothing or fabric by adding holes or by scalloping the fringe.
  8. To prick with a sword.
  9. To wound by irony, criticism, or ridicule.





  1. plural of pin


  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pin




  1. (Britain, metonymically) A pint of milk.
  2. (Hungary) 1.696 liters
  3. (UK, Commonwealth) 20 fluid ounces, approximately 568 millilitres (an imperial pint)
  4. (UK, metonymically) A glass of beer or cider, served by the pint.
  5. (medicine) 12 fluid ounces
  6. 16 US fluid ounces [473 millilitres] for liquids (a US liquid pint) or
  7. approximately 18.62 fluid ounces [551 millilitres] for dry goods (a US dry pint).





  1. Of, pertaining to, or having many pines





  1. (physics) Any of three semistable mesons, having positive, negative or neutral charge, composed of up and down quarks/antiquarks.




  1. A pear-shaped plucked lute from China.




  1. (Australia, colloquial, historical) An anonymous satire or essay, insulting and frequently libellous, written on a piece of paper which was rolled up and left somewhere public where it could be found and thus spread, to embarrass the author's enemies.
  2. (Canada, US, colloquial, historical) The distance travelled between two rest periods during which one could smoke a pipe.
  3. (computing) A mechanism that enables one program to communicate with another by sending its output to the other as input.
  4. (computing, slang) A data backbone, or broadband Internet access.
  5. (computing, typography) The character |.
  6. (especially in informal contexts) A water pipe.
  7. (geology) A vertical conduit through the Earth's crust below a volcano through which magma has passed, often filled with volcanic breccia.
  8. (lacrosse) One of the goalposts of the goal.
  9. (mining) An elongated or irregular body or vein of ore.
  10. (music) A tube used to produce sound in an organ; an organ pipe.
  11. (music) A wind instrument consisting of a tube, often lined with holes to allow for adjustment in pitch, sounded by blowing into the tube.
  12. (slang) A man's penis.
  13. (slang) A telephone.
  14. (smoking) A hollow stem with a bowl at one end used for smoking, especially a tobacco pipe but also including various other forms such as a water pipe.
  15. A high-pitched sound, especially of a bird.
  16. A large container for storing liquids or foodstuffs; now especially a vat or cask of cider or wine.
  17. A rigid tube that transports water, steam, or other fluid, as used in plumbing and numerous other applications.
  18. A tubular passageway in the human body such as a blood vessel or the windpipe.
  19. A type of pasta similar to macaroni.
  20. Decorative edging stitched to the hems or seams of an object made of fabric (clothing, hats, curtains, pillows, etc.), often in a contrasting color; piping.
  21. The contents of such a vessel, as a liquid measure, sometimes set at 126 wine gallons; half a tun.
  22. The key or sound of the voice.


  1. (US, journalism, slang) To invent or embellish (a story).
  2. (intransitive) To emit or have a shrill sound like that of a pipe; to whistle.
  3. (intransitive) To shout loudly and at high pitch.
  4. (intransitive, metallurgy) Of a metal ingot: to become hollow in the process of solidifying.
  5. (transitive) To convey or transport (something) by means of pipes.
  6. (transitive) To dab moisture away from.
  7. (transitive) To install or configure with pipes.
  8. (transitive, computing, chiefly Unix) To directly feed (the output of one program) as input to another program, indicated by the pipe character (|) at the command line.
  9. (transitive, cooking) To create or decorate with piping (icing).
  10. (transitive, figuratively) To lead or conduct as if by pipes, especially by wired transmission.
  11. (transitive, intransitive) To play (music) on a pipe instrument, such as a bagpipe or a flute.
  12. (transitive, nautical) To order or signal by a note pattern on a boatswain's pipe.
  13. (transitive, slang, dated) To see.
  14. (transitive, slang, of a male) To have sexual intercourse with a female.




  1. (Australia, New South Wales, Queensland) The edible saltwater clam Plebidonax deltoides, endemic to Australia.
  2. (New Zealand) The edible saltwater clam Paphies australis, of the family Mesodesmatidae, endemic to New Zealand.
  3. The astringent pods of Caesalpinia paipai, a Brazilian plant used in tanning.




  1. plural of pip




  1. Like a pipe; having a hollow stem.






  1. A ripple; a twist or curl.


  1. (intransitive) To ripple or swirl, especially of water.
  2. (transitive) To cause to revolve or spin.
  3. (transitive) To twist or wind, especially into a cord or braid etc.




  1. A cone-shaped spool or bobbin on which thread or yarn is wound, used most often for weaving.
  2. The amount of thread wound on a shuttle or reel.


  1. (transitive) To wind (yarn) onto a pirn, usually by means of a pirn winder.









  1. (vulgar, colloquial, chiefly Scotland) Of poor quality; very bad.


  1. Expressing disdain.


  1. A sibilant noise (e.g. "psshh") made by birders and ornithologists to attract small birds.


  1. To express contempt.
  2. To try to attract birds by making a sibilant noise (e.g. "psshh").






  1. (mildly vulgar) Expresses anger, disappointment or dissatisfaction.


  1. (mildly vulgar, attributive) An intensifier.
  2. (now vulgar slang, usually uncountable) Urine.
  3. (vulgar, slang, countable and uncountable) Alcoholic beverage, especially of inferior quality.
  4. (vulgar, slang, countable) The act of urinating.


  1. (intransitive, mildly vulgar) To urinate.
  2. (transitive, chiefly Britain, mildly vulgar) To achieve easily.
  3. (transitive, intransitive, mildly vulgar) To rain heavily.
  4. (transitive, mildly vulgar) To discharge as or with the urine.




  1. Obsolete spelling of pissed; simple past tense and past participle of piss




  1. A fiber obtained from the Agave americana and related species, used for making cordage and paper.
  2. A flat bread pouch used for making sandwiches such as gyros or falafels.
  3. The plant which yields the fiber.




  1. The ordinal form of the number pi.


  1. (anatomy) The spinal cord; the marrow.
  2. (botany) The albedo of a citrus fruit.
  3. (botany) The soft, spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees.
  4. (figuratively) Power, strength, might.
  5. (figuratively) The essential or vital part; force; energy; importance.
  6. One divided by pi.
  7. The spongy interior substance of a feather or horn.


  1. (transitive) To extract the pith from (a plant stem or tree).
  2. (transitive) To kill (especially cattle or laboratory animals) by cutting or piercing the spinal cord.




  1. An Azerbaijani soup made with mutton and vegetables in individual crocks with a glazed interior.




  1. plural of pit





  1. Short form of what a pity.


  1. (countable) Something regrettable.
  2. (obsolete) Piety.
  3. (uncountable) A feeling of sympathy at the misfortune or suffering of someone or something.


  1. (transitive) To feel pity for (someone or something).
  2. (transitive, now regional) To make (someone) feel pity; to provoke the sympathy or compassion of.





  1. Alternative spelling of pixie




  1. (Britain, regional, archaic) Used in various imprecatory expressions: a pest, a pox.


  1. (transitive, dialect, Yorkshire) To strike or hit (a person).





  1. Alternative spelling of plié




  1. (chiefly South Wales) plump; full


  1. (chiefly South Wales) To swell or inflate; to fill up.





  1. plural of poi






  1. positive (optimistic, uplifting)





  1. The plant privet.




  1. (Britain, archaic, thieves' cant) A petty thief or pickpocket.
  2. (Britain, archaic, thieves' cant) A tinker.
  3. (archaic) A conceited dandy; a fop.
  4. A deliberately superior person; a person who demonstrates an exaggerated conformity or propriety, especially in an irritatingly arrogant or smug manner.


  1. (slang, dated) To filch or steal.
  2. To copulate.
  3. To ride.




  1. formal; precise; affectedly neat or nice
  2. prudish, straight-laced


  1. (plants) privet


  1. (dated) To dress or act smartly.
  2. (dated) To make affectedly precise or proper.




  1. (northern UK, dialectal) Alternative spelling of preen




  1. Abbreviation of priority.





  1. (Internet slang) A private account.
  2. (computing, informal, usually in the plural) Clipping of privilege.







  1. Pounds per square inch, gauge (unit of pressure)




  1. plural of psi






  1. One of a breed of Hungarian sheepdog with a distinctive thick, corded coat.




  1. A type of unleavened bread from India and Pakistan, usually deep-fried.
  2. In Bali and other parts of Indonesia, a palace, or other residence of a member of the royal family or ruling class.




  1. purulent




  1. (biochemistry, dated) An albuminoid constituent of pus, related to mucin, possibly a mixture of substances rather than a single body.




  1. A smart, sarcastic turn or jest; a taunt; a severe retort or comeback; a gibe.


  1. (intransitive) To make a quip.
  2. (transitive) To taunt; to treat with quips.





  1. (archaic) Maturated or suppurated; ready to discharge (said of sores, tumors, etc.)
  2. (figuratively) Having attained its full development; mature; perfected
  3. (law) Of a conflict between parties, having developed to a stage where the conflict may be reviewed by a court of law.
  4. (obsolete) Intoxicated.
  5. (of foods) Advanced to the state of fitness for use; mellow
  6. (of fruits, vegetables, seeds etc.) Ready for reaping or gathering; having attained perfection; mature
  7. (proscribed, used with with) Rife
  8. Like ripened fruit in ruddiness and plumpness.
  9. Ready for action or effect; prepared.
  10. Smelly: having a disagreeable odor.


  1. (agriculture) A fruit or vegetable which has ripened.
  2. The bank of a river.


  1. (transitive, obsolete) To search; to rummage.
  2. To ripen or mature





  1. plural of rip


  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rip




  1. A rubbing or grating together.


  1. To rub together, to rasp or grate.






  1. (archaic, nautical, formal) A sailing vessel with three or more square-rigged masts.
  2. (cartomancy) The third card of the Lenormand deck.
  3. (chiefly in combination) A vessel which travels through any medium other than across land, such as an airship or spaceship.
  4. (computing, mathematics, chiefly in combination) A spaceship (the type of pattern in a cellular automaton).
  5. (dated) An aircraft.
  6. (fandom slang) A fictional romantic relationship between two characters, either real or themselves fictional, especially one explored in fan fiction.
  7. (nautical) A water-borne vessel generally larger than a boat.
  8. A dish or utensil (originally fashioned like the hull of a ship) used to hold incense.


  1. (colloquial, with dummy it) Leave, depart, scram.
  2. (fandom slang) To support or approve of a fictional romantic relationship between two characters, typically in fan fiction or other fandom contexts.
  3. (intransitive) To embark on a ship.
  4. (poker slang, transitive, intransitive) To go all in.
  5. (rugby) To bungle a kick and give the opposing team possession.
  6. (sports) To trade or send a player to another team.
  7. (transitive) To send (a parcel or container) to a recipient (by any means of transport).
  8. (transitive) To send by water-borne transport.
  9. (transitive) To take in (water) over the sides of a vessel.
  10. (transitive, colloquial) To pass (from one person to another).
  11. (transitive, intransitive) To engage to serve on board a vessel.
  12. (transitive, intransitive) To release a product (not necessarily physical) to vendors or customers; to launch.
  13. (transitive, nautical) To put or secure in its place.




  1. Abbreviation of simplified.


  1. (slang) A man who foolishly overvalues and defers to a woman, putting her on a pedestal.
  2. (slang) A simple person lacking common sense; a fool or simpleton.
  3. (slang) An advocate for an ideology or cause.
  4. (slang, by extension) Someone who foolishly overvalues someone else and defers to them, putting them on a pedestal.
  5. (slang, by extension) Someone who is not worthy of respect.


  1. (intransitive, slang, by extension) To obsequiously praise or admire.
  2. (intransitive, slang, by extension) To reminisce melancholically; to recall once fond memories now tinged with sadness, especially regarding a former lover.
  3. (intransitive, slang, of a man) To be especially deferential to and emotionally vulnerable with a woman, often with the intent of receiving sexual gratification.





  1. (Britain, dialect) A drain.
  2. (US) Slit in a tire to drain away surface water and improve traction.


  1. (US) To cut grooves in tires.
  2. (intransitive, Britain) To drain, to filter through peat or reeds; to seep.





  1. plural of sip




  1. (Australia, New Zealand, Britain) A large open-topped container for waste, designed to be lifted onto the back of a truck to remove it along with its contents. (see also skep).
  2. (Australia, slang) An Australian of Anglo-Celtic descent.
  3. (Scouting, informal) The scoutmaster of a troop of scouts (youth organization) and their form of address to him.
  4. (Trinity College, Dublin, historical) A college servant.
  5. (UK, Scotland, dialect) A skep, or basket, such as a creel or a handbasket.
  6. (bowls) The captain of a bowls team, who directs the team's tactics and rolls the side's last wood, so as to be able to retrieve a difficult situation if necessary.
  7. (curling) The player who calls the shots and traditionally throws the last two rocks.
  8. (mining) A transportation container in a mine, usually for ore or mullock.
  9. (music) A passage from one sound to another by more than a degree at once.
  10. (radio) skywave propagation
  11. (specially) The captain of a sports team. Also, a form of address by the team to the captain.
  12. (steelmaking) A skip car.
  13. (sugar manufacture) A charge of syrup in the pans.
  14. A beehive.
  15. A leaping, jumping or skipping movement.
  16. A person who attempts to disappear so as not to be found.
  17. A wheeled basket used in cotton factories.
  18. Short for skipper, the master or captain of a ship, or other person in authority.
  19. The act of passing over an interval from one thing to another; an omission of a part.


  1. (intransitive) To leap about lightly.
  2. (intransitive) To move by hopping on alternate feet.
  3. (intransitive) To skim, ricochet or bounce over a surface.
  4. (knitting, crocheting) To pass by a stitch as if it were not there, continuing with the next stitch.
  5. (of a phonograph record) To cause the stylus to jump back to the previous loop of the record's groove, continously repeating that part of the sound as a result of excessive scratching or wear.
  6. (printing) To have insufficient ink transfer.
  7. (transitive) To disregard, miss or omit part of a continuation (some item or stage).
  8. (transitive) To throw (something), making it skim, ricochet, or bounce over a surface.
  9. (transitive, informal) Not to attend (some event, especially a class or a meeting).
  10. (transitive, informal) To leave, especially in a sudden and covert manner.
  11. To jump rope.
  12. To leap lightly over.
  13. To place an item in a skip (etymology 2, sense 1).




  1. (UK, dated) A narrow passage between buildings.
  2. (US) A long seat or narrow pew in churches, often without a door.
  3. (aviation) Clipping of sideslip.
  4. (ceramics) A thin, slippery mix of clay and water.
  5. (cricket) Any of several fielding positions to the off side of the wicket keeper, designed to catch the ball after being deflected from the bat; a fielder in that position (See first slip, second slip, third slip, fourth slip and fifth slip.)
  6. (dated) A child's pinafore.
  7. (electrical) The difference between the actual and synchronous speeds of an induction motor.
  8. (engineering) The motion of the centre of resistance of the float of a paddle wheel, or the blade of an oar, through the water horizontally, or the difference between a vessel's actual speed and the speed it would have if the propelling instrument acted upon a solid; also, the velocity, relatively to still water, of the backward current of water produced by the propeller.
  9. (marine insurance) A memorandum of the particulars of a risk for which a policy is to be executed. It usually bears the broker's name and is initiated by the underwriters.
  10. (medicine) A one-time return to previous maladaptive behaviour after cure.
  11. (mining) A dislocation of a lead, destroying continuity.
  12. (nautical) A berth; a space for a ship to moor.
  13. (nautical) A difference between the theoretical distance traveled per revolution of the propeller and the actual advance of the vessel.
  14. (nautical) A slipway.
  15. (obsolete) A counterfeit piece of money, made from brass covered with silver.
  16. (obsolete) A descendant, a scion.
  17. (obsolete) Mud, slime.
  18. (printing, dated) A portion of the columns of a newspaper etc. struck off by itself; a proof from a column of type when set up and in the galley.
  19. (telecommunications) The positional displacement in a sequence of transmitted symbols that causes the loss or insertion of one or more symbols.
  20. A fish, the sole.
  21. A leash or string by which a dog is held; so called from its being made in such a manner as to slip, or become loose, by relaxation of the hand.
  22. A long, thin piece of something.
  23. A mistake or error.
  24. A number between 0 and 1 that is the difference between the angular speed of a rotating magnetic field and the angular speed of its rotor, divided by the angular speed of the magnetic field.
  25. A particular quantity of yarn.
  26. A slipdress.
  27. A small piece of paper, especially one longer than it is wide, typically a form for writing on or one giving printed information.
  28. A twig or shoot; a cutting.
  29. A woman's undergarment worn under a skirt or dress to conceal unwanted nudity that may otherwise be revealed by the skirt or dress itself; a shift.
  30. A young person (now usually with of introducing descriptive qualifier).
  31. An act or instance of slipping.
  32. An escape; a secret or unexpected desertion.
  33. An outside covering or case.
  34. Matter found in troughs of grindstones after the grinding of edge tools.


  1. (intransitive) To accidentally reveal a secret or otherwise say something unintentional.
  2. (intransitive) To err.
  3. (intransitive) To lose one’s traction on a slippery surface; to slide due to a lack of friction.
  4. (intransitive) To move or fly (out of place); to shoot; often with out, off, etc.
  5. (intransitive) To move quickly and often secretively; to depart, withdraw, enter, appear, intrude, or escape as if by sliding.
  6. (intransitive, aviation, of an aircraft) Clipping of sideslip.: To fly with the longitudinal axis misaligned with the relative wind.
  7. (intransitive, figuratively) To move down; to slide.
  8. (obsolete) To omit; to lose by negligence.
  9. (transitive) To cause to move smoothly and quickly; to slide; to convey gently or secretly.
  10. (transitive) To pass (a note, money, etc.), often covertly.
  11. (transitive, business) To cause (a schedule or release, etc.) to go, or let it go, beyond the allotted deadline.
  12. (transitive, cooking) To remove the skin of a soft fruit, such as a tomato or peach, by blanching briefly in boiling water, then transferring to cold water so that the skin peels, or slips, off easily.
  13. (transitive, hunting, falconry) To release (a dog, a bird of prey, etc.) to go after a quarry.
  14. To bring forth (young) prematurely; to slink.
  15. To cause to slip or slide off, or out of place.
  16. To cut slips from; to cut; to take off; to make a slip or slips of.




  1. (dated) An impertinent or mischievous person.
  2. (definite, the snip, euphemistic) A vasectomy.
  3. (informal) A small or weak person, especially a young one.
  4. (informal) Something acquired for a low price; a bargain.
  5. (obsolete) A share or portion; a snack.
  6. (obsolete, slang) A tailor.
  7. (onomatopoeia) An act or sound of snipping, the sound produced by scissors.
  8. A piece cut out by snipping.
  9. A single cut with scissors, clippers, or similar tool.
  10. A small amount of something; a pinch.
  11. A white marking on a horse's muzzle, between the nostrils.
  12. The act of snipping; cutting a small amount off of something.


  1. (Internet) To remove the irrelevant parts of quotations in the reply message.
  2. (informal) To circumcise.
  3. To break off; to snatch away.
  4. To cut with short sharp actions, as with scissors.
  5. To reduce the price of a product, to create a snip.




  1. (US, derogatory, ethnic slur) A Latino; a person of Latin American descent.






  1. Alternative spelling of spic




  1. (Internet) Unsolicited commercial messages sent via an instant messaging system.
  2. (telephony) Unsolicited messages sent to cellular phones.




  1. (UK, prison slang) A search of a prisoner's cell for forbidden articles.
  2. (aviation) A condition of flight where a stalled aircraft is simultaneously pitching, yawing, and rolling in a spinning motion.
  3. (countable, uncountable) A favourable comment or interpretation intended to bias opinion on an otherwise unpleasant situation.
  4. (dated) An unmarried woman; a spinster.
  5. (informal, used among autistic people) Special interest of an autistic person.
  6. (mechanical engineering) An abnormal condition in journal bearings where the bearing seizes to the rotating shaft and rotates inside the journal, destroying both the shaft and the journal.
  7. (nautical) Short for spinnaker.
  8. (physics) A quantum angular momentum associated with subatomic particles, which also creates a magnetic moment.
  9. (sports) Rotation of the ball as it flies through the air; sideways movement of the ball as it bounces.
  10. (uncountable) The use of an exercise bicycle, especially as part of a gym class.
  11. A brief trip by vehicle, especially one made for pleasure.
  12. A bundle of spun material; a mass of strands and filaments.
  13. A single play of a record by a radio station.
  14. Rapid circular motion.


  1. (UK, law enforcement, slang, transitive) To search rapidly.
  2. (aviation, of a pilot) To cause one's aircraft to enter or remain in a spin (abnormal stalled flight mode).
  3. (aviation, of an aircraft) To enter, or remain in, a spin (abnormal stalled flight mode).
  4. (computing, programming, intransitive) To wait in a loop until some condition becomes true.
  5. (cooking) To form into thin strips or ribbons, as with sugar
  6. (cricket, of a ball) To move sideways when bouncing.
  7. (cricket, of a bowler) To make the ball move sideways when it bounces on the pitch.
  8. (ergative) To rotate, revolve, gyrate (usually quickly); to partially or completely rotate to face another direction.
  9. (figurative) To present, describe, or interpret, or to introduce a bias or slant, so as to give something a favorable or advantageous appearance.
  10. (transitive) To make yarn by twisting and winding fibers together.
  11. (transitive, informal) To play (vinyl records, etc.) as a disc jockey.
  12. To form (a web, a cocoon, silk, etc.) from threads produced by the extrusion of a viscid, transparent liquid, which hardens on coming into contact with the air; said of the spider, the silkworm, etc.
  13. To move swiftly.
  14. To ride a bicycle at a fast cadence.
  15. To shape, as malleable sheet metal, into a hollow form, by bending or buckling it by pressing against it with a smooth hand tool or roller while the metal revolves, as in a lathe.
  16. To stream or issue in a thread or a small current or jet.
  17. To use an exercise bicycle, especially as part of a gym class.




  1. (countable) An instance of spitting; specifically, a light fall of rain or snow.
  2. (uncountable) Saliva, especially when expectorated.
  3. (uncountable) Synonym of slam (“card game”)
  4. A generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsula.
  5. A person who exactly resembles someone else (usually in set phrases; see spitting image).
  6. A thin metal or wooden rod on which meat is skewered for cooking, often over a fire.
  7. The amount of soil that a spade holds; a spadeful.
  8. The depth to which the blade of a spade goes into the soil when it is used for digging; a layer of soil of the depth of a spade's blade.


  1. (impersonal) To rain or snow slightly.
  2. (intransitive) To make a spitting sound, like an angry cat.
  3. (intransitive, dialectal) To dig, to spade.
  4. (intransitive, slang, humorous) (in the form spitting) To spit facts; to tell the truth.
  5. (transitive) To impale on a spit; to pierce with a sharp object.
  6. (transitive) To use a spit to cook; to attend to food that is cooking on a spit.
  7. (transitive, dialectal) To dig (something) using a spade; also, to turn (the soil) using a plough.
  8. (transitive, dialectal) To plant (something) using a spade.
  9. (transitive, intransitive) To emit or expel in a manner similar to evacuating saliva from the mouth.
  10. (transitive, intransitive) To evacuate (saliva or another substance) from the mouth, etc.
  11. (transitive, intransitive) To utter (something) violently.
  12. (transitive, slang, hip-hop) To rap, to utter.




  1. (Britain, dated) A flashy con artist, often homeless, who lives by his wits.
  2. (Britain, dated) A slacker; one who shirks responsibility.
  3. (Britain, dated, Scotland Yard) A low and common thief.
  4. (Britain, historical) A smartly dressed person who trades in illicit, black-market or stolen goods, especially during World War II.







  1. plural of tip


  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tip




  1. (India) A taqiyah (skullcap worn by Muslims etc.)
  2. An antelope of the species Damaliscus korrigum.




  1. (poker slang) Of or relating to trips (three of a kind).


  1. (by extension) Intense involvement in or enjoyment of a condition.
  2. (colloquial) A period of time in which one experiences drug-induced reverie or hallucinations.
  3. (electricity) A trip-switch or cut-out.
  4. (engineering) A mechanical cutout device.
  5. (figurative, archaic) An error; a failure; a mistake.
  6. (nautical) A single board, or tack, in plying, or beating, to windward.
  7. (obsolete) A small piece; a morsel; a bit.
  8. (obsolete) A troop of men; a host.
  9. (obsolete, UK, Scotland, dialect) A herd or flock of sheep, goats, etc.
  10. A faux pas, a social error.
  11. A flock of wigeons.
  12. A journey; an excursion or jaunt.
  13. A quick, light step; a lively movement of the feet; a skip.
  14. A stumble or misstep.
  15. The act of tripping someone, or causing them to lose their footing.


  1. (intransitive) To be activated, as by a signal or an event
  2. (intransitive) To be guilty of a misstep or mistake; to commit an offence against morality, propriety, etc
  3. (intransitive) To experience a state of reverie or to hallucinate, due to consuming psychoactive drugs.
  4. (intransitive) To fall over or stumble over an object as a result of striking it with one's foot
  5. (intransitive) To journey, to make a trip.
  6. (intransitive, dated) To move with light, quick steps; to walk or move lightly; to skip.
  7. (nautical) To pull (a yard) into a perpendicular position for lowering it.
  8. (nautical) To raise (an anchor) from the bottom, by its cable or buoy rope, so that it hangs free.
  9. (slang, African-American Vernacular, most commonly used in the form tripping) To become unreasonably upset, especially over something unimportant; to cause a scene or a disruption.
  10. (transitive) To activate or set in motion, as in the activation of a trap, explosive, or switch.
  11. (transitive, obsolete) To detect in a misstep; to catch; to convict.
  12. (transitive, sometimes followed by "up") To cause (a person or animal) to fall or stumble by knocking their feet from under them.








  1. (African-American Vernacular, MTE) A mode of personal motorized transportation; an automobile, all makes and models including motorcycles, excluding public transportation.
  2. (UK politics, by extension) The regular status of an MP within a parliamentary party, which can be revoked by the party as a disciplinary measure.
  3. (UK politics, with definite article) A document distributed weekly to MPs by party whips informing them of upcoming votes in parliament.
  4. (historical) A coach driver; a coachman.
  5. (hunting) A whipper-in.
  6. (music) A wippen, a rocking component in certain piano actions.
  7. (nautical) A purchase in which one block is used to gain a 2:1 mechanical advantage.
  8. (politics) A member of a political party who is in charge of enforcing the party's policies in votes; a whipper-in.
  9. (roller derby) A move in which one player transfers momentum to another.
  10. A blow administered with a whip.
  11. A lash; a pliant, flexible instrument, such as a rod (commonly of cane or rattan) or a plaited or braided rope or thong (commonly of leather) used to create a sharp "crack" sound for directing or herding animals.
  12. A spring in certain electrical devices for making a circuit
  13. A whipping motion; a thrashing about.
  14. The quality of being whiplike or flexible; suppleness, as of the shaft of a golf club.
  15. The same instrument used to strike a person or animal for corporal punishment or torture.
  16. Whipped cream.


  1. (figurative) To lash with sarcasm, abuse, etc.
  2. (intransitive) To move very fast.
  3. (intransitive) To snap back and forth like a whip.
  4. (transitive) To hit with a whip.
  5. (transitive) To mix in a rapid aerating fashion, especially food.
  6. (transitive) To move (something) very fast; often with up, out, etc.
  7. (transitive) To throw or kick an object at a high velocity.
  8. (transitive) To urge into action or obedience.
  9. (transitive, by extension) To hit with any flexible object.
  10. (transitive, intransitive) To fish a body of water especially by making repeated casts.
  11. (transitive, nautical) To bind the end of a rope with twine or other small stuff to prevent its unlaying: fraying or unravelling.
  12. (transitive, nautical) To hoist or purchase by means of a whip.
  13. (transitive, politics) To enforce a member voting in accordance with party policy.
  14. (transitive, roller derby) To transfer momentum from one skater to another.
  15. (transitive, slang) To defeat, as in a contest or game.
  16. To sew lightly; specifically, to form (a fabric) into gathers by loosely overcasting the rolled edge and drawing up the thread.
  17. To thrash; to beat out, as grain, by striking.




  1. (derogatory, slang) Someone who lacks confidence or courage, is weak, ineffectual, irresolute and wishy-washy.
  2. Alternative spelling of WIMP


  1. (intransitive) To behave submissively.
  2. (transitive) To render wimpy.




  1. (UK, slang, obsolete) A blow or swipe; the act of striking somebody or something.
  2. (UK, slang, obsolete) A handkerchief.
  3. (obsolete) A sarcastic remark; a reproof, a jibe.
  4. (role-playing games, video games) An instance of all members of a party dying in a single campaign, event, or battle; a wipeout.
  5. A kind of film transition where one shot replaces another by travelling from one side of the frame to another or with a special shape.
  6. A lapwing, especially a northern lapwing (Vanellus vanellus).
  7. A soft piece of cloth or cloth-like material used for wiping.
  8. The act of wiping something.


  1. (figurative) To remove an expression from one's face.
  2. (intransitive, role-playing games, video games) To have all members of a party die in a single campaign, event, or battle; to be wiped out.
  3. (obsolete) To cheat; to defraud; to trick; usually followed by out.
  4. (transitive) To deperm (a ship).
  5. (transitive) To move an object over, maintaining contact, with the intention of removing some substance from the surface. (Compare rub.)
  6. (transitive) To remove by rubbing; to rub off; to obliterate; usually followed by away, off, or out.
  7. (transitive, computing) To erase.
  8. (transitive, intransitive) To clean (the buttocks) after defecation.
  9. (transitive, plumbing) To make (a joint, as between pieces of lead pipe), by surrounding the junction with a mass of solder, applied in a plastic condition by means of a rag with which the solder is shaped by rubbing.






  1. (uncountable) A disease affecting the feet of cattle.
  2. A flock of snipe.
  3. A small bundle, as of straw or other like substance; any slender, flexible structure or group.
  4. A whisk, or small broom.
  5. A will o' the wisp, or ignis fatuus.
  6. An immeasurable, indefinable essence of life; soul.


  1. (UK, dialect, obsolete) To rumple.
  2. (intransitive) To produce a wisp, as of smoke.
  3. (transitive) To brush or dress, as with a wisp.
  4. (transitive) To emit in wisps.





  1. Used to express surprise, fear, or dismay.




  1. (informal) A nervous condition which prevents a sportsperson from playing properly; especially a condition which causes a golfer to miss an easy putt, or a tennis player to serve a double fault.
  2. plural of yip


  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of yip




  1. (historical) A ruler in the southern area of Muisca.




  1. plural of zip